Show for fo acou coughs hs an and colds ka apo 1 d S there Is a remedy over sixty years old ayers che cherry rry pectoral 01 0 A course lo 10 ou u have heard of it probably pro bibly have used it once orce in the family it stays the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest ask your doctor about it the bt best hind kind of a testimonial sold lor for over sixty years bt J C ar ay arr r M lowll lowell mass M A aro rr tore of 9 SAHA PARILLA tiers tatt MILS PILLS virtol vre havo no til I 1 W Ws publish the formulas formu lb of all oar our allala ml modi lala ayers pills Inc increase rense the activity of 1 tho the liver and th thus us aid ald recovery I 1 nihed suite ittem it tem I 1 an I 1 aniie e alt nf 1 luke CI city ty ulah july lt 16 1 blui litia lit iw it may concern notice Is I 1 berba given flint iho the state tali tit of utah bin a aled in thin this omoo 11 a 4 of inn ian 14 w elected by tb the 81 hilj id state as indemnity school lalih under sa s1 ft the act of awre 4 ap july 10 idt ibe llie following follow lne tracts in I 1 wax are fe to elx six inu 1 location aulm or eitan vix vl loti lots I 1 3 1 and 4 si 1401 IU 19 twp I 1 11 I 1 sieb tb it nice 9 1 ast 4 L L 1 M I td I 1 n latt 76 7 11 ta NW tand anil ma M SW aeo eo to I 1 twp 11 au south t I 1 aluni u 0 9 1 ast 1 S 14 4 in list 77 sant 11 N I 1 U t II 11 11 liln II 11 souta danaf V att t S t L M in lit LN 78 18 swe Vs ies I es 20 twp I 1 ll I 1 juth ijanke 0 V iut I ut ast 4 L t M embraced in alit 7 N t N nwe aud na S NH 4 k kg c JH ill evv I 1 wit south V t f an S 1 M t embraced in a ll 11 t BO 80 N dinv Ni q 14 NV 3 N aj nl P espo ec 30 south I 1 U I 1 vit S 1 it amb emb r aced n list MI nau 41 sec 4 rr if 11 auth 8 I 1 tut ast S 4 1 ein brund n list SJ i 1 vople 1 of a d hit ints w m fur am the artl alite to to kuld suld by ilen dew rip liptia tia 1111 1 divi doat bae haie bo ban cri conspicuously poked in this 4 domce for I 1 tn lon by dy any Inter interested eted unit anti by the public public generally Kene rally within thu the next duys ollo winit the date of this thi notice under depart mental in of 10 11 1900 pro tests or tests aga tho the claim ut of the state hereinbefore d e scribed on the fermind hut the onto Is morn more valuable r abiB for mineral than for pur posts will te to received and noted forte or report 1 tu fu the he kendrat lund land office ofte ut at I 1 1 L C tuure eo to to ur or contout the tinie time opp filed will wit bb toni leered nun itlen evident te ce of 1 the ce non mineral character of the tract tracts nn tin I 1 the t thereof be ng otherwise free fron from fotion w will lit be tw for approval I 1 RANK 1 U apt rpt puh put july 2 20 lust lat sept 30 20 pot kf t p i of utah in two alzee with valuable statistical information for stile at the 1 kd acate ocate a awo gait ce botler 11 I 1 take ake 1 city lilly united utah 0 1 o M hom II 11 1 may I concern n aw I 1 hereby rby gle 1 tb the tate of etab d I 1 a this mee lisp ot of lan land 4 11 oy by under he said state as cudei mally 81 achoo holl 1 lando nr I 1 e bee 6 of the act Ot 0 oon approved d july mi 1914 thi the following embraced I in ill ad 1 6 oil six mil biff 1 11 doom are am found to be with within location claim or viz lot 1 I 1 4 WK V u and nd nl 4 N nt t ec 31 T tup lo 10 p I 1 13 3 auth u 1 ja bitang n e 8 k mast a t S 1 nt CLU t brai brit braim M in ln list I 1 let NO 10 66 ab nb ebeo 3 two 13 south boutu it I 1 tint a at 4 S L AI eglit a n 67 7 lists no far they relate to hald tract tracts by faub bae have been conspicuously panted I 1 la 11 thlu iam loftice for in the by any and by public bi z erny within the nest axtt lo 10 I 1 w ing the date c f tl thin its notice under impart lepart mental instructions or of january 10 protest or contests against affaIr Ht the claim of the state to arbot of the division of on ne be around that 1111 bame a is ti more inore valuable for maeral tai than fo to 1 u pur po will be rt m elved and noted for report to mes the general ire land domce at N P t failure NO so to protest or content within the time A 1 I ed will bo be ci cl ial evidence dence of 0 acl the non tion mineral baracker bar acter of the tracts the M elections thereof tree free ianiro ob will be led for approve il it D V haims oil kelter I 1 arst pub boily 26 lat sept 20 alanl alt till 1 laike iti utah iulys ani it inay noll 14 tic reba irlen ell th that a it the tho I 1 ateon t ulan utah hae filed flied inthir boffl omec cc lists altur 0 r b the did odid o plat as alln innis Is uti ler ter action eit lon af ahe hu ct of 1 l ft 1 fitly li 1 the follow lne cd in PHI mil I 1 alite nrc fire found to I 1 e w thin nix mix tulles tit it I 1 31 21 lap II 11 south li kange angell ritt fat at t lake alarid ian embrace I 1 in I 1 itt nt 9 ht 1 N q N t t nvia see 9 wt ilka I lka sec 5 twp 13 12 south range 10 riest ailt jt lal let e meridian eui embraced braced tir in list 8 N awu section S nyi 41 d twp 13 12 south range 10 it east salt 0 merliin meri ian i 1 braced in allt 86 I 1 tats tn wait t i bald alil trat tra t ti 1 edit uh liar blan onsol L in ill tit alili 11 for or in I 1 tion by any interested an I 1 I t the th atlle bastir iral ly althin athill till tit it sixt la in s following the date tit thi thim up ler ie de juit tul emi of JAnt itry 14 1941 1 tile ceitlin or the nanto ti of ne harr lilt lon on the their round that the sawo I 1 I 1 I 1 blore bluem lor for mineral halthan than purposed pur pone sep will b and noti for na rt to it iho lie art 14 lift otaw at jacb ash lo lourton irton 1 1 i po coto to prote st or cou ti t within the tirre specified will I 1 ie e et c 1191 I 1 e ei t I 1 cil dinco tit 1 l the t t A ratter of thu he tracts prid thy the I 1 amre rea f I 1 aluir art frt o front 01 ejection will ar for aal it an IL 1 nr ur 3 Itt Pt 17 7 A guaranteed CUBE CURE FOR PILES itching mind blind dimling protruding piles plies druggist aro are to refund money it PAZO OIN niem rale T calbi to cure in lit G C to 14 da 1 i ak 5 4 islic I 1 4 soine of f tile luft mei ei stint 4 iner in all 11 papers tiro tire of dle 4 4 11 most lost betti beautiful alful patterns pattern und and tire being behig t sold looi louel till alinn n 4 cheit nor norvial i ital price THE FALL r 0 ARE ALREADY for your selection election and ou ott 4 cn can I 1 yet got first choice bioni 4 4 tl them ielli mally qualities iteld all till sell ut at it u low price aji 4 I 1 J C BERGLUND 4 awre UTAH im w I 1 I 1 4 JAMIN r JOHNSON S roul ft JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW M S 14 MAIN salt lake city utah F E WOODS attorney at law 1 14 1111 ILI TAll will in all tte oe tt e cw tj la in all citi civil case minler abiud iro I ro bae bule acan given aien Atte tillou R a A KIRKER M E examinations and rep iris oo 00 mines I attention Alten llon alv 01 to corboo eastern Ea tern utah and colorado po teofll alrae arite Sun clam utah and od grand buntt on colorado lo PRICE AND AD MYTON STAGE STA GE cl cc LUNDQUIST operating be boac tn e a price myton my ton and the liveli I twice au aej staso alivs price every very tuesday and friday at lit 2 00 p u FAI rif 11 pi ve t to 0 the tile wells 5 price to myton 7 1 bound ovin d tn tri 42 ten toll set tnt lt a milo for intermediate points r L Z I 1 rues rates 1 11 ants per pound 25 cents for mall pai cels ruc rate t t nw 7 if mib I 1 cent per pound price agency at R 6 W depot H L L moule moul el agen C WWI WHAT HAT EXCUSE CAN YOU OFFER YOUR WIFE NFL for not having a telephone z fu t in your home it saves her tier anany a step to tile graur und butcher und and enables her tier to quick ly sumi summon tion the doctor and sound the tile 1 I 1 ilaryi in cas caso of fire connections CO with nine mile myton vernal verna fort rort ducheane and anti xanti A v aho also cleeland huntington castle astie sp date Orang orangeville eville borron und and th asti haf tato ahli side spring glen acquire the habit it tilt R fr president and general manager PRICE UTAH 10 we collected ec TP elm A 5 U for forar dr IV E F Fr rebec murray within the last silt d anys ity s does doc any one olle ewt 01 you if GO no turn in 0 accounts und and vic e ill get g you some money I 1 MERCHANTS protective association I 1 MC collectors 0 1 IIA BAD D DEBTS F it CIS G LUKE general manager r fifth floor catl bank illig salt lake city ut moth 1 boine people dont alku us its COFFINS CASKETS AND BURIAL GOOS U complete line always in stock TELEGRAPH TELEPHONE AND ORDERS BY MAIL GIVEN PROMPT z ATTENTION HARHON HARMON OLSON mercantile COMPANY PRICE UTAH r INC IF 1 not I lift to 1 gs pueblo dinino n C I 1 cak lead r lc ahlo le Glom springs car I 1 asien Allic tion stilt ff alko jk c aden mt 0 city og osdin SC 1 V 10 I 1 tacoma caiti Frati eico los angeles An angles goles port it lit carte I 1 hh alm 1 tin lw pa I 1 towns oil alte lans ns and all in an I 1 new camp roligh I 1 ati it 9 favorite rout 1111 0 it all aly sis line to all mountain resorts 4 PA lnor I 1 the through lake ity en rout TM I 1 n through 0 ak surl WUBIN ANO AND 1 1 6 c cripple ripple creek salt lake aft city Lead sleeping 1 lort portland 3 land Glen glenmoor mood springs orand juric ju cars hon tion chicago los angers st louis and san s I 1 ilo 7 0 1 T A denv r aio L I 1 k BENTON 0 A salt iko lale CRY |