Show GILSONITE MINERS WANTED at dragon utah wages per bight hour day GILSON ASPHALTUM CO W H pay 1 1 ec in all the coultm of the acte abw lit he k thoral courtil mee at court 0 F ME I 1 IO 10 maki U n the i of the ti ie public sc school system of the tile state i birj the university of utah includes A inci ludes the school of arts and sciences the state N normal school and the state school q acho 01 of mines SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STATE SCHOOL OF MINES tho tile school of mines offers coura in I 1 ilio lie school of arts and sciences often offer courbis in science i 1 mantor engineering Engin cering general I 1 electrical 2 liberal al arts 2 3 u and industry i 1 civil Lugi 4 government go crement and 4 1 I mechanical engineering 5 Journ journalism allam 5 chemical engineering teachers tT b eachers course stud ID to a minin min in j country 7 Med medicine leine first to wo eara ears I 1 preparatory SCHOOL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL A preparatory school Is maintained the normal school offers agles preparation for the courses in general 1 I A acar normal course coure ence liberal arts art engineering medicine bual dusl advanced normal courses 3 kindergarten normal courses ness etc ono one year of high school work Is ne for graduates from the eight grades of the public schools are admitted to tile formal school admission to the preparatory school tho the greatest of Aino rici and europe oro are represented in ili the tile faculty tho university library Is the largest and und best in the tile state tho the shops and ansur pas ed in the completeness ot of their equipment tho tile pro proximity of great mines rt reduction luction works of various ious kinde kinds and nd houses for the generation geno rution of electricity afford excellent advantages tor for thorough and practical work in all the engineering coursie tho tile undergraduate work offered Is 1 as thorough and complete as can bo be obtain obtained eil anywhere no tuition is charged but an annual registration ate of 10 is of students september and instruction begins september students tsure are lo 10 lending suitably auit suit ablo boarding places THE CATALOGUE IS SENT FREE UPON REQUEST correspondence IS INVITED UNIVE OF ureah salt ake lake L city utah F F FISK M D physician and surgeon wacon 1 ubi omen FOUR OUR boons vs wis it v b D livingston littier Liw tier cr MANTI 11 ate in Q 1 11 haeb attention Attest lon and matter o 0 I 1 iral alwn att IMet ted in 0 o all the aun L |