Show old nei papers for sale at thie this of alf a hundred C ufa e e of utah industrial SCHOOL 1 GREAT 71 F MEN dien AND WOMEN fe SUCCESS TN a and comfort to tle aed huou to the rich an old to 0 the youna Leu acan ining iKue wealth alth to the lar an honor COURSES OF STUDY animal engineering mechanics agricultural Agro agronomic nomi irrigation sewerage itRO i roads anil anti pay pavements industry Vote rinar v bounce science irrigation etc and drainage etc COMMERCE business administration accounting swim AND ARTS cooking Coo kingan anti dietetics transportation 11 laev TT l l Eco 1 banking household sanitation halene Hg lene sewing I 1 raph etc LIC leg les etc GENERAL SCIENCE comprising Ma matheins theina pattern MECHANIC ARTS carvener tr forging modern economics natural mn an ties tics history work founder matting carriage Build log and 03 etc chino chine work etc and anti library work training music art COURSES aro also offend in IT IS IMPORTANT to attend that ou oil ron lder carefully the afforded b the before you decide which faculty modern courtes it studa stud splendid quip moni moral atmosphere OF UTAH iti 10 strong COLLEGE agricultural and the uniform tind anti splendid of its Etu students dents tho low and healthful on also expensed expenses 0 aid twenty buildings arm aided N ith the best modern equipment live stock forms orchards gardens parade grounds athletic tid 1 afford exceptional facilities tor for thorough and elli clent wark A strong faculty of experts ex perta representing the beat best institutions of america and europe are tire in charge of the work of instruction und and experimentation no tuition entrance fee 5 college opens sept 18 write now for illustrated catalogue ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR agricultural COLLEGE LOGANN UTAH ian if the blead of the flie public school tem i of P the 1 I stale the un university hersity ver sity of utah includes the school of arts and sciences the state normal school and the state school of mines SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1 the I he school of art nal sciences offers courses in science liberal S arte arts a 3 Cornin erue ami and industry 4 government Goern ment nod and administration S 6 readier medicine 7 first two to a ears STATE NORMAL SCHOOL the normal fichtol offers aa I 1 A alve ear normal cours 3 2 addan 1 normal 3 kindergarten normal clursea grad graduates antes untes from ll 11 0 eight grades of the public schools ire re td mitte to the normal school STATE SCHOOL OF MINES the school ot of I 1 mines lines affers con courser asep lu in 1 ning engineering 2 electrical engineering i 1 civil Ensi engineering 4 mechanical engineering 5 chemical engineering study mining in a mining country preparatory GHOUL S A preparatory school la is J chic gieb preparation forthe courses in ill general sel ence liberal art medicine bull nes ties 4 tc te one ono 3 par ear of I 1 agh school vork ork ii far t admission rothn preparatory K bol the greatest U of america and tind the Un herall hermit librae Is the largest europe are tire reri in the faculty facility and lt iest in the tho state the shops and nrc are ansur in the pas passed completeness of their equipment ibo the proximity of great mines mille reduction tion of fro front excellent nd works of ardul kinda ud ni power houdei for the advantages the undergraduates work ordered vantages 11 is for thoro ucb and anti pr act leill nork i ork in nil all tho the no tuition 1 14 Lh arged gl but an tin annual as thorough and an to complete in pleto aj n ca coo n bo oata I 1 net is na w where lie re 91 in fee t of registration ot of student 13 10 is 1 denul 01 in s boarding aa somber pin placed ath and bull idith instruction begins lath a THE CATALOGUE IS SENT FREE UPON REQUEST COH IS INVITED U 1114 1 V OP UTAH salt lake city utah now |