Show ACQUIRE A QUIRE T THE HE HABIT T U LA the delights of the country added to tho the convenient ct cf the city the connecting link la to tho the it keeps tho the ranch and tho settlements sin in touch with the busy commercial centers the markets at tho the coal camps tho the implement dealers and the doctors tho the ranch lines unite tho the entire neighborhood into one family the members anem bora being able to share each others troubles as well as social pleasures YOU NEB NM I 1 A TELEPHONE R G RULER FULLER president and general manager PRICE UTAH COFFINS CASKETS AND BURIAL GOODS complete line always in TELEGRAPH TELEPHONE AND ORDERS BY MAIL GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION HARMON OLSON mercantile COMPANY PRICE UTAH 39 Z OASIS cv C v A S 18 SALOON S A L 0 0 jack 0 entry gentry prop ek Isri andt beer garden and bowling alley in connection everything in the refreshment line freo free lunch after 8 E acry ery eh svening aning second door west of the court house price utah I 1 stat B o ot wf bulk as bopre you prefer the ady acate ocate an at C castle W a s t ow fe gate hotel I 1 under of the he utah fuel company 1 CASTLE GATE UTAH t mot most popular house with commercial men t between provo and grand junction i 0 aab stean heat until path and modem modern Comen ionis table the very best 4 two ocil clars a day 1 H K H 4 4 1 MM M 1 M khi 4 the mint saloon opposite klo grande depot price utah personally CONDUCTED BY JAMES DUMAYNE best brands of whiskies wines cigars cig ga rs and eastern beers lately refitted and refurnished pool table handy place for a smile or a smoke while baitin waiting for the T train rain ro 0 th V TAI TAILORING LORI land 11 emu GO coe provo i guarantees you a perfect fit the latest and most correct styles honest and thorough workmanship every garment cut from pat t terns drafted for you see our cutter and 4 manager E A MITCHELL WHO VISITS CARBON COUNTY TOWNS EVERY THIR TY DAYS OR WRITE PROVO TAILORING 0 COMPANY s provo pr v utah ha 4 4 l H ma i 1 1 H at roo rooneys by s place flace I 1 helper UTAH will wih be fount tho the best in town to drink and shohe fine old kentucky whiskies Whis Ries eastern and salt lake city beers bottled goods in fact everything desirable ju the refreshment line lino plenty of time while the train stops ue J W 11 0 T 1 1 p r I 1 ii 4 fa 11 1 I l l l 1 I 1 I 1 I 11 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 i HH J it pros pres G vice pre pret A MCGOVNEY cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL B OF PRICE UTAH CAPITAL DIRECTORS dill 1 M whitmore Whit A IV 11 horle orble 0 miller geo 1 U I whitmore and L 0 BANKING IN ALL ail ITS BRANCHES exchange drawn on oil principal cities of the united state AcCO accounts lints of business Busi 1 firms stockmen nud and 11 solicited accommodations consistent consla tont witti con banking M hh ta t ahl H 1 1 l l l I H fitzgerald LOX 8 ith IN OLD WHISKIES WINES BEERS AND ALCOHOL seven year old stonewall whiskey 95 per cent pure alcohol f I 1 arce to select rom UTAH PRICE f special Att attention entin to adall Or iram cler 4 04 magnolia hall HO 11 19 I 1 5 catle ca tle oate utah 11 finest LAM of old whiskies wines bottled Bott leil ghodsi s 1 that conry will hay kept in stock 1 I 1 california WINES especially FOR 4 FILY TOCE ull l AND POOL POI taul hac rl ator f to the amt or st col coal crop 1 to fv 01 all i |