Show ra mitchell Mt Is 1 a practical tailor and find cutter he ile gives a try on before f your clothes are finished anti a perfect fit is thua thus Assil red pocket maps of utah in two size sizes nith with valuable statistical for ealo salo at the advocate A guaranteed CURE FOR PILES itching blind bleeding protruding piles plies druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT T fal latoure to uro in 6 to 11 14 days lays coc 4 4 uso felsl 4 11 BE 4 IL iLL nuLl 4 4 4 the caro care avith 1 alich the tile 4 awall 4 ill paper is selected gov c OV 4 orns the avith I 1 ith bich the finished work is observed alie delit paper 4 r is 19 that iIii Ij looks the best 4 special grades for 4 special purposes 4 bo be suii suil at weir 4 excellence come collie and see j j C BERGLUND PRICE U t 4 44 4 4 W D LIVINGs lovingston ToV I 1 a xv MAINTS 11 UTAH water and Litt estion joltn 0 adell attention land Ata tier 11 and 1 all 11 ll legal leir 01 fos will practice tite to all the cotrit PRICE AND AN HYTON STAGE TAUE P coo in LUNDQUIST proprietors operate n bet between can price myton and the wells twice u beek NN lek S stage tage left t L pl anco ice every tuesday tid nd friday at 2 00 1 lla FARE FAREI pi ic ice C to th wells 5 price to myton 7 round trip 12 ten cents it 11 milo for intermediate points express rates 1 cont per pound 25 cents cent for small parcels rato rate to nine M llo I 1 cent per pound price agency at R go G W depot H L L moule agent BAD DEBTS DEAD BEATS and MONEY all go together we can atch some sonia ot of the good money for YOU voil if ou turn in your billa we are collecting un an abundance of good money aery day its a pleasure even in hot liot weather we havo have no other work to do 10 but to collect bad debts filin dead beats you ne nel nei I the men momy y G LUNE general manager MERCHANTS protective association SCIE scientific collectors OF BAD DEBTS fifth bloor common lal nati bank dank salt lake cit citi utah borne some people dont like us r johndon q L jolar 1 JOHNSON FOWLER EYS AT LAW S maa stilt FT salt lake city utah F E WOODS CASTI HAS DAI 1 will pr utice in all the cw CH C H in all all civil mie aro glan jerf jp rf ciucio Aiu cio rio aurande western ry CURRENT TIME CARD kl til TIM last ST no 6 kor grand junction denver deaver and all point fat 1 I 37 27 p a espre 1 no 2 to r G r nd junction aen ter and all point kant east 13 M the fc t tt t title f linotti I 1 no 4 alor lorit grand abid junction denver and all 4 baet ast 12 1233 33 is 1 he atlantic f hyer iyer FOR till AST att vo 1 bor salt suit lake cl ogden and points x 31 express no 3 tur kor salt lake cit oad n and ard pacific coant point ael lits 3 30 baj the iacobo tie hyer klyer 0 40 o e 5 for palt raft lake rita 1 ovien len ana Pit cino point dots not top stop at faai ta flether lol a i tit the scenic 1 1 jilt no 13 1 C olt m P r 1 id and clear creek 3 2 30 leaves cicur cret k for cofield and olton 7 00 oo itic no 0 o JH 18 1 or Is mini und dounn side 8 33 A no als ais k rom bunij side to I 1 it alper 43 p for information concerning routes route connections rates etc apply to or ad dres dress i thoms 4 agent price ce uta etab 1 rn 1 I U TO im los angeles lon long beach catalina Ca talma coronado tent ten city the trip of a lifetime see nearest agent of SAD san pro loi A a gelbs and salt aalt la or write to J M blair BURTNER district Di passenger abt 1 I S P L A S L by SALT LAKE UTAH UTA L R A KIRKER M E examinations aad aal report reports a mines ep all attenson At tenton 01 olven to id p 1 in eastern utah and nd ives ll 11 rdo rado i arit e SM cisco utah and aland u A hair hir a dressing aw nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing something to make the hair more manageable to keep it from being too rough or from splitting at the ends Some something things too that will feed the hair at the same time a regular hair food wen wel fed hair will will remain where it belongs on the head not on the combi comb I 1 the beet best and ind of a testimonial teU sold lor for over sixty years jg ayer co lo AMO manswet uror of A J Y ers PILLS tiers CHERRY PECTORAL |