Show agricultural A 44 I 1 college co I 1 doa I 1 e ae of 0 f utah U ta h GREAT industrial SCHOOL ey W III za all ARES MEN DIEN AND AIND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS IN d alto to the youns u ant anil compart tu to the aged flacon I 1 earni nir q math to the poor an hoi or to the rf ri h no an u COURSES OF STUDY agricultural Agro nonn animal engineering mechanics surveying Sum eying designing Di signing industry veterinary Sc iene 1111 dallying irrigation irrigation sewerage heads aid and pae nud aud drainage etc tilt aunts ants alte DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS Cook lugan itigan I 1 dictates business administration accounting sanitation hygiene bowing hou noti behold econom transportation commercial law ics acs ete raph etc MECHANIC ARTS lor gitig 1 pattern GENERAL SCIENCE corn rid lug english making Mal carriaga Carr Carri lago agn building founder vork moth MB tic history economics languages natural chine work etc v and physical sciences uc COURSES ure tire also offered in ili Alt music isle training and aw ubray work IT IS IMPORTANT before ou oil htide chidi school to attend that 0 o oil consider irefully tare are fully the fI b tho tile agricultural COLLEGE OF UTAH its strong fa faculo cult inafern coune of stud splendid equipment moral antnio phere ard healthful environment also alio the lo 10 low expends end aliv uni orin and splendid did success of its student U sao r mil 3 wt building 4 idAl with the bet bost equipment 11 iho e stock furnis orchards hurde garden gardens parade grounds gro unda letle fael I 1 afford ext optional facil itle for thorough thoro and work arh A strong faculty of experts representing the tile best na ns of america Ai and anti europe are tire in charee charge of the tile work of instruction and expert inen tation no tuition fee sa 5 college pens sept 18 write non nov for illustrated illustrate catalogue ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR agricultural COLLEGE LOBAN LOGAN UTAH IL if 91 AR 0 0 IL AW the lead of the public pul alic i school 55 tem of the stated state the tile university of utah includes the tile school of arts and sciences the state normal school ana state school of mines SCHOOL OF ARTS AN ANO 0 SCIENCES STATE SCHOOL OF MINES the of 0 arta arts and silences u to I 1 general st silence lanct rhe school of mines others course ID in 2 eliberal liberal arts I 1 mining engineering engineer tiff 3 11 tit a 2 electrical Electric ai Lugin cering 1 und it nd ad ill 1 civil ragin peling 5 G Tour nallain 4 mechanical engineering a churbe courbe chemical engineering 7 1 medicine le dicine arst 11 ret tino bears ears study mining in it mining country STATE NORMAL SCHOOL preparatory SCHOOL the bonnal octora Y preparatory school IA five la is maintained which caira Ci ira rii gives a 2 advanced I 1 normal coure Prilla preparation tation for the courses cou in general 1 silence 3 coll a liberal arts engineering Ste dicine cin busl dud no etc from 00 eight aralles 1 zell schoola an are to the tile nf of the one bear ear of 0 high schou i 1 wah grit 14 nw br for to tho the preparatory the of the tile unitt Unc falty ralty la Is the he largest and anti europe at are 9 represented it alia 1 and bet tt in ill the pas in the state a bf their the and equipment 1 1111 are the tile A proximity bf 6 gleat mines reduction of electricity afford eco dorka of arloia ar loii nil kinda the tile undergraduate adante ant 1908 for thorough ant and porfir limitt it for the h 0 ge generation ne r a t I 1 on ordered gr I 1 Is 11 practical Irn to itt all hit the no tuition ie Is charged chang ch arg but thoroll il 11 and an collir lete an ari annual I 1 as can cat ob 1 anywhere of student c on fw of 10 I 1 required 1441 sted in firl fielding ding tallie boarding and estil I 1 instruction list duct lot belna beal 8 na pam irth anre THE CATALOGUE IS SENT FREE FEE UPON REQUEST dance I 1 rs INVITED university OP OR UTAH salt lake H city j utah |