Show jobbes make tuo the gentleman alethe make the clothes tailor 11 mcany fou you want genuine tailoring gie order tu ile fits our eloa when cut and busted basted up e lB suring a perfect lit A DINING CAR Is 8 on nr of the tile many things you con sit ilia I 1 when vou oil lire are trying to figure j the best route kust east hie rhe dining r service Im recently established on the colorado land Is of the i very ery latest modern cars anil and up to dute date in every respect the tile line runs through the all tho tile way therefore cool a anil d with the Pul pullman talan abs ration t what more can aou oude deleme ilac salt lake in the neit next aa lay in the tile boo 4 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY take LAXATIVE IVE quinine tablets druggists refund money if IV cure E it falls to box nature on each new line of journals jour nala day 1 cash ash book books anti general office at the ado nto cute boffl see our istock of letter diet watt and anti tablets I 1 ile advocate office aco our line of 1 id kocat koniw GILSONITE MINERS WANTED at dragon utah wages per eight hour fay clay GILSON ASPHALTUM CO we have all kinds of flour the eastern diamond hard manti high patent bakers no I 1 and saralil Str alil grade vitos Oer mace and graham PRICE TRADING CO north of bank IT S THE TRIMMINGS TRIMMING of a mans makeup make up that puts the finish on him the suit and hat must be ri krisht of course but its the tile pretty tic tic the neat shirt the handsome han 11 some hosiery and all the other natty little fixing fixin rs that trim a man up and make him appear well dressed all the things a man requires to make his outfit complete are to be found at this store while in the store dont fail to visit the silk dress goods hosiery and muslin underwear sections for the greatest bargains await you in these departments nothing but what we can save you moneal money J on THE lowenstein mercantile COMPANY 3 opposite the D R G depot D price utah 0 0 0 dr Kiil Nood 0 0 0 0 dentist 0 0 0 0 will return 0 0 0 6 september at 0 0 0 44 ak 4 4 af M C cleft oft H 11 1 0 emhe 0 R are the best because they last longest do better work and extras always to be had I 1 right at home no delay RED P E D TAO TA 0 TWINE JL 14 E Is more even than t any ny other is stronger always sotis satisfies fies customers we have a car load place your orders early consolidated wagon aid machine MaC hifle kompany GU Gom tm pany W F OLSON local manager prore utah OASIS 0 A 8 1 SALOON jack centry gei itry prop ft beer 11 M er garden and bowling rowling aiyu alley in connection in the refreshment lino line free lanch after 8 every evening second door west of the court house price utah |