Show the intense character of 0 salt and la Is instants uhel 1 jnive aa As a suroor juro for skin de defenses senses till tills eale balie if jj for eulo sale by olson mercantile coin cant pony oue one full aero acre illy lot with choice fruity lo 1111 11 11 near the tile cent sr r of the f aty fly of Spring vIlla oud and oae one I 1 lock east of colu street for sal at coo 6 suf ground for two hoines inquire of george L lide box 13 spring ville utah cracks ia 1 the fingers A simple for the painful brachs crac lirt that often appear upon the ends of the fingers libring the coi coll cathar ans as suggested b i lidy I idy the other dw tia who lio ea sa s that it li ii tho the abst bs st thing filing alie mile er elor hat ha tried yea yes I 1 liae haie ansul ji them all she replied when I 1 hooke of compound coni pound tine ture of benzoin shellac and the like but there 1 13 nothing that gives me much relief as ft it cracker craker cra ker poultice I 1 put it on oil m finger ut at and in tho the morning the bortne s to gone and the crack begins to heal I 1 haic hae poul iced m finger fingers in this waa wj for corear fo eart rear just as e soon as is a it crack makes males if it ap bearance re arance and I 1 neier hav haie any more trouble with thein sr e have cracke come upon the feet especially tho the heels a cracker poultice acts like p charm upon these theme also in both in stances the cracks tire iusti c bv dr dri ress rems of the akin skin and a consequent hardening of the flesh around them upon these hardened phaes the poul leu fee lias has a Hoft softening enIng and soothing effect thie this demeji in 19 simple and within the reach of all and in 1 well worth tr to ing philadelphia north Amo 1 old 3 for sale ut at tho advocate bao it huli luquire dred 9 v e 4 4 4 use farsi 4 BE 4 4 4 athe 4 alio cuc cale uth anch duch the 4 0 wall paper is selected elected yov gov m 4 eins the satisfaction faction N 4 u melt tho fini finished glied u 01 ic is ober A best paper 4 T is that I 1 1 looks the tile best bet 4 special grades for 4 4 special purposes 4 4 be sui pi ased at tit 4 excellence comeing Com Coine eind and see 4 4 19 1 4 J C BERGLUND BERG LUNDt PRICK PRICE UTAH 4 44 4 4 44 4 44 HI ill F j KS FoIk jj JOHNO ATTORN L YS AT LAW 4 19 S 4 51 31 MS 1 salt lake city utah F E WOODS 1 attorney at law CA CASTI F 1 I 11 1 1 fr UTA UTAH it will 11 in 11 all II the 0 court ts in uli all citi L am irrigation ani u pm bote matter ulyn uly n awl Att attention engl W V D livingston 3 LX a VV ll 11 a r MATI MA TI 1 1 1 Va ater terud d mining UtI gation alvn live S P ec 1 1 att attention en ton land statter Mat tep co 11 I 1 nd 4 O 0 all a 1 1 awl I Hu duris liven grocott Iro cott att attention 11 tn in til all the courtn will PRICE AND are Y CO LUNDQUIST proprietors operating botn between con price myton my ton anil and tho the wells well twice tivice a week arico tuesday and friday at 2 stage lua ica e every 00 p n FAKE FARE price to the dvells 5 price to myton 7 i r round tr p 12 ton ren cents I 1 n mile for intermediate points express espre ratch 11 cents vents per pound 25 cents for small parcels alte t t 0 nine ninemile Nin eMile mile I 1 tont cent per pound I 1 price agency at R 0 W 11 L L moule agen 1 j BAD DEBTS DEAD BEATS and awo MONEY all aff go together A wo can cutah some of 0 the ROOI anoney for you voil if it you turn turo in aur balla we uru collecting mi flit of ROOI good money aery dui ita its ti it pleasure eien it in hot weather wo we havo no work to ilo do but to collect bil did debts from front dead bents you need 1 tho monc aran arancis G LUKE general manager MERCHANTS protective association I 1 or HAD DEBTS fifth nor rii or catl bank snit sait etke cit utah some I 1 cople dont like ille us new now line lindor of ledgers book books s cash iroka and I 1 day i u 8 just general 0 lalee j at tho the cate office ahot aho t I 1 rio grande western Wester fl RV I 1 CURRENT TIME CARD FOR til till FAST oa junction denier and nil 01 cointa I 1 1 dif ast I 1 atlantic express 0 so o 1 tw hm uran run I 1 junction denver and all points hast 1 A lip 1316 1 I hi anic no 4 1 or junction denser dener nd all points vast 1 he atlantha At lanthy flyer FOR tit N wk ST no I ator bior salt lake chy city and pacific count point points IAci flo no J alor salt sait lake city artlen 1 and 3 estt 34 tile I 1 lyer iyer no 5 for 8 salt alt aalke fit and padd taint aloe lorn not hop at arus r ariti 31 T ic HC acri ri II 11 D lilt C no 1 11 and clear creek 8 39 no 0 r Leai avo clear broek fir for eld aal atou 1 flit no and Bunni elde as no 39 B 1 rom sunnyside Sunny elue side to helper 4 34 f information concerning vu diute connection rides etc apply to or ad dhesi routs agent agea price atit SIM V U TO los angeles long beach catalina Cat niina coronado tent city the tie trip cf of a lifetime bee beo ant tit of san pel coq angelest Ang belea eleft suit salt lale u Y or write to J ui bur BURTNER irner Di agent I 1 9 j P L S 8 L by SALT LAKE CITY 1 lf UTAH R A KIRKER 14 E examinations and reports on mines maes asp caal attention given to fa leila utah f alo 00 ro kotoko toKo Adres sest wt price 6 SUM CIMO utah and orand judet June junetia tio 10 00 |