Show ot of utah in two sizes valuable statistical information tamie sale at tho the advocate do not lot fail to dr butta butts guarantee guaranteed special prices work we have all kinds of flour the eastern diamond hard wheat manti high patent bakers no i 1 and straight grade vitos germade Jer made and gaham PRICE TRADING CO north of bank fir ri LT ANU fiao I 1 this is where we are at home the large and varied stock of fine carpets and rugs we fairy fry and the prices at which we sell them arc are the sensation of the season oriental rugs at 1 R 4 IV a 13 1 1 A prices as low as domestic goods they make your room look cosy I 1 A i U I 1 I 1 I 1 f on U r I 1 all di hie ki u a 0 I 1 ion Is natural and easy when you have cha chairs s and other furniture that are correctly made there are a lot of articles here that cannot be surpassed for appropriate gifts sewing rockers leading reading hookers rockers Chiffonier Chiffo st fancy stools writing desks Tabour ettes side boards dressers beds and couches an endless list of things sold on weekly or monthly payments your creddie credit is as good here as the cash THE ae lowenstein M opposite the D R 0 depot price utah i 0 0 0 dr I 1 r kerkwood 0 0 0 0 dentist Dont 1 0 0 0 will return 0 0 0 0 september abt 0 0 0 ah 0 look M I 1 C K I 1 N D HS are the best because they last longest do better work and extras always to be had I 1 right at home no delay RED TAO TAG TWINE T W I 1 rl k E Is more even than any other is stronger always satisfies satis fits customers we have a car load place your orders early consolidated wagon and machine MaC hifle company W F OLSON local manager price utah t 1 SQ S assey W when he n follow the crowd they will lead you to you thes ell ate saloon j come whole you will find the tiner t line of liquors TO beers wines and cigars in eastern F UW mal 0 select f 1 rom price FORRESTER PU PUETT props 9 ans bmw |