Show is s it your yo U r own H hair 1 do 0 10 ou t pin your hat to your i n hair cant d do 0 it ha ent enough hair it must be you do not know ayers hair vigor heres an introduction I 1 may the acquaintance in a heavy growth of rich thick glossy hair hairl I 1 use this splendid hair food stop your falline failing hair and ye ge rid of your dandruff the beet best kind of a testimony sold soldier over sixty years b tt J u ayr AM 0 co 1 bwll 16 A aro T 60 of 9 sarsaparilla PILLS ye tol earli nitch trouble an unil no one can ie ison ably hope for good digestion when tho tile are fire air 10 hatles baldwin of nawa Js 18 juille file ille illg ills 8 sis 13 S 1 I suffered from roin chronic constipation lind find ath wt troubled troubles fyr for 1 ears but thanks to ston lavill and anti liver ant cura curel alt not vot get a package of tabitta if ts gt g t well find stay nelia price a bor sale clarmon company TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY take LAXATIVE quinine tablets druggists refund if it falla falls to cure K F W 5 alg gig nature on cah ca h box jk e I 1 4 4 1 I lu firel 4 4 4 BE POSED 0 4 4 4 4 tho nic cine inith etli mitch tit aliu 4 4 vail paper 1 Is select fI go 4 eins tho the uth hichi abich the finished kllc oik is 4 ob observed arved tho 1 best kapci illet 4 T is that N liall I 1 looks the b best t special grades for special purposes 4 be at thell como collie und arid soc ep 4 J 4 J C BERGLUND PRICE UTAH 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 ich so S j 10 LI ll it JOHNSON FOWLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW S 8 MA IA S iett ait tt salt lake city utah F E WOODS law CAST t 1 I 1 t UT I 1 if M HI ill pra practice lice ID in ell all the court courts in alt all cill civil ca C cc n siad cl ir bate mature ulen ulven i attention W D livingston lk aljia a wor vv ll 11 0 MAN iati rl UTA mater rind and N vaun inar LItls atlon G 01 itea wili att 1 t u a land vaner L bailet oll ct on w ant nl sp iler akl I 1 l 11 u prompt Alt oulton in all the ouri t f PRICE AND AN MYTON MY T ONSTAGE STAGE CO AV LUNDQUIST proprietors operating taw pen price my myton ton and anti the wells avica tu ice a in belc ce ic stage ica leaves n e price avery every tuesday and friday at 0 p ni PARE FARE price to tho the wells 5 price to myton 7 I 1 round trip 12 ten centa mile for intermediate points express 2 2 cents for small parcels rito rate rates raw li 11 belits per pound 25 to nine mile I 1 cent per pound price agency al at R 6 W depot H L L houle moule agent F 2091 aaa r wo we have collected eted over tn belity thousand more inore gold on dollars dollar froin bad debts the tile first six months this yeii than N voaid e did d dunns tiring the pond list yeii yeal we can collect some for yon if you turn them thell in ill LUKE general manager MERCHANTS protective association scientific collectors OF BAD DEBTS fifth floor commercial catl bank salt lne labe citi it ft ib some soine people loob 1004 dont like us I 1 I 1 loke I ew line no of jour journals nale doy tiny khash cash books imsand anil general odice rato offic just rv f paol at lit the tile idao kl rio grande western Wester fl ry R CURRENT TIME CARD boll till tilt baht 1 NO 0 o 6 or junction demer knit find all kt 17 atlantic antle Ivin tim dij nij Hn I 1 ind 1 all till point 1 to bart lap 1 to the finite I 1 0 o 4 41 tor ormed junction denver and all point I 1 at dt a t t tia ti 33 3 so rho atlantic 1 er hiir 11 WI at to if lur l 1 aur ur salt ike laike chy cley and pacific fo oil at t point 8 hia 13 a io 9 iacobo ia bitic I 1 no 0 o T 3 lor tor l or salt I 1 alto knien and beast 0 3 flop 1 die rho pacific I 1 11 lyer no for suit salt itaw I it ajr olden jell I 1 anti IAci fie loust lou st pol n not ftp it f etc aarao liepper 3 Is 0 the rhe renic r e nic I 1 I 1 4 0 so o lu 1110 1 44 a and n d clear creek no lm 1 it or trefa for rot and nl coton lol tn 7 SUNNYSIDE NUI k 0 no o 1111 1 or anil and sunn tide side A 33 ft a P no 0 ili strom rom alele to I 1 I 1 1 for information borim concerning lulng route routes ea rates tte apply to or ad a to d drcar amsa agent t price utah uta ho e bor a zen Q 4 to as t tit U TO f los angeles long lon beach ar 0 catalina coronado tent city I 1 ru q the trip of a lifetime tork 10 bee ne beant ant taff ittia it tit of hall Pel 10 ant Angeles tin nl I 1 stilt lake ni or write to J JH H au gURTNER R rne R 41 district nt ot 8 P L A 1 8 1 L iby SALT LARK C iw un UTAH th ama R A KIRKER 1 1 E 4 bici and ky 0 reports 0 in mines lla 0 tat 1 peola WOW attention giver to au IT Opril in I 1 t alter utah en an I wa cr att sall rada radix adre adnew aea I 1 irim uth utah and orand juntti Junt Ki 1 |