Show mitko ila ILA it 1 cilip lill hie tile 1111 thero there Is it lesson in ili the tho nork morl of tho the I 1 thrift thrifty bartner fart ner he ile known knows that thy the i bright sta sunshine shino may last but a day and he lie pit pares for the sh oviers aich i are so 1 I liable 1 1 to follow so it should bevlah ever eer household deaton De oton it UBI and cholera inny attack some ine member niber of the hoine without warning Chan iberl tins I 1 chou cholera and diarrhoea heine aly y which ischo Is the best klinn kno it medicine tit should aiwas be kept at hand as imir lanto troit ment ie Is necessary nece and delay maa art prove prone fatal for salo sale by Harmo olson nOlson Merean mercantile tile corn company party 0 G A R excursion minneapolis and return tickets on anio sale august ath and long sto stopovers G A I 1 11 C special headquarters train leaver salt lake august eth via scenic colora do midland make your berth reser nations now with commander II 11 0 south west temple salt lake city or write L 11 II Ilan harddng Hardt ling ng general agent colorado midland salt lake for futher particulars and itinerary of trip CLOTHING T I 1 SM 1 the kind that gives you 0 1 at comfort makes you feel right and look right it a question of a bad fit just because you get a readymade ready made suit sur we fit you vou from our stock and give you satisfaction at slight cost the way we do it is LS what counts the latest fashions arc here and you can select a d suit that wont cost 0 more than it should 0 we furnish you he the 0 latest and best styles of 0 41 1 mens furnishings and 0 if you want to keep kc p 0 even pace with the th e swiftest get a move 0 on n yourself or get the laugh on youself as a back number be up to date y the vall jo and atit alie sack aro are out of date the suit stilt cao ca o is i so iauch moro con roomy and stylish wo lm lim 0 it hiru largo lino fino of ot th tit in tit nil all ot of excellent quality in hi diffort nit hios inid and leathers und and nich each one is it 11 barg bargain lLin ut itt tho in alico lee wasatch store e co coo stores at sunnyside Sunny side castle gate clear creek and winter quarters 9 XV 9 U 1 wc M M XV lul M V W 1 XV WEETER L UMBER compan A WHOLESALE AND RETAILS RETAIL 4 g LUMBER YARD g Z with n till doors screen doors mould X ings casings Cn alDge block blocks Jl edwood anti binish lI nIsh 1 builders hard SS enire are glass wiro wire cloth iron nalla barbed wirt wire combi lr nation linth lath fence A coni pleto lino line of a harness wagons buggies spring wagons ig handle nil all kinds of aarin if it in kneoll nf uil of anything in our line call and see uia or write it will bo b to I 1 your ofir interest to do 10 so 1 C weeter lumber company sa 2 U ulam I 1 A H S XV M M M in ov hv hv XV M N 4 W i h 14 U 1 aa N a M 16 A ja you you wan want t absolute security in fire insurance J 6 place your business with 2 1 16 1 1 4 fl W crickets crockets Crock ets effs insurance agency price utah lu representing seven sever conal conflagration aa i 4 proof companies qa T Is insurance that insures and pays ja qa ir IN A 4 ae our line of box papers tablets and office supplies the advocate |