Show MINT salifon ROBIN SCHLEGEL props fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest cigars private club rooms in connection hay grain and stabling colton col Golt ton utah langr longer fer higher and wider berths this is an EXCLUSIVE feat uro ure of tho the trains to chicago the sleeping cars as well ivell as the dining cars chair cars and coaches are coaches are OWNED and by the chicago milwaukee st paul rai railway way two daily trains leave salt lake city a ni and p through car service to 9 chicago direct connections for all eastern points buy your ticket E asaf ioni your local agent but INSIST that it is via the chicago milwaukee st paul railway C S WILLIAMS WILLIMS Commer cail abt JOG W sad 2nd so st salt litke liske city 4 RAILWAY 4 TO ST STO LOUIS 1 auls hr 1 ough oar car salt lule city to 19 louie louis 4 and kansas cly city only one change to mw new york buff buffalo alo and principal point points edit Ki low rates tor for summer travel i attention toadies to ladlee Idies and chil 4 j areu dreu tourist Tour lutt 4 sleepers slee peri through to und other points with 4 T out change linge two trains dally inquire at ticket t domce any information cheer cherr A A fully riven H C TOWNSEND 4 oen cen I 1 81 and I 1 lacel agent st t louts bouts wo S WILLIAMS BROS PLAGE PLACE UTAH nothing but the best Whis lues wines cigars boors Beer sand and mixed drinks the latest pianola music on tap punching Pun chin liam r clue club rooms ho to it iti connection best conducted und and finest resort in tile great codi coal camp DISEASE AND AD Z doper 1 to place in the hands of 01 arb SW 0 misted with dright a and ga a rt six page a that L savins fil linam aes 1 it is I 1 not an or ary oc uch such as is 1 commonly a to meL cinesi but is prin cowl aly r ill of of I 1 teft in a aa variety of g 1 pr per cent of oi recover ivi 1 1 l hitherto incurable duease diseases the tho ka ua PO in tho thee 4 tet tesio art r an am tho th fulton compound and anath th thel SS prove conclusively a ded 41 adlam eases eo no U lone n C fatal fetal t Q brorn t x aloff alo ar atas kj alln it over 10 a t ear ar starting etar tInK tu 7 trouble hav have at lt 11 yielded 13 te V 1 cance 6 the th pan ahlet to I 1 art vr wn t to th tb jn jhn J 1110 1 1 co 40 bowl ban francisco 11 t to hail ii a DI ease or hand wt A k without te aint 1 cadime ca kidney trout trouble after third h 01 urination may show 0 o matt 17 1 ta 7 or 01 cloudy otan tand dinse fa vision 0 or more et of thee toil r compasses and glas loaces apt it lit stock istock by tho the advocate ka mall mali rs for stati and blank books 1 11 t I enla indis solicited there is I 1 more catarrh in 0 o tedi hl of the country ban than 11 oil II put tut and until the lut few cw year rears wa w ped cdx 1 W ti incurable lor rent doctor be 11 it U a IL locut duet ioe ana 4 prescribe st lt rutn dies ail by constantly felli 1111 nir nor V to cure with lural ji treatment trent ment it tn caralle lo 10 Scle oct ba proven catarrh to 10 bt be r 0 en an I 1 hojjat balls lat irris rrt treatment j ceist red by byj i e i liener je u C cure u re 1 Toi Cili otilo is theoney jr cons ii tu dional cure the market it I 1 taken in daw a on tua ton it net act ill tit IU to from irom drics surfaces ur fc t of f erectly ly on the bingil iti ana na ra hund rett doll dollar r 4 The c to w the yiett for tiny caad it arsi to cure sen tend seni I for chimu anil and ln jars to k 1 1611 a co atlo 1 weld sold by br jc bialk lOk a pamily mUy ill 11 are tho vest GENUINE BARGAINS again all through the tile wools tile shoppers Jl N who ho isit this store u will ill ho bo treated to 15 genuine bargains and it aill pay oely women to look to her fun illys future needs and lay in III the supply now while goods are being sold without nv ready to N wear ear suits both suit and handsome wool suits suit you cai save almost ono one halt the price on shirt waists waist shirts skirts underwear hosiery dress goods silks lace embroideries broide ries linens domestics domestico ladles ladies and childrens shoos shoes all go at tit the lowest possible prices THE PRICE PARICE COOP CO OP A W HORSLEY MANAGER set out big 9 A our shoe shot department is a sort of L lifesaving life saving station these hot days star brand shoes are better AL TH E oh n 1 as LJ ara N C U N V t AN 13 T 1 32 GRANO U 1 E tho the popular line to codur colorado zado springs pueblo 0 cripple creek leadville Lead villo glenwood onwood Gl springe aspon aspen grand junction suit salt lak lake city ogdan butto butte helena san francisco lee angeles An goles portland laconia To Ta conio conia seattle Rec lic 11 all II abe th pa 1 towns od mining emp ID in etab and nd new mexico M e I 1 1 co the tourists tuf mute to kit all mountain resorts re ort th the 00 calir 11 11 line 10 V ing through salt balts city va routs to tb be 1 lebao 0 1 tl co as through sleeping cars dining car service a la carte on all through trains LP LF IVER IVOR AND cripple creek salt lake city ogden lead ld ville portland Ol 01 enwood aan francisco orand Jut junction jIon chicago los angeles st louis and san francisco F T RY president RUSSELL V alre pres gen 0 D J U COLO COLA ST LOUIS LOUTS MO J A 4 isger celo coto A 3 flug bes 0 T cot 4 IC P AT A Dent Denver erColo Cala finest 0 train I 1 ram 0 in 0 the entire tite west ivest the tile fanions number six leaving denver daily at 4 35 1 p in and alrh ing ir chicago at p in next day liag w boon been born anew experts say there is none finor finer in Anie about electric lights observation plat forin observation wind window libia ry buffell electric fans fail dust screens screen 0 anything and everything to insure COOL comfort coin fort for summer sur niner tra t artt elors i I 1 Ii should bouli I 1 like ike the privilege of telling fou you aam atm bout ut ilia train and lt i from rom utah cointot alo 11 about the low rates t f ait thi this month R P F general agent 0 sr Q my ut 79 W second south street salt lae uke city ut a |