Show E A MULli micthell Mit thell elt Is a it practical tailor an and cutter lie ile alyes a tr ou on before your clothes arc art flu fleishell ishell and anti a per feet lit Is thus assured it ou tiu loUng give your order ler to mitchell Il he alts lour clothes OD on when cut und alli bast a up lip v chub fu a it perfect it tit fifty years vwe BAKING WL Is A cream of pewter madl fram fi dispes no alum i tho the lit laxative dative ol 01 chamber Clu miler lains stomach abd liver tablets ie Is i i so aeu ian can hardly really it is tu educed by a medicine thebe tablets blete also cure indigestion bior sale stile by Hari harotion tion olson mercantile coin pau 4 S H t 14 OUR A 4 t 9 pull fall Is now noa upon us nd with it comes cines the tile wants i ants of fall goods we hao beefy ory cry busy tho lust seabon but not too busy to pato pate your ants in many ways WHYS and now each day j brings in lit larsa shipments ship monts 1 I of mill and und goods 4 and our are jam jan ined nned and still the goods lire conling it will do ou good to come corne and look on over or ovir immerso stocal of dress A goods good trimmings silks W listings listings outing flannels ladles waists un dc bostory Ho flosi story crY notions T Ot lolis Blan blankets kots slices shoes gents Furni sli birgs neckwear ajar etc our prices aro tire guaranteed g guaranteed as iov as it the tile 10 lowest est fulL 00 T MH i HH ha 4 H 4 V ludwi hit IN arte rte e offer one bl hundred oldred dollar dollars rowan rr 0 I 1 ca catarrh t arraj that cannot be curel br by 1 yai KAU A G C ure me t k J co 0 W we I 1 u hare known r J cheny ey for or the icat at 1 11 years ana nil believe bita per pert ecly in an 11 II to 1 1 dmn aa L tm apa finones tily 11 able to carry 0 lit any u ct MO cluade by their firm W 4 T lv h ale daugn isto we leilo im 01 t wai finx fintan par 11 I 1 tolu toleda U 0 hall farbb ure ire to taken inte mally net act air upon tie alka and ur io price rc ier bottlo b 1 1 1 41 tk 11 leall 1 1 ay ill to are th lett lest 1 I I 1 OV aa A aa As ii it dressing for son brulls and burns chamberlains sale Is 15 till that can call bo desired it Is soothing and healing in ita lt deflect 1 it allays the pain ol 01 a burn almost this solve salve ia Is also it certain cure for chapped clapped 11 ban han Is und anti of tin tho akin skin price 23 cents harmon olton ollon Mertat itile campati cont com pan pati cit im tit cotula atts ON natura S 8 PLAN tl TI e most successful moll medicines cines are that aid nature cough remedy acts on thia this plan take it when ou ha hao e a cold ind and it will hlll allay the cough relieve tit the lungs nid aid expectoration open ta alio seft ee tlona edons and aid nature in ing the hatem to a healthy condition thousands ahme stilled te to its autti at 01 excel excellence lenca it counter pets any tendency ef of a cold to in pneumonia price 25 centa cents large size 50 centa cents for sale by harmon oleon olson mercantile tilo stationery BLANK BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES I 1 ou u dont need neen to send to salt lake or r elsewhere ela ewhen for anything in fit these I 1 linea I 1 11 ahe lie I 1 ad ae i a re I 1 invited a I 1 ted to I 1 inspect it s hect the tile very latest in high grade stationery blank boaks books memo boo 9 pens pencils and general office 1 supplies lost most complete stuck stock of legal blank forms justices binnis deeds bonde I ads notes receipts etc in eastern eastorn utah ADVOCATE publishing CO pocket maffi ot of utah in 0 wo o alzea sizes with valuable alti able information for sale at the advocate awl JUST RECEIVED E C E I 1 V lq D I 1 our fall and winter stock is in hn and is by far the finest line ever shown in price an early inspection will colv convince ince you this week we arz are showing fo outing flannel amiek Fl fall and winter dress r goods ladies and childrens coats coals furs and fascinators Fascinato rs ladies leimonas Ki li monas full line shirt waist suits hil wraps for ladies Ladie sand and children ladies and bents underwear ear quilts blankets etc etc B biggest gest line of shoes and hats ever brought to eastern utah direct from first hands in the east you can save 10 per by buying here the apfl price ce coop arthur W horsley manager I 1 T 4 1 pric PRICES IS NEW jbf r 0 Q f I 1 L livery ivery and sales sa ies stable I 1 a 0 T OLEN proprietor e wr to ft A 4 A t horses bought and sold pay highest prices for hay and grain f t k 11 N livery equipped with best hor anres ei in tho the stute brau nov if t Bi birggie iggie und and harness ss all cargor ni nick lerate V 1 44 now and second hand 4 harness etc for elo cale lowest prices 4 rigs with drivers furnished aarti panics es gag to the Re BROKEN BRICK FOR SALE large quantity of broken brick sul tuble tor for chicken houses unions linings and hues flues two dollars a load loal IL 71 W crockett r f to WILLIAMS 11 I 1 BROS PLACE SCOFIELD UTAH bothin nothing but tho best whiskies wines cigars beers und and mixed brinks the latest pianola tl nola music on tap j hs club booma klo la in connection best conducted andrii n cst retort in lit the tle creat great coal Q caina law p ALBERT HALEN C E surveyor aw civil Eig iscer land and ninino lawyer irrig Irr lyoa aou a alty homo tend deser timber and mining claim claims lane and 1 mini in the U v 8 land ad brought brou Kit ond and defended fendel de 01 dt mal P 0 ft 11 1 kc kAP otili f aft B N JOHNSON FOWLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 10 IS MAIN salt lake city utah F F FISK A D Physic iea iol and ald MICK orrick roon roun dan writ a |