Show samo lull gloo abc reader readers of till title will bo pleated pleased tu to aarn 1 that there h at acut liustone one dreada 1111 ape abat cleab hit 1 it able it cure lit jo ail 11 its 1 baires an rl that t I 1 14 kail limit d catarrh tun lure I 1 aitho tho 0 antl 11 cure o known to the tho niell nied ral leal fra e r 1 beltjr a coretllo cor atit i dional 1 I Ue uittO a L ju trtat pit hall catarrh lur lm i taken I 1 actina L itt ilir directly the lilal atul lucquit luco uit a ot of blie chereb thereby y I ax the he foun lation of the 1111 ease al and ul 1 the ile patient by building op tip the 11 tion ani assisting nurture in dolny ll 11 work the I 1 he proprietors hare have jw lunch wisch laloli la its if its curative power tw iwers that they ott v hie one ii hundred undred for any cape that it 11 orn J for adire V I 1 lit r A 4 rando toledo 0 luo hall i a a nilly reth tile aft L PUBLIC NOTICE A telephone line awa 1 ached between price and anti helper with office at satorv tit helper anil anti at the clarmon olson mercantile com ut tit price A messenger nee will be he sen for anyone with whom you wish tri t communicate the tile rate will oe do tv nty alye i vats and an amit additional ional charge of cents will unmade be made for fee m ahen lien necessary to a to a it die ills taut tant part of town for parties we solicit oui patro dirt tt coni com commil to pointe points south of price CARBON COUNTI TELL 02 COMPAN 1 I tAll ilal ts H there is a lesson in tin tile work of the thrifty thrifts farmer he lie knows that the bright sunshine may least but it day lay und and he lie prepares pre parea for the which tire so liable to follow so it should lo be 10 will aery lie household li and cholera inay may allik como witolo rs of the tile home litthcut alog log chaan choi collo cholera anti diar rhoba remedy which ie Is the best beat known medicine for these diseases should always be kept at hand ai immediate treatment la Is necessary and delay may nay pron 0 fatal for sale ay by iy harmon o 0 ulton Merc anllo corn voin pany stationery BLANK BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES I 1 III u dont dollt decd to end to salt lake or ele elsewhere where for anything in 1 I tit lid lei le i ure d to inspect the t un ti t i latest in ili bagh grade 1 stationery lilack books memo books pens pencia and general koniw slip plies most st complete stock of legal lank forms justl JuEt lees cee blank blanks deede bonda notes re winte etc la in eastern utah CO stationery what we consi consider deru coin loll 1011 ment to our stati stationery nery depuit ment la le tile de do mand mund ve e are having for nico niev writing 1 papera apers wo we lead the town in tasty box papers marx re mall orders promptly tiled the advocate publishing CAmi company pany the advocates ee line of or tablets box papers and bud stationer la Is the tile moat most complete of any avy in the state east cast ol 01 provo mall unit ordera riven given prompt attention dont turn bread around ija k to IX 01 so so 4 in the bottom hut of the majestic ran ae there is a partition so placed that it forces the heat evenly to ail corners there is never any danger of one 3 de baking better than anoff ier and never find a user of a majestic turning bread around baking its these little features that endear this range to ever woman and the malleable iron top and charcoal iron sides that makes it last so long and endears it to every mans heart you know how short lived stove pipe is now to what it used to be its made of steel instead 0 the old style charcoal iron buy a Majest ft and the bange pange proposition will be settled for the remainder of your natural life the ce cu MR 0 arthur W 11 manager we handle amers rakes and birdsell W afons and farm implements Impie ments 4 the vv pt ice Live L d sales stable e A G T OLSEN proprietor 4 4 horses bought sold or fixed pay highest t prices for hay hav and firari fiaai lively with best horses in tho the state braia no nor buggies and harness all charges moderate 4 stables and nd burn hast court houke 4 one ono block price utah 4 kis rigs with drivers ft going lo 10 the reservation Beser yata f 14 1 4 4 I 1 I 1 quality is j everything AL f in merch merchandise adist these days the cheap stock clashi flashily ly finished finds rinds no room in our store quality is everything with us its and for this reason wr we are doing the big general merchandise chandise business of price today we have just received a car load of mafiti roller M mills ills flour the best flour on the mar t het hay oats and pro uce need highest cash price 1 0 iii il 1 I 1 WILLIAMS BROS PLACE LOo UTAH nothing but the best wines miles C cigars 1 gars beers ana and mixed dr danks inks the latent mimic on tap Pun ebing hags ili club roams 1 te to in n Connett connection lon ebest best con conducted ducted and finest report resort in the great coal call camp ALBERT HALEN V E surveyor aid and civil land and ninin lawyer irrigation a desert and 1 illing lialios located oca ted laed land aad and coo cou test testa in the U a land tand brought and defended defea ded OW off at afat P 1 FL ff wan utaji 4 V jolt so 4 ALEXA S JOHNSON FOWLER 14 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 41 all R MAIS MAN 8 salt lake city utah A t F R P A 0 4 Physic ioa aj surges UTAH oal V un DOORS ste |