Show TO cunz A col coll U it iu UNK DAY take laxative taht tabt lete s all refund tho the money it it faile falls to CUM E F W crovea big nature is tm each bo old newspapers for bale sale at the ad I 1 sloe ase we a hundred IN during the hot weather of the aum sum mer mar months tho the first unnatural looseness of a childs bowels have mediate in attention so as to check the disease before it becomes serious all that is necessary la Is a few dose of chamberlains colic cholera Clid lera and H R medy followed follo weil by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the ays tom rov rev M 0 S oc oakland kland pasto tho the first M E church little falls minn arl writes ites we have cham chain berlat berl alne ns collo cholea and diar rhiea reined lor sever it ears cars and find it u valuable remedy ea e pec lully for bummer die Ma ordera orders in children sold gold by harmon olson mercantile company pocket ma p of utah in two with valuable statistical rn information for eale sale at the Ad advocate vocata E THE REAL I 1 department A store tore I 1 af L ra 2 5 V 9 one that will take y your our poultry Es m S 31 but butter ter potatoes e etc tc and pay you the jg 11 I 1 S cash for what you do not trade out f S I 1 cry dry goods notions shoes sims furnishing 9 I 1 goods millinery mens pants hardware queens I 1 ware groceries give us a trial save money and VA make mare your produce buy you more than the cash will elsewhere w R alv 4 HARMON a the big brick store building j g W F olson mgr levi N Ha farinon sec see j M I 1 ANNJ AN NJ T S Z A U 0 I 1 J A MILLER prop fine wines bonded whisky t eastern beers finest cigars private club rooms in connection hay grain and stabling ool bon utah ut ah WE MAKE TRAV EL EASY the sign of safety speed and 2nd comfort COMM 3 TRAINS DAILY a 3 from utah to kansa ansas city ft rt joe CIl leaco aso end and the camps of now ne mexico and an arlana ask us about cheap rates this summer C F WARREN gen agent the atchison At topeka santa fehy fe ajr dooly block salt lake city th AW DIABETES we dedire io to place plato in the hande hands ci of thop thors afflicted with brights Dl alsee eue and diabetes 4 six ti page pamphlet that lg 1 cavana dinnan wa it ie in not an ari or dina dandry pArn o 0 t such as a Is to commonly lazed to ad vertlie verlise but Is prin cipully made ui up ol 01 report reports of conducts I 1 torts in a larse large variety ol 01 case hovin ho vin 87 apor cent ot of ram in t thee h hitherto incurable diseases the I 1 U p e t in theme teete tests are nr n as the pulton fulton compounds Compo and tha results obtain d prore prove concu lvcy that theae thene dreaded dix 31 barei mo lone long fatal the tb deaths from bright a didesse alone arc are over a year starting as kidney troubles have at laet lait yielded to ito allenc ilie the pamphlet r is free write to the john 3 F fulton ulton co 40 M was h ignaten strat 11 ban sin IP rancHe cala caia when who n to bright a disease puffy putty ankles or handa we akreA without apparent cause kidney trouble after aird month menth frient fri urina urination tiou may mar how show dl ment or cloudy standing failing llalon day one or more of the theae huntington FLOUR IS STANDARD BECAUSE OF QUALITY the bec beet t product from the crowth growth of wheat to the imperfection perfection under tho the baker 4 n 41 the beat for aw plea I 1 81 slug aluir tating and anti for health we say ll 11 you like it and would IK gi fieg Is to lauve lave jou you tell ua uj when if it olivcr it falle faille to corne up lo 10 eap exp t tation all the food value of he the chic W wheat h ca t huntington Huntin glon roller holler mills co Col UTAH LEVI N HARMON 0 I 1 HARION president ert tr R A KIRKER M E examinations and reports on mines especial attention given to carbon Prop ties in eastern utah and western colorado Pos tofte AtI pric Sun alsIde cisco etab and orand grind junction colo ado W H PRYE ATTORNEY AT LAW Il ItICE UTAH practices au all the court of the state also it in the I 1 ederae courts office mee at court house F E WOODS attorney adlaw CANTI V will practice in all the courts to in all civil caws cases Mial cir irrigation and probate M matter tiers given 11 Att attention ruslon W D livingston LIVING 01 IA I A aw er JIAN 11 water an litigation oly 01 CA S special pe elal land matters collections and all iclal gat rus ineson 0 1 yen arm pt attract attention too will lae ane la to 11 all ll 04 courts courm T THERE HERE ARE HUNDREDS df of ways in which rubber champs can make work easier and more accurate in lit every business place we have a little book that shows samples of 1 stamps that we keep on hand band and in addition to those we make special stamps to order r in a very abort time advocate publishing co av e I 1 k |