Show FOK FOP SALE OR LEASE i i i i iho soldier station stage station atlon et i mirat place ou out of 1 A good place and a money maker terms 13 W crockern CROC KErp 11 1 1 ww if you want VV TV a n t alu best machinery that amonoy can call buy und ma chicory that has given satisfaction for 30 20 years machinery that lasts the longest that docs does tho best i work ork ciul call for the old reliable MCCORMICK MOWERS RAKES AND R BINDERS our machinery Guaran guaranteed teW over all other makee terms made to suit satisfaction guaranteed wo it ahto 0 o lu wt lut t eccel received ed a car laid load of RED TAC TAG TWINE which wf we g guarantee ua guarantee to bo be ho the best manufactured call or N veto rito THE WAON AND MAHINE of 10 W F oison olson local PI manager price utah M WHITMORE president Preside nL 0 milt miltn rit vice VIc ePrea pres A MCGOVNEY THE FIRST N NATIONAL AT I 1 p N A L BANK OF PRICE UTAH CAPITAL DIRECTORS T J M whitmore Whit inore J W wu nv 0 miller geo goo 0 A Whit whitmore moro and L 0 Hon munn BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES hange drawn on principal cities of tho the united statts accounts of bue bus acsa firms stockmen nod and ranchmen solicited accommodations consistent ith bunking banking let Us F furnish U relish your home for we can furnish it complete or in part in the most modern manner and at modern prices if you are not coming to salt lake write for description and prices of anything you desire in the house furnish ing aine and you can buy as well by rail as if you were here to do the in person greenewald FURNITURE COMPANY modern house salt lake 0 a 3 40 10 I 1 when follow the crowd they will lead lead V yon to tb 4 11 I 1 ai Y you 0 u u TheS senate mate saloon t come co 4 A a abere ayou you will find tho the anet lindof line of liquors j TO bebis wines and cigars Cig arsin in eastern utah to select I 1 from i pr price ce FORRESTER mccall props s ah H I 1 I 1 I 1 i 1 I 14 1 I H i l H 11 11 11 HI H 4 THE OASIS S SALOON A lu 0 N J B Prop proprietor rictor finest line of good whiskies skies liquors beers and ci cigars eairs 1 in 0 castle valley 0 jug and ad bottle trade a specialty pool tables and 4 oil 11 II appointment of da a first fu cuclis clis housa bouic everybody made wel welcome coine X X i i it P IM i 4 binl i i i aih 1 1 I 1 ah K 4 1 1 11 i til t i il 4 i tl i i i 1 i 11 i i 1 I 1 4 foil fort maw ing ernil stage rg elpio m ft E C LEE proprietor i cour our norse concord coaches dally daily price prica and vernal TARIFF AND RATES raf arloa kriho art frt to vernal trip arona 1 arual I 1 etc 1 V 7 to any nr distance long along UM roa to 19 cents ver yava 4 atif up p to 1 5 25 S cents oft ft 5 to I 1 geuras 3 aa 46 abet 4 ta to U 0 pounds poi aad 20 80 edu senta over IS inroad ix road 8 eau cents P A ruta of I 1 API A ea costs per pread froia from price to bemal or vernal to so WM an 00 fib ls knits ver vc cuble stables frata flab of or pitr tiesh gratiot so cuts geprge E nelms agent ence er ice utah 14 lir |