Show friday and saturday are feet et days at th the price trading Tr adloff freh fre h and ritt fruit 3 C TROUBLES constipation no xo ono o 0 can reasonably hope for good digestion tho the bowels bowel ime conati mr charles baldwin of F III saya 1 I suffered from front chronic and aoh ach trouble troubles for several years but abanks to lis stomach and liver am ain almost almot cured curel it why not ot get ga a bf the theeo so tab lete lots and get well and stay well price prim 36 96 cente cents for salo by harmon oison olson mercantile earn company pany r ladlee waists tho very latest at price I trading cem ant AND doumis W NV to place in the dondi of cf those with bright s disease and nd e ty lt rw pamphlet hat that 1 maln it jo I 1 not an or dinay dina y such aw ajo in jos used to ineIl cn but 1 s prin trot 10 ur till of repot rn pote ej et in ca ur att fn n a lre garitty of ro per cent nt of recover tep in thise hitherto incurable the molet i eini fles aloyed in ahme tel t x aire known ae an tho th fulton and the ault prove that itha lh dr haded narl da mr EO mo long fatal sital th th from 1 P Divo ilso tm alore are 1 0 ivr or 1000 lOti a year nr sj k a an I 1 ey caltrop I 1 blow lee li ive ave ill tit lat gist yield re tc M medical ea 1 bulrice nce tho pamphlet is I 1 fred britti to the jhn john J fulton ce 40 1 et an 4 faja f aja when to a daase Ol eui gualt prie e tr or hamda without apparent causa aldry tro trw ble after third month fitnet crt urination may how ili ineat er or faehn exan 1 a list fille or of mot of c theve 1 ji R 9 vav LET L E T US H HELP ELP X 1 4 0 v h in the selectia tio tin ef of new i t we have everything needed in in the house we can and will CA sell at as lw ow a figure as ani R our stockis stoc kis is cas easy y to show and easy to sell once it it seen B be s sure u re you youage are r liht 19 ht and 1 11 9 q then you will N b on th safe 91 eluo side I 1 4 dont thin thinK KY Ayou vou are darivin driving g a bargain ar only conf to ajl fird jtb that you youage are fooled in the ajo d s we sell sel I 1 things which stand the te test S t they show their quality and satisfy the buyer sava ai u money too f narma 0 the B ig brich store building j 9 W F P olson alar mgr levi N Hart hannon nen sec see I 1 E huntington FLOUR f lou IS s STANDARD BECAUSE OF qualitz 1 the beet best product from tho growth of wheat acs ics the buds the bakeri skill the beat befit for or I 1 9 lox 1 eating batin and foo health va we want you ou to ray ay it it and would wo n ti be ao 10 aaa to ave you tell ua us when it ever a er it full falls to come up to your all the food value of hi whale wheat Hunti nilon roller holler mills 1 UTAH LEVI N 0 n j HiRVI 14 VION OM vanar wr WE MAKE TRAVEL TRAVE LEASY EASY santa A q 7 w fi the sign of sift safety sd sped aad cofka CM Ht 3 TRAINS dailye from frow etab tol Cansas city sg 1 joe ahle go 0 3 1 F 1 pmj a nd the id ag of new malleo ana 4 arizona ask us about aleal rates ratos this ills Su summer nimer C F WARREN gen at age nt tb abet botu topeka A maeia 4 Is dooly block sate salt lake T atlie 1 r THERE RE me ft of waye war in rubt et make c cru Alfleta nd cUAte in every buarne q diece olsee we haye a little ittle book thai that shava samples of cc etoi K edaa that we kee keb on an anul in addielou to 0 those wo we anai t special ktampa to order lo 10 a ve vey T aboaf albie advocate publishing co WORTH READING the bent ot 0 Is your yours it you ym bavo have the right kind of we bave have tha printing materiale mater iala fala and labom na ham for your boult like the work we do for YOU ta and like oar our prompt ue in tt it auto the advocate 1 9 ca va 4 f ma i i MM 1 1 1 14 1 4 motel clarke price utah headquarters Headquarter i for minim men prospectors and those interested I 1 in the mineral question r J proprietor OATES reasonable A fr fra 4 R A KIRKER M E ad aid 01 especial attenson mt Atte nHon given a d hydro carback eastek utah tod west irn adm aam price 1 lo 10 1 utah add grand junction colorado Colo 4 t AND SURGEON t OFFICE oveil OVER B R it 11 DEPOT P 4 t W 11 1 1 PRY M ATTORNEY AT LAY iT BIb practices in all the court courts cit of the si alach 1 la in tho federal ourt offlie al court coun idour F I 1 E WOODS att law dalr UTAI will vill Int tto loo tn in all H the courts tn in alt sis birly cly ca cf cas s binfor InI gation tie pro bitta a rectal Atteo ilon W D livingston urah water jaa m minin Litle atton given 01 aa 16 atlant 00 LAD mauga end air sit a 1 v letl |