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Show Ras Garanurre Triene Se phatos Teens work on a bow project while in the Red Cliff Ascent wilderness therapy program in Great Basin Desert northwest of St. George last July. Left, a teen takes a break from group activities to read mail. Running wilderness therapy programs can be rewarding but getting started and keeping the program running can be a challenge While assist held stall members be young as Pema a ook capone: Sie rules aleo 10 people for 10 days. insurance, And you¢ whichwas like $6 pe for each person. madirectced e Idaby Prosecutorsays lan didn't belong in program Regulation changes @ Continued from Al Temperature: Nohiking in W Following lan August's deathin a apy programlast the state's Office of Licensing d how such programs must operate. Changes include played Nintendo all day “ temperatures up to 95 degrees. response: Wikiemess programs must contact emergency agencies every six months, an exercise designed to coordinate rescue responses. ane De ie Classmates at Dripping Springs Middle School in Texas describe lan as a loner who had yut here, a few friends. After other attempts at reaching her sonfailed, Judith August sent the boy off to Utah and the Skyline Journey wilderness therapy program BK said. “When we say, “This re a is quate and its water supply insufficient He de ubts that lan, accustomed to Aus- Medical care: Complaints by eens must be promptly checkeJ out by a medical professional regardless if the field staff 40-foot elevation, had timetoad9 the7, 000-foot altitude of the Saw rea an came to Utah straight from Santa Fe, N.M., which has a similar ele vation ers believe the youth is faking. “Basically wejust thought the pro- Physicals: Exams must be conducted within 15 days of a teen entering a wikiemess gram waspoorly run,” Berkley says. In program. Former rules required where they don't have to pay anything for them, feed them tuna fish sa1 wiches for three months and change his opinion, Berkley characterizes the program as “designed to take money throw these kids out on public lands such exams within 30 days. led ene ar and graded packtrack because of Wartle f jon about the best way hh Rescuers split into two group following Wardie’s direct 4 the l be death hil w ta r ot ed i toppe Wardle x Ts v x 4 Off h ‘ ¥ k f 1 fe hh as pervisor temperature a fed, k hibited wilde Sk fre bove forts pin down the Wildemess field staff their lives. They caused the death of this kid [who] shouldn't have been in he programinthefirst place.” Still, deciding the type of criminal harge to file was not easy. Berkiey are required to have working % de Husbs waiches and thermometers. Iffice of Lacenang ex eventually decided Skyline’s conduct The Sai Hu hat indicate wit ri eath of La : figured that they muldn't have beenout there in the lace, and if he was out there, they vetaken a lot more care to keep h im cool.” Berkley has beena prosecutor for Once, while in private prac tice, he defended a youthrehabilitation pr a. Hesays Skyline Journey's employees were undertrained, its health-screening process was inade- programs could hike in hour trip. We're not and he is body couldn't handle So that’s why we tures above 90 degrees Priorto lan’s death, wildemess was so reckless it warranted charges of child-abuse homicide against Wardle and lead counselor Leigh Hale, a It censed emergency medical technician ir roads (just east of where lan ) shortly after 2 p.m. 2% hours af lan had stopped hiking that day a hermometer measuring outsidetern peratures registered 110 degrees. As w drew closer to the scene, the 106degrees disputes sheriffs . temperature was above %deves while lan was hiking But Berk he is ¢ atures, incedthat high tem coupled with Lan’s build and who Berkley said should have known lan was overheating Tt was a very difficult decision to make because we knew it was going tc be a really, really hard caseto prove,” Berkley says. “It's easier to prove an \ntentional homicide than it ts to prove these sorts of negligent reckless homt Cides because you have to convince See MEXT PAGE |