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Show ® g eSalt LakeCribune SUPER BOWL MATCHUP IT’S A RENTER’S MARKET First-timer Tampa will face the Raiders C-1 Utah landlords are scrambling for tenants D-1 www.sitrib.com MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, DAY MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY Utah’s Independent Voice Since 1871 Volume 285 Number ©2003, The Salt Lake Tribune Legislative Losers Wistful, But Move On KING FAMILY SAYS Don’t Wait BY DAN HARRIE ALT LAKE TRIBUNE, for His Shoes to Be Filled Rep. Trisha Beck won't be returning to Utah's ‘THE ASSOCIATEDPRESS ATLANTA — In the 34 years since Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, people have justice with as muchinfluence among American blacks, students on a recent Wednesday evening, the first sessionofthe newclass Beckblames Republican-controlled redistricting Francisco Kjolseth‘The salt Lake Tribune 2003 Session: Begins today with events marking election and nowis teaching others howtobe “citi. zen lobbyists.” homefront.” Beckis oneof18 lawmakers who won't be back in Lesson No, | in her newly established University of Utah course, “Interest GroupPolitics and Lobbying,” is registering to vote andidentifying one’s their old seats when the 45-daylegislative session begins today Ofthose suddenlyon the outside looking in, 11 are Republicans and seven are Democrats. Most of the Republicans departed on their own, stepping down to run for higher office or because they had See EX-LAWMAKERS,Page A-4 how important it is to be involved,” she told her 28 But as the nation commemorates the civil rights leader's life, his family and activists say counting on a single char“What Martin would be happywithis that every person wouldfollow his teachings and not depend on a leader,” said his widow,Coretta Scott King, “What he wanted to do waselevate the whole of human kind and[have] individuals understandthat they can makea difference.” ple notto wait but to pushfor solutions to the problemsthat hit black communities particularly hard, such as health-care costs, the growing gap between the rich and poorand the disappearance ofaffirmative action programs, “Men or women whoare like Martin Luther King Jr. are rare,” Martin Luther King THsaid, “I don’t believe we havethe luxury to wait around untila Martin Luther King Jr, emerges. liams, head of Black America’s Political Action Committee, a Washington-based conservative lobbying group, “During thattime, African-Americans were much more similar in their backgrounds and strug: gles, But today, we're in all facets of American society,” The Revs, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton,as well as otherleaders, have had success with manyissues, yet their overall impact has never rivaled King's, Sharpton’s recent announcementthat he would seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 has drawn little interest, lo k to lenderblacksshould cone: trate ing all pplerieSeals‘ are sympathetic to their issues,said the Rev, Joseph Lowery, formerpresidentof the Sou Christian Leader- ship Conference, which was founded by King. ‘To do that, more blacks, especially those who didn't expe- King/Human Rights Day anddelivery of the State of the Judiciary address. Duration: The legislative session lasts for 45 days. Inside; County governments push bill toeliminate judicial retentionvotes, Page B-1 Exile ‘Fair’ Deal King’s eldest son urges peo- rightfully so,” said Alvin Wil- Martin Luther Iraqi ON GUARDIN UTAH ismatic figure may be counterproductive, Thefocus for blackactivism has changed overthe years as well, widening so muchin the past three decadesthatnosingle leadercould have the overwhelming influence King had before his assassination in 1968, someactivists say. “That phase of the one leaderis beyond us now, and for herelection gating the halls and committee rooms trying to find, andperhaps jostle, the levers of political power. After six years in the House of Representatives, the Sandy Demucrat was defeated in November's elected representatives in the Legislature and Con gress, Beck describesit as thefirst critical steptoward gaining political power, “| did lose by 38 votes,so I'mgoingtobe teaching Trisha Beck is teaching this year rather than living It. shecalls it gerrymandering ousterfrom HouseDistrict 48 in Sandyat the hands of GOP neweomer LaVar Christensen, Despite a tinge ofbitter: , Beck encouraged students not to surrender to feelings of political impotence. “Every one of you can teach[legislators}," she said, “You can teach them what is happeningon the Capitol Hill this year as a lawmakeror a lobbyist But two dozen of her students are likely to be navi BY LOUISE CHU watched for a new leader to emerge who could the bannerforpolitical and social MONDAY JANUARY20, 2003 Rumsfeldlikesidea, but warplans go on BY JODLENDA KNIGHT RIDDER NEWS SERVICE Smo Vt a CT | mann/TheSalt Lake Tribune | The two ns hypt Dag Pg Sr See story, Page B-1, 32nd Engineeringaa Battalion ot ey : San Rafael Do-Over Chills BLM Federal probes,political infighting could stymie future land swaps BY CHRISTOPHER SMITH Value of Utah Land Exchange © 2003, THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WASHINGTON —Contending that Utah’s San Rafael Swell swap was wrongly cast as a poster child for lopsided federal land exchanges, Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, will resubmit legislation for the trade even as two federal probesofthe proposal are under way, ‘A bill to complete the trade died in the previous Congress amid claims by a federal whistle-blower and activist groups thatit was a $100 million rip-off to U.S,taxpayers, ; investigating Utah BLM appraiser Kent Original BLM appraisal; Whistle-blower’s appraisal: $1$2-152 million Groups that successfully fought the San Rafaelbill say a rerun may makeit impossible in the future to dosimilar state-federal land exchanges, “If they try to ram this baby through again, it will sour the waters in Con: gress for future land exchanges,” said Larry Young, executive director ofthe Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance “I talked with a key Housestaffer whotold me there is a real Utah fatigue on public land issues now, The ques: tions on San Rafael go far beyond any rience life before the civil ts eeitsmovement, need to vote, “We will go back with somethinglike that bill this term, and I hope we do something on this and a dozen or two dozen other land exchanges we need to appraisals; this was just not a good ex. get ical pa ts make oie school change.” trust work,” Cannonsai ‘The resurrection of the San Rafael Beeet tall lochinag ak “It’s to take their ‘aigof what's at pt es ” Lowery said, “Their fu's at stake,” etary analysts have said Re- the ludicrous false claims these extremists made on the San Rafaeltrade, they will start understanding the reasonableness and importance ofdoing it,” over the future of the Bureau of Land Management's national land exchange program, The Department of the Interior is proposal adds to growing skepticism Wilkinson's claimthatthefederal lands in the deal were worth up to $117 million more than the $35 million BLM ex changenegotiators in Washington had valued them, Thatinternal probeis scheduled for delivery to the U.S, Office of Special Counsel, an independent agency repre. senting federal whistle-blowers, on Feb. 3 Interior's Office of the Inspector General has also launched a separate inquiry into the San Rafael appraisal, on the heels of its July 2001 report that “Utah BLM may have compromised the integrity” of appraisals done for land exchanges in Washington County Ontopofthe federal investigations, an October review by the Appraisal Foundation found “violations of law may have occurred”in the San Rafael valuations and called for the Depart ment of Justice to review all recent WASHINGTON De retary Donald Rumsfeld said sec: Sun day he would support granting Iraqi President Saddam Hussein immunity from prosecutionif he would leave his country in order to avoida war. Rumsfeld told ABC that he “would recommend that some provision be madesothat these nior leadership in that country and their families could be pro vided haven in some other coun. try. And | think that that would be afair trade to avoida war.” But A tional Secu rity Adviser Condoleezza Rice was not ARMS SEARCH More chemical warheads found A-6. optimistic, “It is unlikely that this manis going to come downin any other way than to be forced,” she said on NBC Despite Rumsfeld's comments, he and other administrationoffi cials continued what appears to be a march toward war. Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Pow ell said the question was not whether United Nations weapons inspectors find a “smoking gun" in Iraq which they say they have not but whetherSaddam is assisting the international effort to find and dismantle weapons of mass destruction “The testis, is Saddam Hussein BLM land exchanges and impose a cooperating or is he not cooperat See SAN RAFAEL, Page A-4 See OFFICIALS,Page A-6 publicans won key elections in November because thousands of young black voters stayed ‘Chicago,’ ‘Hours’ Top Awards BY ANTHONY BREZNICAN ‘THE ASSOCIATED PRESS eet HILLS,Calif, The wayjazz ical “Chicago” won the Golden Globe for best musicalcomedy Sunday while “The “About Schmn! role as suicidal writer Virginia Woolf in “The Hours,” “I don’t know whether to be happy or Martin Scorsese received the best director award for “Gangs of New York.” Irish rockers U2 won the best movie song award for “The Hands That Built America” from “Gangs of New York” and composerElliot Goldenthal received the best original score award for “Frida. The Golden Globes, broadcast live on NBC, is renowned as one of Hollywoou's biggest par: ties, where participants AT SUNDANCE Columnist Robert Kirby finds off-screen entertainment D4 = wv are encouraged to be spontaneous and Golden Globe Winners Motion pictures Orama “The Hours" Actross * drama Nicole Kidman. “The Hours" Actor * drama Jack Nicholson, “About Schmidt” Television supporting performer honors for the loopy srwtig comedy“Adaptation.” , Actress * musical or comedy Renee Zellweger, “Chicago” Actor © musical or comedy Richard Gere, “Chicago” Dramatic series Musical or comedy series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” HBO Actress © drama award,” said Kim Cat Sopranos,” HBO Actress + musical or comedy Jennifer Aniston, "Friends," “The Shield,” FX Edie Falco, "The accepted the Cecil B. DeMille Award, honoring the star of “The Conversation” and “Crimson Tide” for his ca reer spanning more than 60 films. NBC Actor * musical or of the four womenon“Bex andthe City.” Hackman “Chicago’ many men I've had to sleep with to get this irreverent “You havenoidea how trall, who won in the TV supporting actress category for her role as the most promiscuous Gene Musical or comedy Tony Shalhoub, “Monk,” “The Shield,” FX SA |