Show 11 ur exertion iluff Is in the direction of obtaining what our customers want no r just as good in our store but we give you what you call for try us and see if we dont i i i i 41 4 1 i H HATS APS DOWN no we have such a larg large e I 1 stock of trimmed hats J that we have concluded 4 t bomark to mark them all down 1 1 call in and inspect them V as you will un fin u some rare bargains pel pei fumes the ver very fin es toilet articles and bancy ancy goods to please 4 the most fastidious I 1 MRS P MURPHY i t t M H WILLI billiams yi AINIS BROS PLACE I 1 lia UTAH nothing but the best whiskies wines cigars deers beers and mixed drinks the latest Plan olti on tap punching bag bags club rooms ete etc in Conti caton akst est Cor conducted ducted and finest resort in tho the giedt coal camp UNDER NEW management coo HOT AHO AND BOARDING HOUSE sunnyside Sunny side uta utah 11 1 1 orighly renovated arid refurnish pd throughout especial attention given the transient trade J S aj h MANAGER the pioneer livery and feed stables 11 D rop r w of R 0 W depot depol price utah and do rem aa wibb the country Furni phe bm rolled jolted nebout in roush stage co she the tas will send oi 0 wit t for ta the sam 01 1 in special boj bor men prospectors mea and iclal traveled Tra velem WILLIAM C BRAFFET COFIELD E L D UTAH rul 1 acilee tico in alt the courts ol 01 the state 1 insurance ranco it 11 W bif crockett old newspapers for sale at this office a hundred uell and liver Tablet saro becoming it florito for stomach troubles and by nil patent medicine dealers TO ak COLD IN ONE 1 I ty Y take laxative ciomo quinino quinine tub lets all druggists refund tho the lioney if it falls to clire o E W groves sig 1 nature Is on each box price 25 cents eagle lodge Knight pythias announces a grand ball tc to commemorate tho dedication of the new ball tit at castle gate on the evening ot at no november good mush must will be iva in and a general ID in italian tation li 19 extended to everyone to attend tickets will be a dollar tle ruru ut of ointment fur for C 4 tarris that cannain nt itin mercury at men uror will destroy tha of kind I 1 M rid completely t thy whole itys enes our frs ars 1 auch nod ox copt on trow phyll h I 1 cidne as Ls tile lacu ilaa airo lage they will 10 ie fis tel ton t loail 0 to the good you can po risibly derive froni them kail pait a e catarrh lure by F J chene ta WT C ledo 0 and Is acting directly ut diun ju the blood and the in flail halls s catarrh lure i ure lie aure yott act t tn tr r ie is awl H indi in toledo Tote tiu ohio bi J CU freo free sold by price tse ise pr per bottle hille family polls are ane td boit best AM HU I 1 awls 60 different g gime ames sall all new one la in each euh package of lion LIVIN H n coffee aft AM at sit your Gro grocer cees BOUTH A NEW WAY of OV USING 2 1 COUGH mr arthur clineman writing from duran I taint south africa says As A picot that chamberlain chamberlains cough remedy ie is A cure suitable for old un doun I 1 peno utne follow log ing A neighbor of mine had a child gustover just ju stover over two it had a very bail cough nod and abo parents did not know what to give it I 1 i tid that it they would get a bottle of chamberlains cough remedy Ils ruedy and put sonic upon the dummy teat the baby inas as Buckin suckles gr it would no doubt curo curoth the tt child this they did and brought about a quick tc relief and cured tho th baby thia this remedy is for sale by ull all patent medicine dealers deu lera TIM near IMST LINIMENT all balm Is considered tha tho best liniment on tho the market keti walto pot post ulla of georgia vt no ethor othor it wilment will vill heui hent j A cut or brulls brul so promptly no other 4 suca quick relief froin from rbee pains no other ia so for or deep seated pains like luino lame A 1 and 1 nd palus iu in the chuat chust oho this 1 a trial und you will never 1 I alah to be wi without hou t it sold by alt all patent medicine dealers den lers agthe v 0 the price I 1 meat market mark L I FRANDSEN STEWART proprietors M N I 1 g N wholesale and retail dealers in fresh and cured I 1 meats poultry and produce of all kinds ki 86 meats promptly expressed to outside towns on short OB notice and delivered anywhere in the city 5 telegraph orders promptly rifled 3 doors vest est coop co op price utah TE GEM restaurant i mm UNDER NEW management f 9 5 choice steaks chops N oysters fish and game X in season cold lunchi es and finest canned delicacies open every evening until midnight prompt service S cleanliness and the best of service your patronage solicited FRANDSEN STEWART proprietors j third door west of the Post postoffice office price utah t GEORGE CHAPMAN boot and shoe maker PRICE UTAH I 1 I 1 T repairing neatly dine dane and all work 4 4 guaranteed give him a call try iry u patr pair 0 of electric In solos 0 feet As next door to coop co op store to cure uwe ft cold AWL in VOL cam u a in uneita bay V V to two days me Take laxative bromo quinine tablets c oa every V seven boxes sold la in pt 13 12 months mouths jhb signature afrew Jf rew 2 ric MEMO wonted wanted girl for conking ami anti general wages 20 per mouth tind and lie no washing inquire at advocate ollice or rid dress F P D wickham coptain captain fort Du duchesnau chesna utah |