Show W MT tm i W l W national imi a of the tile 1 SALT LAKE CITY buo ouo so S depository FRANK KNOX president capital bald in in airn georga A LOWE vice president dento W F ADAMS cashier surplus and Profits 1550 la 11 frank knox oco geo A lowe J p directors C Q lynch S n milner henry phipps pittsburg Pitts ritts burs burg U G S holmes stephen i harej a jm jame A AL murray of dutto butte hoa hon kearus j ac account of 0 M farmer end ad Sto camen solicited ted J M neuben neusen go Q MILLED vie D A chay casina THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PRICE UTAH CARMAL iS J no M whitmore E eulan 0 binting in all its branches 0 whitmore and L 0 hofmann aaa 0 0 o 6 cs Exe Ex clance kaDt strawn on primi pal cities of tha th united Acio unta of 0 1 stock men nad ranch ranchmen men latent with conderi alive banking wa t H KH f 0 4 0 t i 4 i H H f t H H t H H J at A at rooney s 11 flaco u t t will be found be the best la in town to 0 o drink ani and smoke I 1 4 fine old kentucky whiskies es 4 1 eastern and salt lake city bechtos af I 1 bottled goods lo 10 fact the line f plenty of time lime hile alie train stops 09 for yew trip betle 4 4 4 0 0 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 fa I 1 I 1 1 i 4 0 h Wt I 1 THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT M MILLBURN proprietor finest bine of good whiskies beers and cigars I 1 sn irv castle valley ru jug g and bottle trade a specialty fool pool babits and all epp appointments ointments of a house everybody every body made welcome 10 1 0 1 1 4 10 10 ino 10 14 i 9 10 1 magnolia ar hall I 1 CASTLE GATE UTAH I 1 ku old whiskies wines and bottled goods that money will buy ecat in stock california wirt nape clelly for family trade BILLIARD AND POOL POOI TABLES so 1 strangers and Visit nes to the great gr col coal camp invited to call fort BOOM ON I 1 lu anal stags aim Eid iress libie LEE BROS proprietors four horse concord coaches dally daily between price and vernal lim larnce lar ncr pee from artee to vernal steel el v a trip fedin prie to vernal TARIFF I 1 f I 1 to sowa any dia distance tance along the road jo 10 centa cents pr p r mile milo bibri AND A M anuar up to 6 5 pound pounds 25 23 tents 6 to I 1 pound pounds 40 oat so 9 w of 3 I 1 pound pounds 60 0 cent cents ever IS pound pounds 3 cents per pound i r C e ants pat pa pound from price to venial vernal or vorn vernal to oli a tr link RATES I 1 CO f brutts tables tresh asb or oysters fresh mea 1 wa of abee R abor I FRICE UTAH 4 T IS 15 SALT LAKES THE E alllen BEST hedlun pR ICIL HOTEL 0 ON ALL CAR OAI INES LINES I try it the next time you to EP S C EWING proprietor headquarters FOR MINING MEN NIM AND STOCKMAN V rates kates qa 2 a day and up ut 10 4 1 fr ly IF A THE I 1 MINT JL 14 SALOON a j ak teed the rio 10 granda PRICE PRICIE UTAH IN esters depot e p nothing but the best fine old kentucky This kics J out of bond ak extern eastern led beer beers draught ber beer alway always freshly 1 A your patronage Solicit solicited eJ pool in connection for stockmen Stoc kmen 9 D 1 A 2 |