Show hold old on ofle f theres always something here for you always something wirch ought to interest the economical and nd particular we have the stuck the ideas the prices and are holding on to the business the place where they always have the best wl J IL A alne old bousbon 9 lears old 4 full quarts express prepaid to any point on railroad la in utah idaho idabo oad wyoming four nil full qui is packed in plain boxes no barki 81 to snow what is scud for trial order it you jou are not perfectly sat kAled with abol return at my 0 1 expense amse an end your 3 40 will ill be re 1 turned 4 e b by the next mall mail heill ehlt by pos tat or order or hank cic ch bonge n Krie mcf rette N viuf lankof republic dun i and A agan cl elf C H reilley ELK LIQUOR CO 30 bait first south st telephone na 33 salt lake city utah MILES rr r r WHITE vy HITE in WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHER 5 heats hollered Dyl Doll hered ered any chero lit the tile city and expressed to town towns ug but the ChOl choicest CoSt stuff slaught ea your s I 1 lext door to coop co op irl utah WILLIAMS BROS PLACE COEL UTAH nothing but the best whiskies wines cigars beers ond nd mixed drinka ahe th west Pla pianola tiola music on tap punching bags club booms rooms etc in connection best st cor cot du ducted cw and finest kesort in the great coal camp pioneer livery livery and r feed reed eed stables II 11 D ELLIOTT r of R 6 0 W depot price utah CI kin tit and careful vers with the country Furnis furnished bed will I 1 e wh ta tillott johm about IBI jr stage 81 coaches ft 41 or le will kerd you 0 oat out for the same R cutain tu tain men in a arl ste con byance special 1 I awe lil prospectors elnine men aad and FRENZEL RARE and expert examinations of rare mineral deposits lle 1646 Q herman stenn tn avenue denver colorado Col lt jm tungsten 1114 7 tive 8 sr ea wanted iz la largo quan me of these ores am can be seca a at afire ronco K n W crocks old newspapers news papers for sole sale ut lit this office a hundred the stock of blank books is S as compared ith other dealers mall orders solicited tho the advocate carries box papel 1 a and fine stationery than all the dealers of eastern utah com bombina binA send us 3 a ofir va all orders 1 la Is YOUR money a hi good as other peoples it if you think it ie Is buy old sleepy hollow client ickes FINEST whisky and get 3 our inon cys worth orth W M nichola nichols new 9 supply of 0 waterman fountain pens ens with willi ink nuil and just re acl at abc advocate office 1 tho the beat bast fountain foun tulu pon pen inneo in several styles and ut at arlous prices T 0 1 A COLD IN oab 1 I ly 1 take Lax atlie bromo quinine tablets tables all kit druggists lefond tho the mon money cy if it it nils falls to curo cure E NV groves sig matuie Is on each box price 25 cents centi has world wido faino farne for marvell ous curea cures it surpassed sea auy other salve lotion ointment or balm balin for cubi cot coins rig burns bolls sores felons felon a ulcers tetter totter salt fever sores chapped hands skin eruptions infallible for piles cine cuie u arant md only at all patent medicine cino dealers neward the readers of abia paper will dreada be eased to beurn that tbt re rele Is at leill pt one ell alease science ham beet ift to cure in lit all its and anit that Is catarrh cot halle halt a catarrh if the only positive cure known to the curo cure is anif being tiomai disease a a treat Is l taken in smally 11 tnt hall liall a catar rii cur cure t allting directly uron tipon tho the blood anu ane mucous curfs of r uio tile thereby destroying j the he fouli foundation of the di il leao ense and sina giviner the bull Hiir up tho calof 1 U strength by patient a t tit it if work k rh 1114 and nature in doina aton p n faith in im its bao eo 80 much llie proprietors that they offer curative power i acure bend 13 d 11 a acme taani t address Add reee en testimonials for list edo 0 FJ J lil A 0 toledo tol flail a am fly PI palle bold by druff sim are tho th beet eel HAS SOLD A PILE OP or AINS I lit MM I 1 ha a sold cough remedy tor for diore than twenty year years and it has given entire satisfaction I 1 have sold u pile ot of it and can ri com mond mend it highly joseph mcelhaney linton la ia you will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or old it niwaye affords quick c ellef and Is pleasant to take for nr sale by all dealers in patent medicines state superintendent nelson lias has received a request 1 rona emery county for se acerni eral good teacher teachers there adems to bo boa a t instructors in outlying outly lne counties from the tile number of applications that arc are being belog re eel celled ed by tho the su superintendent pert nto he ile however hag has no difficulty in supply inc ing tho the demand from the anany ap licanto that visit his office at sal balm lalm eak city dally daily for sale cheap my saloon sn lon known as tho tile mint saloon near illo 1110 orando grande western depot price utah and fixtures including refrigerator pool table national cast register cRister Il ice fee house and n nd everything every complete for nast class saloon also restaurant building and fafty fector ground ff round manti utah or NV crockett price utah when troubled with constipation try und liver tablets they aro are easy to take and produce no tio griping or ether other unpleasant effect roi rot sale by all dealers in patent medicines poi form unco ot the southern carnival ca company nipan nt itt Sal tair ir the rio geande western rall romi rood will sell round tip tickets to salt luko lako city and return ono one single fato for the round tid trip fv enio sop binai return limit sop dittli all McDon alil agent pace itaki the klo 1110 grande brogon short line and sau san pedro lo 10 1 1 angeles aad and salt lake announce 0 tant 1 at tho the rates that have prevailed will bein bo in vogue for conference on far panta tho tile zellin date will be september 10 30 with limit to october on beer points ticket tickets enill ill bo be on ale sale from october c tober ira to fth returning good until october OLD OL the tile whiskey that needs no trim and loaves 1 no regrets puro a and fra fragrant giant old and mellow sold bp J 33 millburn price ond rind jumes james rooney heller helper atall butali BUCKS FOR FOI SALE one hundred and fifty fine bucks for sale or trade for sheep may be seen at cisco utah by first notifying the undersigned undersigner under signed address goslen bros grand junction colo NE wt T LINE baby caps and bonnets trimmed and untrimmed hats S h i r t waists fleece lined for fall in various colors winter goods are to come laler MRS P 1 MIA prepared from he the best in the mark et nicely served and at reasonable prices those are the inducements we offer for your patronage our noon lanch is a I 1 WITS short orders at all hours K 4 4 MOAB P PEA it H f S we have this week some fine moab peaches for canning 4 purposes get in your or ders early while the prices 4 are low also some nice f peppers and onions for 4 i i pickling purposes 4 MEAD M EAD BROTHERS t 4 41 t 4 UNDER NEW management UTAH full coo AND BOARDING HOUSE sui utah thorn ehly renovated and ref arnish ed throughout Esp ceal attention given the transient trade J S N MANAGER S i when you see the flag 7 n H on the store E BM 0 R K its bargain day 0 5 emery county mercantile Com company n to too cure a cold in one da day y in owes two toke take Luxa lahive tive bromo Ta blots d r W ca 0 ev evely j seven boxes eom sold la in pct act 33 this box 1 |