Show hollant HOLl tNT ATI av UY 18 COLIC ar 1 M AND pi A birr chanyl A short time ORO ago I 1 syn evaa a taken n i ith i attack of at dint rhiea nuil and bo be have I 1 would have liel tied if 1 I had lind not cotten ruller says john J patton A leading citizen fit f battor ala A friend recommended ans collo cholera and remedy a twenty Ote C cent battle nud aud ft 0 r taking tareo doses loses of it was cn cured I 1 consider it the best remedy in tha the world for bowel complaints pla ints for sale 1 by oil all dealers in patent It award too abe readers of this sniper will win bo pleas od to eftim 1 that there therelo is at boost one clence has been able to cure in 11 all II if its v 4 but that is 1 cut arrit hall carrh ire ro JA il tho only to cure known to we fraternity bax treat jaent atall tit S catarrh curo cure la t taken intern ful actina upon the mom and mucous muc ous tho the thereby destroying tuo of the tho llao 1 giving 11 the by building up the cone can titu aton 10 rz and stature in Ini lolu ilg work tho hu haro havo so 0 o tench faith falth in if its our cillI alive tIVO IX em that flier offer one tine hundred dollar dollars for f or ar cafe thatis it fall ratio tokuro and lor for list uz 0 t xe aistro address alree dl ree J A toledo 0 by ISO 75 are tile br deaf furnished Furnish cd rooms to rent nico and clean centrally located call on air afro themas r murphy fric t fr DENTAL WORK dr 0 H keiser of salt lake city will be in price about the middle of next week to remain several days da y s those in need of dental work arc are invited to call on the doctor at his hotel THE OLD a v POWDER few DER absolutely pure THERE IS mi ft substitute SICK tor several year years my wife wile was troubled with what physicians called sick headache 0 eo character sho doctored docto rod anent physicians physic iaus and nt at a gie t expense only to grow worse until sho she was as unable to do any kind of work about a year ago ahe she began taking chamberlains stomach and liver tablets and today elgha more than she ovel did anti la Is real 1 ell says mr george E wright of xe new london NT N for sale by all dealers iu in patent medicines lion III E just to keep a i hins filing and to have summer IG goods on the move we will continue our CUT PRICE BUSINESS until nothing ing remains in the way of the fall goods line now bp beginning dinning to arrive there are many articles classed as summer goods that are really seasonable at any time of the year we must have room and will make it an inducement for you to visit this store wasatch store co I 1 SUNNYSIDE UTAH |