Show a e fill made aade of best material aland and for longyear lon long wear maje made in good shapes made right look took right sold right our stock is first class and contains the hats that are worth buying and just to your liking all prices and styles 0 the place where they always have the best a 0 0 A pue old bourbon 9 years old 4 full quarts 0 express prepaid to lony any point on railroad in utti idaho and nd wyoming four ull full quarts packed ID in pla plain in boes 1 no marks to now new what 1 is inside bend tor for trial order if you ure nit tint perfectly with brood s j return nt at my expense and your ta 3 40 be re turned by the me next mull by postal order or bank each inge reference national backof Ite publIc dun duns and nd rl ets merlan tile agen elm C H REILLEY ELK LIQUOR CO COO SO 20 latt south st Teft telephone hone salt lake city uth utah prepared from the best in the market nicely served and at reasonable prices those arc are the inducements we offer for your pal patronage our noon brinch is a favorite 01 HAS short orders at all hours iv WILLIAMS BROS PLACE 8 1 D UTAH nothing thing but the best wi whiskies ni skies wines cigars beers and mixed drinks X latest Plan pianola olp music on tap punching baff j club rooms etc in connection rt co r d ted onti and finest desort 1 in tho the groat great coal camp U A B FRENZEL RARE MINERALS an d expert examinations of rare mineral deposits ft bherman AT av te ie loner colorado Ctol orado va Z I 1 1 yx Tu isten d dozot te wanted in larse quan iw V 1 1 of taft afcan be saen at I 1 fire cu c U W crockett old for sale at this tills of flee fl ce 21 Q c tt a h u n 1 I rea re A TO I 1 VRE A COID D IN oxe U D 1 y tako take laxative blomo tablets all druggists refund tho the money if it faila falls to curo aa IV gig nature Is on oil each cacti box price 23 coot cents I 1 find nothing better for dherde ller dc and constipation t n chambering Cham chamber berins inas stomach and liver ller tablets L F andrews des maines rol nes lu for sale by nil all dealers in patent medicines tup tho italian population of sunn still eile side danced at the bowery the better part at of the tb day and night last sunday dayanand daya a band being there from castle gate the mines fatties had been shut down ca cs saturday good coldor prevailed how till tills wo ive offer one ojie hundred dollars toward reward for AV ILA of that cannot bj t curot curo t by i dinue I 1 alva CA catarrh u ure re t k J L co PropsT prop toledo oledn 0 we ive ta te t e haro known IJ ii che him ney or the lat last L barq and believe perfectly honorable in n alt bu igness tn ablo tocarra dulany oban I 1 rulilo br by fann abol ale D nusry lite toledo 0 finran 1 who baale eale toledo 0 a atarah cure ure ie Is taken internally the blood aid mucious BUI our ing attly upon faces 1 TSo per bottlo bottle bold sold free b liene l pill pre the belt an 23 7 ur OLD tfx 1 POWDER L absolutely puro 7 gjere 13 aw sy substitute Is LOUR money us its rood good as other peoples if think it it buy old sleepy hollow Kentuck ys FINEST whisky esky and t gt t bolth W WM M nichols Nt chols new supply of waterman fountain pens with ink and tillers just rece reveled led at the advocate the beat fountain pen mude in coteral s atelea and at weakened coed a maturo wholesome mellow liquor what th the I 1 W harpor harper whiskey la Is perfect aa as a beverage or medicine absolutely Absolu toly pure by james rooney helper ond and J X B millburn price utah CHOI 7 this disease hue has lost ita its terrors since chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy came into inta general use us the uniform which attends the use of this remedy in ull all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite royer ite its value has become known for sale by all deal dealessi ile alera ersi in patent medicines the national irrigation con gresa gress to bo be held ul tit ogdon ogden tho tile illo 1110 grande western will bell sell tickets ticket to ogden ami and return nt at the them late toot of one faro taro for the tile round datoe 0 eula september Sep and esith binai 11 september Sep tamber 20 J B 11 II mcdonald MoDon alil agent alico utah TUB ib DIF A lit little tle thing sometimes results in eath thus a mere scratch ec einsig cuts c puny bolls li it ve paid the death penalty it Is vico VISO to hat ilme Buc Duck klena lerla arnica salve 0 mor or handy its it the best sal con earth and will pre present ent fatality when burns sores ulcers and piles threaten thre ateo only co so at all patent modi medicine clue dealers at last tuesday county attorney frye dismissed tho the case of 0 luigi mancuso Mau cuso charged with adultery judge fryn contends cou tenda that tho the prosecuting u hail had been tampered with and to hato lime gone ahead in tile face of this fact would simply have pus pit the county to useless expense with no chance of a conviction tho defendant was caught nt at last week where he lie was going under tinder tho the nume name of lonte palma for sale cheap my saloon known as tho tile mint sn sa loot 1000 near 1110 grando grande western depot price utah and fixtures including refrigerator pool table nation national nl cash Kc Re glater ico ice dollso and everything complete for first class saloon also restaurant act building and fifty feet of ground charles christenson manti utah or R W crockett kett price 1 utah FOR SALE the thomas P murphy stock of saloon merchandise and fix tures will rent building for one to five years inquire of R W crockett rio cirank western weste rift ry CURRENT CAD CARD la in khent Su sunday juno june 2 t 1003 akolt 0 no noe 6 for arand 1 junction denver and all mointa rust 1 2 lim Q V m atlantic At I 1 no 2 n for oniel denver k und it point lint ilia V M rhe no 4 for grawl junction denver 4 A and all poll itil last 1 lodati lOD ran aoi A ilant flyer ault NO I ifor for salt lake cly city ogden rua bacillo cogut points I 1 ints 4 ta F p r e no a 3 for salt lake isake city onen t unil and I 1 rome exist t oatt a aam 18 p ni to re I 1 acino alyer no hoor sail labe lake city arden O k t itna point tilt illa 2 nut top at lalow helper A 1 SO a M tho the scenic mini 11 KANII vi no W larves colton tor for and clear neli a 3 30 pm no so LeaTCH clear crock creek for aid and CAI bolto toll 7 00 M no m for mound mi nl I 1 aizo sizo a W no iro from sunnyside Sunny side to p pin M for information concerning connections rates etc apply to or address V it mcdonald McD agent arico M mar mfr ha M I ii IM M STILL THEY GO i A J tip at halt half price all hats trimmings large lara line of ladies wrappers and gauze ir I 1 underwear Z besides numerous other articles of t wearing apparel the price novelty store 41 WA 1 r 31 diky 11 z i 1 1 f fr 1 11 1 1 I 1 4 1 1 41 4 1 H 0 ib MILES WHITE sa E AND BUTCHERS meat meats delivered anywhere in the tho city and 1 expressed t V towns nothing but the choicest t stuff slaughtered your patronage soll next west boor to coop co op arie utah I 1 4 4 4 im MEAD BROTHERS 4 fruit and protace dealers next door to postoffice Posto Post Kice office 4 1 aa all the fruits and vegetables of the season t 4 highest grade of candies 4 fr cigars a ad kid tobaccos in city 4 kaple A J orden orders will prompt T attention T 4 10 he eve ummer table T la 0 bl e n m you may need the china so desirable to 0 N 0 N M make alke the table attractive and thus add to 0 W the delicacy of the meal we have chim N N W laware j in n great variety its all new mill rm make your table pretty and attractive N let us help you to accomplish it N N N emery county mercantile comp company any to cure a cold IRA 5 one bay in cowes two cr days tobe taa L laxative active bromo tablets JQ ork avei seven sewn ames om sold in put 12 13 months this mcnut tr trl L box 25 mile 4 r |