Show louil taking tho the missouri fas t through train foi fol st SL louis louts kansas city and other eastern points only alft one hours salt lake city to st loula louis by the worlds fair line through caia cats nith diners liners on each train tareo trains dally from ogden and lake to the east halt half rates plus two dollars tickets on sale 1 may ath and anti eth and june ath cath oth and good until S september ber ath alro inquire any blo rio grando grande ticket or call or write missouri haefle railroad dooly block salt lake city till ito 31 LIS fegett will fend it to his ills interest to invests nato rate the opportunities offered by the mammoth coina comply tu I 1 in carbon county adjacent dja cent to bic arico the best beat water right in tho state at ten dollars per acre two dollars down and W to 0 dollars a car thereafter for four years an easy to got good fatur rights also its offers elc excellent ellent carmi ag lands at to 5 an aero acro and on casy payments it dont take much to seccie a home and the best of nater rights A few dollars down and the home Is established As an investment it Is meritorious and inviting for particulars eulars apply apply to cither either IV D liv lh LI v ingston Inc ston manti aland J W raiman nephi letl loyl N harmon price utah TUK THE 11 tho the salt lake dally daily hebald la Is tho the most readable paper in the tile inter mountain country everyday every day in the week 85 cent cents per month tho the sunday horni heral i with its it ning azine section should be read by byee eier rono jone two dollars per ear one dollar tor for six months mon flis the weekly herald tuesdays Tuesday a and fridays only si 1 60 O 0 per car with oran orange judd farmer ay 7 strictly in advance if it happen happens its ita in tho herald WORTH READING tho the ast of satisfaction la to yours it if you have bave the right kind of printing we have the printing materials aud use tise them for your satisfaction like the work wo we do for you and like our promptness in turning it out the advocate publishing co TO CATCH THE EYE you must have printing that will ac com just that purpose we are careful that the eye catching quality Is in all we do wo we want your order for any printing because what we print elves gives profit to ahe he usera users and you will profit by it advocate Ado cato publishing rib lishing ca co the pioneer pi aneer livery I 1 and feed stables 11 II D 1 profir south of fl 9 6 W depot price utah good ailts and careful 1 acquainted C 1 with the county count y 7 Furn leL L at irb y be jotted jolted about in hough Coo coaches sebes when i 2 elliott will rend you out for the money or lew levs in ina tiri vate special rates to oil men P mining inias men and commerce Com tre Tr arelen THE ROCKY atou NTA IN NEWS i martinic Moral Mort iniC nir and sunday THE DENVER TIMES TIM 1 1 3 and evenna Even nf the be weekly news pews and the colorado weekly week ay tte times combined the great of the bocky mountain state anti territories the me new news from oil all the world III car all tuon on special tte me tit E NEWS TUB TILE TIMES per month to 0 IN Per month tn 10 1045 pe per year e 9 09 1 el ar su sunday li r lwy only y year raso 2 I 1 with aix sunday dy N new 20 vl kl r N ew 1 aad ier er month colorado Os r d 0 wa ek CS as na sunday new news new a Q amb emb 1 do 00 per year yr 7 so the news hinss ti 1 publishing co denver colo 0 LI IL AM adv EN S of our summer stock being sol sold d at prices chatwill th atwill induce you to buy our wash goods stock is sold down lo 10 almost remnants still we have a few most desirable dress patterns left that are REAL 3 BARGAINS we have reduced them in price until they are in reach of all our fall and winter shoe stock is arriving never has such a complete line been bought foi this trade JUU lowenstern W ell IL T 3 III a y S irrigates 1 lands including da ix ater rights at 12 to is 15 per acre in the tile ri big hora horn basin recently penetrated by the new line A ROM fortune buy now jn n the future it you 4 if ou want to get ahead you cant do better than la fa r P vesti gate thie this fertile country asin let me end jou you a folder tells all nebout it atit it a free tree 4 T I 1 C K ET 8 S 79 west second south street streit i it IT na uen aa salt halt lake city 4 4 WHEN YOU ARRIVE t you are there 4 4 7 4 I 1 U THE HOOK ISLANDS f f nw chicago term inal the T lasallo lasalle street station stat ionIs h r larg largest st handsomest mo most st T con arranged ai at and most centrally loo 1 ue de pot 0 t Chicago In it Is 1 only fi half alf a alc bick k from tile board boar of lud only a block and a half hall from the post billee all trains of all chicago chicag it elevated railroads stop at t T t the lie doors T when you arrive in fn bagula tho rork island 3 ou are thera a few minutes walk of the prin cipal hotels and business establishments kock rock island trains for chicago leao lem e denver it 11 XV M a m and VAU 9 JO p in colu rado springs 1145 11 45 a is ra and p ui pueblo 7 00 p m through sleeper and chair cara cars full anfor I 1 I 1 matirn aa as lo 10 routes and rates add lint u nit dit pang ic let t it 1111 A LT 1 A sli sr 1 1001 west vest beem hoath south lake city 4 HAL 5 RAY general agent de denver colo 44 i ha CARL 3 SCHMIDT president ident J A greenewald FERDIE S trouse Trea ric retry w TH wm ly URI I 1 i ft furniture rus rugs draperies lace laa curtains etc NO 33 35 37 WEST THIRD SOUTH SALT LAKE caty UTAH WRITE US foa |