Show w ME t ML I 1 R IX I 1 mci ax M AMR C R 1 1 ME 4 2 14 P r n R R M 1101 t R Z M 3 i ME R 1 ada rda V THE STOCK 1 I 1 N THE OF COUNTY merchandising everything accumulated during the past season will be disposed of at a great sacrifice i in n prices ces we need the room for the new fall goods V that are soon to arrive visit the store at once and get first pick of the snaps this sale is to run until august 20 TRA ft dl d L U 1 A AWs ens and 5 shoes reduced to 3 mens and 3 shoes re 14 wl N pt S idtse deuced to 1 50 ladies 4 shoes reduced to ladies slippers were and are going in this sale at childrens goods ap LW slashed flashed to as low as all childrens shoes going at actually y below cost 41 of f W J in order J to 1 7 6 5 goods secure more room ST R ra 11 calicos that formerly sold at per yard cut just half in two some I 1 surprisingly low values qualities considered NN french ginghams that were yard now goat go at 10 to gd rid of stock M M 88 a the kind now 27 12 1 2 the 30 kind now the murna M urna kind now fancy Sate cris that formerly sold at Z wh d t s and all going at summer lawns all kinds and anda patterns at per yard nothing reserved the ones for the ones for c the the ones ones for for L a d ies wa is t s the ones for the ones for the ones for acta AIEN Is S UM MER IN MI IMI if yn r a J an all rill reduction of 50 per cent OK on every article of this kind in the house large line to select from and in all sizes we are able to fit anyone ra 4 I 1 he kinds for ac per yard the laces at 10 i law large stock of laces per yard and the ones at per yard WIN I 1 gc fur I 1 we ha ent ext here the space to enumerate the many bar bargains z dains that will be f 41 0 on n display but simply name a few of them hundreds of other ar OZ O Z cles are to be slashed in two and placed on the bargain counters for this sale wo an nils how 1116 ul 10 voll 10 PHlim mill fri R the estoll 1 11 S alp a ab WA 9 the pioneer livery and 4 feed stables II 11 D ELLIOTT south of R B 6 0 W V depot Depol price utah bow and careful drivers with the country F furnished achy be jolton about la in rough ste stage cheche when lliott will bead you oat out for th the saino nion worle 11 s in a private 11 special izates to 0 oil 1 men aten prospectors intent 1 blen and commercial A 4 4 HA LEIPSIGER CARLS SCHMIDT FERDIE T lee secretary treasurer 4 i F U 4 furniture rugs draperies lace curtains etc t t i f TEMPORARY QUARTERS t 25 27 29 W THIRD SOUTH STREET i SALT LAKE city UT t US VOE lor Z PRIORS 4 4 AA A A L |