Show 0 V two had haan hadn a long and stubborn fight N with nith ith anabe on obsess esso on 11 my right lung writes J F Hughe of dupont ga on and land guo gaa ire IP up Eor body thought my iny time had come As a lost last resort I 1 I 1 tried br dr king new discovery lor for con sump tion the benefit I 1 received rocc ived was striking and I 1 was on my feet ina in u few days now ive entirely ny health it conquers all cough colds and throat and lung troubles guaranteed by all patent medicine dealers arico goo and trial bottles free taking tho the Wise ourt fast through train for flor st bouls kludas city aud other eastern points only alft fifty one hours salt lake city to st louis louls by the worlds fair line through caia cats with diners ou on each train three trains dally daily from ogdon and salt lako lake to the east half rates plus two dollars tickets consalo on 1 may ath and eth and find juno june hh ch ath ath and good until september atti inquire noy wo 1110 grande ticket of flee r call or write missouri dooly block salt lake city dolunt ATTACK OP or IY lit COLL 4 NIP ajl AWO AND amli 19 A SAIL 1 is A abort short time ago I 1 was taken with n violent attack of diarrhoea and boi bei kevo I 1 would have died it I 1 had hall not gutten otten ellef sa john hu J patton ratton ft a leadin leading I citizen 0 or ala A friend I 1 chamberlains colic cholera and remedy I 1 bought avo cent bottle and after after fter taking three doses of it was entirely cured I 1 consider nelder co it tha best remedy rely in the world for bowel com pl phlete drits 11 stile 1 ayn uyel sl dealers in patent medicines FOR SALE the thomas P murphy stock of saloon merchandise an and d fixtures will rent building for forone one to five rive years inquire of R W crockett through sleeping pIng cars to houston Hou texas via Iv wichita Ichita el reno nud and fort worth leare denver dally 9 M p in v la ILL kock rock island try our wear Is S U IT sis we can 1 ft K you with most any kind of a suit but if you cannot find what you want we have an endless variety of samples from which to choose made to order clothing satisfaction guaranteed every time we have some summer underwear in both men mens sand and goods that is being bein closed out at one half to one third its real value also many articles in our furnishing goods department this is a month of bargains in fact all through me the store come in and see what we edve to offer in order to make room for fall lines wasatch store co SUNNYSIDE UTAH L S f X IN menomonee menomonie Meno monie non GREATEST ear ip STOCK SOCK irle D U L I 1 N 6 SALE 0 in the history of carbon 0 1 county merchandising x watch for circulars next saturday 0 giving list of articles dah and prices every offer a lm money oney saving 0 one is N the boston store eq e m N HELPER UTAH 0 0 0 1 GLASER proprietor 11 0 4 1 CARLS FERDIE SIf JOUSE 4 A mcc ice president secretary trw furt r PIM lie U 11 U furniture rugs draperies lace curtains etc 4 TEMPORARY QUARTERS 25 2729 27 29 vl W THIRD SOUTH STREET SALT LAKE LANKE CITY UT AN US POR FOR 4 |