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Show Celebrates First ‘THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BM MLKIr. Day Jr-Idaho Duane Bourdeaux’s anti-profiling bill, enact hate-crime legislation and call for a moratorium on executions in Utah. legislators last year to observe cea Many Annuity () rie Bruckner-Webb, the black Ryan Galbraith/The Salt Lake Tribune Tentral Seventh Day Adventist Church Choir director Roger Harrison playsthe piano and leads the group Mondayatthe Jubilee of Songs celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the ZCMI Center Mall. and therural poorwill be unable to compete for jobs and enjoy the samequality lifestyle as their more affluent, computer-literate counterparts. “At the dawn of this century, our challenge is to ensure the color line does not determine whois online and a part of the global village,” Onyeije said. Martin Luther King Jr. Award to James Brown, Salt Lake City en- Administration assistant district director, received the Rosa Parks Award for helping womenandminorities with business training. While the NAACP luncheon was Utah’s marquee event, it was notthe only one to honorKing. The governor as well as state House and Senate lawmakers marked the occasion with speeches and ceremonies. Other holiday observances included a Jubilee of Songs concert at the ZCMI Mall in downtown Salt Lake City and a youth peace vigil at the Capitol Rotunda. The holiday celebration continues today with an evening candlelightvigil at Utah State University. - 4 Metta gS) L ose Mo ren Do You? FREE Windshield! black and Latino youths in America are only 40 percentaslikely as in the nation’s “digital divide”is te talk with 700 educators in easterrj ” kesma redeyee 0 = he had beenhere today,”said Che- whites to haveaccessto the Internetin their homes. Shesaid the gap ’s observances to . Aides said it was the re: it would have been appreciated if Better late than never, NAACP leaders agreed day’s luncheon. An adviser to Federal Communications Commission Chairman William Kennard, Onyeije noted 4, sult of a schedul eee the holiday. should be the superinformation highway, said Karen Edwards Onyeije, the keynote speaker at Mon- Rights Day tion ofhis state as racist, Gov. Dink Dirk Kempthorne was noticeably absent from the ceremony — the first time a governor had missed the eventin the decadesince it began. “This is such an important date as a human rights day. We're ap- Martin Luther King Jr. Day with therest of the nation. Utah was the last state in the union to celebrate othercities in the turbulent 1960s, member of the Idaho erase the negative public percep- Bourdeaux, a Salt Lake City calling for an end to forced segre- Human observances. 4 But after two years of trying to Democrat and Utah's third black legislator, and Sen. Pete Suazo, also a Salt Lake City Democrat, played key roles in persuading gation and other inequities. The next civil rights frontier Black eredatthootaCaplin al on. Monday signed a. procla: to celebrate diversity during the SoremonylatRadona state’s annual Martin Luther King fr Idako Falls ang — @ Continued from B-1 “This is just great,” Lewis said. “We finally got Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Utah.” King and supporters took their gospel of nonviolent protest to the streets of Birmingham, Ala., and Gla nadinay’s singind of “We Shall Overcome” and a sounded, singers harmonized and "Glass Act will waive up to $125.00 of your Insurance Deductible. Plus With Every Windshield You Get... SaltLake Provo/Orem Ogdelen Area 533-8844 373-8726 392-1072 NAACPleaders presented the even greater between urban and trepreneur and TV andradiotalk show host, for his efforts in pro- rural areas. Unless that gap is bridged, Onyeije added, minorities moting justice and racial equality. Josie Valdez, Utah Small Business I Danville Senior Supports Individualized quality care and service to seniors who wish to continue an independentlifestyle and remain in their own homes. ! I I I I I I I. D 5.Ralili Toll Free I L a fiod acl for more quotes! 1-877-520-2060) 80th Birthday Antonette Kournianos Salevurakis The fomily of Antonette Kournianos Solevralisi vey pleased ‘onnounce her 80th birthday. Antonette twas born on January 16,sige in the coal mining town of Mohriand, Utah to mmonuel and Hossricrcie Sho i te fourth of exer chicken. feo aeGud che Joumeyed to her oncestral home of Molaro, on the island of Grete, to lve wlth her loving aunt, Geni Mihelckalis. Following herretim to the UnitedSta ashe would work in the Wor tt Manos Sale 1945. 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