Show A it hide for I 1 I 1 fe with i family around hi to db dit and a son riding for life 10 miles to get dr kings now disco ery for consumption coughs and colds W H brown of leesville ind endured d deaths agonies from froin but this wonderful til ine medicine dicine cae aie instant bellof and boon soon cured flint him he writes 1 I non sleep steep soundly ovey night liko like marvelous curea cures of consumption pneumonia brn bron clittis coughs conglis colds and avd grip provo its matchless merit tor for oil all throat and lung troubles guaranteed bottled a soc and trial bottlo free tit at price coop co op S IH I M H i fr l i fr i I 1 4 I 1 good advice C L when yov rig get it from your mother but when 3 ou want good wit whiskies ickles dont forget tho old rell reli I 1 ablo able placa thomas P mural a AY 5 iaela MARSH PE PETERSON horse and waon wagon doctors we prescribe and operate on horses wagons or any old thin g that needs a new lease of UK lif charges moderate ALL WORK guaranteed consultation free price utah q T A REAL DELIGHT 1 11 theres a difference in meats morts ita its not riot tho way felt in e arf paro pare them for the block mock ant gives such to our stock 4 th the selection of th rattle and the 4 kritini still tine ting give to ane fie II ence they powwow po people the they ara the best menta roe antu 4 anywhere uny where one door or of irice price coop co op joseph jones aar mgr t we have hui the te novelties right from the fashion centers aej will be pleased to show what will be worn this fall and winter in ladies and misses trimmed hats and walking hats also silk and imported novelty goods waists our stock is this year more attractive than have been former purchases and was bought direct from the import erand wholesaler of new york city whether buyer or not you are invited to the store residents of sur rounding towns will find rind it to their interest to visit price for these purchases LoWEN eunen STEmS S 0 4 was THERES T H E R AN A IM t OLD PROVERB chih rends when in doubt follow the crowd 4 eldered En dered into twentieth century english this 4 mean means take the burlington the ero crotti yo does always alaya the STRONG itne line from denver r to the 4 4 hast east the B Birling irling tona tons leadership inas never so 4 great as now 4 two trains a day denver to omaha and Chica gothe chien 4 v no vo Sin special ecial at 4 t 15 p in und and the I 1 lyca at 10 p m two ernins a day denver to kansas city C ily and an d st Louis the st lout louis special at ut a 8 p m and the bt ht L lous Is exi u es 10 1 P m 4 through sleeper from omaha and chicago leave bait balt lake city 3 15 p p ul dally through tourist cars ears edres days anil and 4 licke tj at caicea of connecting connect in line lines 4 ticket office 79 9 west I 1 R F 7 artent 1 second south street salt la 0 city 4 j q 4 4 4 4 HJ 4 J C W vu E E TE R L U 90 mm tra E R 1 r WHOLESALE arid 4 RETAIL LUMBER R YA YARD RD 4 4 4 with a full line of sash doors screen doors building 11 paper inge blocks redwood and fine 1 anish Hinl waro ainza wiro wire cloth t iron nalle nails wire Cona combination lath benco A complete line 0 4 4 harness PI arness wagons buggies spring wagons 44 4 4 4 handle all kinds of farna Travle mets is I 1 if f in need of 0 any thine thing in our line call 4 and see ee us or write I 1 irwill t will be to 3 our interest Inter cat to todo do eo so 4 ft J C WEETER LUMBER CO 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 44 4 4 4 44 4 pt 31 president G victims Vi VIC caPres eIMs A magovet McG ovET cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL OF PRICE UTAH CAPITAL DIRECTORS JM J M whitmore E roubon 0 miller ocol 0 ond and L 0 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES exchange Es change drawn on principal cities of alie united states accounts of 13 incas firms stockmen nod and ranchmen nion solicited accommodations con with consor conservative banking THOMAS C HANFORD lawyer PRICE UTAH office it court house a DR E J WART WARTH physician and surgeon price utah office and residence on one block eblock no tb th dirst 1 I douk bank building 11 |