Show A lloye wild alil 11 I 1 edo for life with family around expecting him to tile die and a son riding for life 18 miles to get dr kings new discovery for consumption coughs and colds IV H brown of leesville ind endured deaths agonies from us asthma but this wonderful ul medicine gave gae instant relief und and san 8 on cured him he ile writes 1 I tiow sleep soundly evey night liko marclous man clous curea cures of consumption pneumonia t bronchitis coughs colds and grip prove its match matchless leis merit for all throat and lung troubles guaranteed bottles and trial bottle free at tit price co ov oi IV IN DINNI 19 IN maw tiri made pos possible by the tho docky mountain limited via bock rock island route leaves denver I 1 p in and colorado springs 1 20 0 p in dally fully pullman sleepers rive chair car cari i and dining cars for all meals midday luncheon CO GO bonts 4 v b 4 C P 4 t e t t 4 happy i conditions 1 0 t r can re plen plesiant sant as assoria socia eions and these aie ate en fr hancck by the uso use of or 4 t some flue old california jr wines you an lan get our choice of nine 4 orent kinds by cal calling ling on j thomas P murphy T fi f I 44 3 44 t s am MARSH D pr PETERSON L T i ER q pan horse and waon doctors we arl prescribe scribe and operate on horses wagons or any old thin 43 that needs a icv new lease of li life f charges moderate ALL WORK guaranteed consultation free price prie t utah do you need stationery if so ino 0 o are able to supply aou a with all ho the latest no novelties eltice la in that line live we havo tablets both ruled and with om envelopes elopes to match Our litto of box paper Is the best over ever shown in tho city it consists of all the latest and colors our litesy stationery Is manufactured by bl hurlburt and you know weans the boat bust in 10 the orid ord our stock of blank books I 1 adgers journals jour nair day books cash iris and the tile liko ilko 14 1 larger than that A t all other dealers in eastorn JEa storn utah combined thre hundred or more forms of logal lesal blanks deeds location notice mortgages etc carried in stock pencils ret inks librae library y paste in mucilage 1 1 calage rubber bands mid nud a gen or oral 1 1 1 line of mutineer 8 goods AD publishing CO they re coming go m i n g in for fall Sell selling hig much of our stock is already here its more attractive than ever eyer some of f is already on our shelves but most of it comes before we are ready for it the best of it is for the benefit of the ones who have a desire for an economical price see the fall pilings now ready OB so 4 4 burlin burlington ton pacemaker pace maker 14 8 miles at ettli ali late tate of 98 GG miles an hour march 1025 miles in february 1897 th 0 o are worlds i records mado und and held by tho the burlington t v pye oe in good service nod and rapid transit through tourist sleeper last east three times a beek n eek through standard sleeper salt lake city I 1 4 to omaha ud chicago p in enery day ticket office 1 79 9 west I 1 R F FN affect second south street f i 1 I f V at 6 J C i f a 0 cw el S wu va bf R 4 WHOLESALE AND 4 RETAIL LUMBER YARD 44 4 4 with a full line lino of doors dereen doors nuil building ding o 0 Cs 4 1 gnirs blocks it edwood and pine finish hardware glass as wire cloth 4 iron Hoo boofing llo onne fing nalla dai bat bed wro wiro combination lath fence complete I 1 ae of 4 harness wagons Bug buggies gics spring wagons i handle all kird of farro farm irin irin Beed of anything in ourlie 0 call 4 4 i i and ani see eo us or write it will iw be to your interest to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO COO at 14 A t tj 4 44 4 4 10 4 44 4 4 M president 0 MILLER vico vice prea magovet McG oVET cashier THE FIRST BANK OF PRICE UTAH CAPITAL DIRECTORS J af M whitmore Whit moro r clil reuben G miller aeo oeo ea C i whitmore and aj b 0 hoffmann HoiT mann IN ALL ITS BRANCHES lachange drawn on principal catlos of the united states account Acco unta ol 01 ans illek firing firms stockmen and solicited consistent consia with e banking bankin g THOMAS C HANFORD ZD A lawyer PRICE UTAH office bt at coat cout bouge DR E J WARTH ician and surgeon physician phy 5 7 price utah nud residence one block north first national baak building |