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cleaned dyed pressed and t 0 repaired nc paired gle glio us a trial order 4 t d item small and let us show slim of work moderate prices 4 Ves identa fit arico casho castio onto wil ill mariva irre tit is t postal A elirta 1 naj u will cull nl tet imAto or 4 work whon punished 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 6 ei aa i it it 21 2 HEWLETT 1 BROS CO three crolli baking powder for eulo sale ut tit arico co 2 for lri 1 0 cains guaranteed to bo cobal 01 to rily baking cing tho the anaza or money tareo crown spices and are the beat best on tho the malhot try thew thein enot I 1 lor or I 1 life ife 1 I oa as tren cd ed for three years b good doctors writes W A 0 0 for piles and but blieu nil all balled fal lel bu klens mitten sale cured me in to becks 11 cures bums bruises cuts coins sores eruptions salt I 1 liebum piles 01 01 no pidy nt price coop co op I 1 or hitsu ol 01 u trude tile to fiory fc ory brick and atone building ut at CastI castrodale oDale occupied bv bl co thebert the best tul apted building tor for general t f purposes in emery co particulars tic ulars terms etc call on oil or nd ad die dips is II 11 ay Cro crochett clett agent price quit bulut it ut AND it balm 1 TO mi H i a cirri AND IN ST i ovis pueblos p tn and denver and colorado springs i p in fit dally via rock leland route aurlio kansas hansas city 9 30 next morning and I 1 st louie nt at 0 p in tit standard lop ing cars observation cars ha hair and cars for alt all ideals auff 4 IN IN nta I 1 nind pu I 1 by the tha rocity lioun Mini ted aja route lLort leaves Voa denier De morl 11 in and colorado springs 1 20 p in n dolly dally pullman sit apers free chair cun com anti dining 1 cari for till meals midday luncheon lunch eoa so 50 con coille to ku tl D yaw this signature Ix Is oo 00 edery box ot of the genoino laxative bronio bronto quinine tablets tho the remedy that enree essres a cold la in oua one dy dap CLOSING C LOSI u OUT 0 UT SUMMER S U M M E R GOODS BELOW 9 vy to make room for fall and winter t er stock big bi g values little money our fall and ind winter stock will be the best ever brought to eastern utah fine dress goods cloaks skirts ready made dresses flannels etc mens department will embrace everything that is fashionable io the prices will b be e ri right and the styles correct wasatch store Com company pavy sa s1 UTAH university OF UTAH the lie uni university venity of utah includes include i the school of arn anil una thu baat baloo of 0 itne a the staf 11 onnal ormal school school of arts and sciences pe tap the school of att arts and sciences offer courses tn in I 1 general science 2 iberal aria arts state normal school 1 ah I he normal SL hool offer I 1 A four oar yearn normal course S advanced norm normal al cour 4 3 cl courses in kindergarten training state sch school 00 I 1 of mines the of matti elvers tours in tn I 1 Mini 11 l 2 electrical preparatory school A prepa preparatory tor bell olli maintained alisch v RIVE I 1 p ea it aa for the courses coures in general bener etc clence nee liberal it r arts minick ami and Mec trial law al alcine and the proximity of 0 great min mines reduction wor ot of various kinds nn r houses for or the gea ten erntson of 0 electricity afford advAnt advantages agel for tho thorough and il it work in and electrical electric eng lamring not enjoyed by any other of mine min in the acted atutes shop map work wart in 1 n wood and ina motile Metals student Students years in tn engal co irae irme falln are giren two red aed chops under the dir ebion of thoroughly competent ru mancial anti lm etlo science are t k of 0 tite northal Nort nal course no 0 o tuition tac oc harKed hargea fut I 1 ut a small 11 annual re glorit ton fe kw 14 1 required red 0 students tu Jents 1 ind nd uth ith I 1 bave havo ben bren made whereby from outside the icv can obtain board unit rooms at the grand pacific hotel opposite tho 0 S L it R depot sit lit lake lako city GRY at ut 75 lents a U d daiy diy ly until they fire permanently located tto the university annual v thich gives ires full inborn aaion concerning courses requirements tor for etc will oe be hen t reo on application to the university of utah salt lake city utah WV jq L sail sa il R 24 1 4 av van A N D k 0 y IA ORDER or THC acir e DO D 0 YOU Y 0 U SEEK sa E E af pf R E L I 1 E az arom the burden of Busin business correspondence the SMITH PREMIER typewriter will give it A record more enduring durine en than stone would you learn more about it write for illustrated catalogue to THE SMITH PREMIER typewriter COMPANY no 1637 champa st D mar cola colo and 78 wast souli st salt lake city crocketts crockett s insurance agency ao L E ency assets nearly one hundred million of dollars atu na at 1 l of I 1 I 1 Ter pI a oer er liall hii fortl of 10 1 nuan All linie tv arnew of AW vork 1001 0 01 I 1 rInk lill lii tf of 11 91 ilk est chester or yew I 1 lorac ork all policies written nt tit price utah no sending mray brorn home business solicit anywhere ili eastern utah write or aill tor for rates R W CROCKETT 3 M MANAGER A N A |