Show national bank et of the erub SALT LAKE CITY U S DEPO depository FRANK KNOX president capital paid lala in 1 1 GEORGE A LOWE vice president deriL W F ADAMS cashier surplus and Profits directors frank acox geo A lowe J C lynch S R allner iner henry phipps pittsburg 0 S holmes Hol raea stephen i hayes james A murray of butte linn thomas kearns ac of 0 M rc hants farmer farmers and solicited kat the senate saloon NICHOLS BROS proprietor proprietors FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINB OP OF old whisk whiskies I 1 es n brandies Pan dies alcohol and wid ci cigars 0 ars special attention bilven to the aal ollon on and f gallon anllo n f trade rade on which we make special arl ces come in and del act prices which are guaranteed to be 40 4 att t h H H t H A JL T taj H naran at jKo orley s place I 1 vl be found the acs bc in town to drink and moke smoke fine oid old kentucky whiskies eastern nd ind salt lake city beers bottle roods in fact everything desirable deb able in the refreshment line plenty of time ilme while the rain train stops get fotr for a your good trip 1 4 4 hah 4 11 I 1 THE OASIS SALOON I 1 HERBERT at 1 MILLBURN proprietor ater finest bine line of 0 good whiskies liquors beers and ciders cigars in castle valley jug and bottle trade a 3 specialty pool table tables and all opp appointment ointments of a first class claes house everybody made welcome 4 I I 4 44 I i 4 IM 4 I 1 al p magnolia a 9 aniol 1 ud H hall E aa I 1 I 1 1 CASTLE OATE GATE UTAH a K line at of old a whiskies Mi skies wines and bottled goods that money will buy kept in stock california C 01 fornin wines especially far family f trade rode 13 AND POOL 1 1601 strangers and visitors to the great gri at coal camp invited to call TH E RA denat now V Is Z ER N ll 11 no MUE if THE POPULAR LINE TO COLORADO SPRINGS PUEBLO CRIPPLE CREEK LEAD VILLE GLENWOOD SPRINGS ASPEN GRAND JUNCTION SALT GALT LAKE CITY OGDEN DUTTE BUTTE HELENA SAN CISCO LOS ANGELES PORTLAND TACOMA SEATTLE REACHES ALL PRINCIPAL TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS IN COLORADO UTAH AND NEW MEXICO THE TOURISTS FAVORITE ROUTE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS the only line passing through salt lake city en route to the pachi Pac di cost tj U pra AND CRIPPLE CREEK SALT LAKE CITY LEADVILLE OGDEN GLENWOOD SPRINGS PORTLAND GRAND JUNCTION SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES CBS CHICAGO SL ST LOUIS and ald SAM SAN DI MING CARS PAR 1 bervia on an all through A IA la carte trains E T president Preil dent RUSSELL P agen myr denver colo st louie louis mo J T IL raver A ff HUGHES con denver colo denver colo dolo S IL BABCOCK abt gen tr S ac K gen salt ia balte ke C city I 1 tr utan utah den denser dener er colo I 1 I 1 II |