Show all NW FOODS IN THIS 1 gents furnishing furnishings Z cs carpets and linoleum s dress goods and dry goods fine selection ladies flannel waists latest new york styles in ladies trimmed hats on the way here our new fall and winter stock Is now almost all in LOWEN M NM current ur rent time table in I 1 barsda burs da april FOR 11 THIS h L no 4 for aruto denver and ad till 11 j clinas fat fast p in atlantia Ail amlo la 11 no vo 2 for gron gran I 1 junction I 1 enver and all at point least 7 in m 1 iho I he bienio lin LI ll n noted I 1 ted no I function denver an ana all poin ta mitat u 0 I 1 WA M the A At lontin ali chor or von iiii no I ator salu anko 4 by aado A and points 7 wn in 1 11 l no 3 for salt alco city ulon ani co tat po I 1 nt a M cho flyer wo fl tor fait palt lake ako fity a and n coast point net top atop at irim I 1 lentia eavie s helper S 5 41 a in avrile L limited no ift ts len Leiu ea I 1 olton tor for and clear cr crick f ek 1215 P W N a ivet clear brcek fur for scofield an all I 1 boltan 7 in no astor as 33 tor for mounds and Sunn yelle le a in no V felrom fl krotai rom to helper 4 10 40 1 p to in information concerning routes rates etc apply to or ad elress 11 R MoDo ALP agent price utah FUJI 11 YOU nince and clean centrally con trally located call ou thomaa thomas P mul mulphy phy to fitzgerald t cos swoon 8 BALK ALE or ANIM 1034 I 1 OK COUN ry or hu J ba in the precinct of said county i have in my adon eadon e 1 the he folk mInK described l i f cot claimed and taken away will be old t public auction a won to the hlf chest cash bid tier der at at mv residence reNi residence dence la in I 1 t benfeld precinct on tuesday Tu enday the tte ind doy tiny ot of beL at the hour of 6 5 0 clock p m OF ANIMALS one bay mare bran brun led this it U on right der age ia or 7 years old one bay n ire with colt two hind bind feet beet white spot tn in forehead cuddle market notch I 1 in n right eur our branded this j C on left hip age I 1 11 I 1 or I 1 j year years old one bay maro mare banded on left hip and this on left th ailder and left ear split age about 4 yearn yea old one bay mare bra bran tiled led this 3 on lett left thigh about 4 years old one grey mare branded bran deil if on left shoulder b about 7 or I 1 years yea old one roan mare branded 0 on right ahou ider u about 5 or 6 4 years old one arca irca grey man mare two hind feet white brand ed flon right thigh and und this I 1 on lett left thigh age uge about 1 3 years ol 01 1 one iron gray grey more mare two hind bind feet white bounded U on left thigh right front trout ewt white about a 13 yearn old one lorrol mare left hind foot toot white branded thia avon left bip hip muria forehead fure brad about J yean m old 1 quo one black bla cUmare mare two hinl hint feet white and lett left front foot bite hite about 4 d brand branded edIt on riehl right shoulder ore one brown mare lett left bin foot white and wire out on aade foot banded h it on left thigh in forehead 7 or tl 8 year 4 old 1 one bay mare mule branded 53 52 on right thigh w whito hito put spot on lett left ulde IV luor or I 1 11 I 1 year years old uld one blac horo hora lut onule 10 addle mar marked lod 4 or 5 years old brunda visible 1 one brown marc mule about A 6 or 7 yeam years old no brands brundi risible visible oco ono bluck mare with right front foot white and anti one 1 left hind foot white branded VAK on lett left shoulder about 3 years old one strawberry berry color m tre left bind foot white branded AJ a ou on right thach about 6 or 7 deurs alu saddle marked trip strip in forehead branded J toa ton right shoulder age about 0 9 or 10 years one bay cuare 8 or 9 years yearn old branded J T on oil right shoulder said animals are held b by me to secure the payment of 1 I 1 0 00 0 per head damages done by mild 1 I upon the pr emles 1 of gardner A im Tuy y lor loron on we 18 th day of auguet 1901 19 0 J J L I 1 of 1 the national a lion has already purchased ked rb large 1 of homes for it iti meni benin in bait salt lake and will in the immediate future buy baymon mom h 1 I m 0 in this licin 11 anti throughout the thea stat titto of 0 t utah than nil till mer other 11 and loun loan compin lei corn com blued lary month a number of such ruch advance advances alil will be made to rn eubera to be repaid oo 00 a it plan so easy aay and simple that until it I 1 explained aed it edini to carry CY v enert 11 atif he ecret Is tuat will this 11 1 1 truly a mutual atlon the he t of which will and must deat deal fairly by one another so no usury ll 11 exacted 1 oa ou only p ply ty 1 10 per mouth while you are waltine for our lanb ihen we give yountz teen year cam and eight months to return the losin at I 1 15 month coll call lt ll our loftice and let wa the plan to you correspondents tamp tama for reply call on or A boNn juta louse no yoa 7 helper utah rimond u sri cICE TO KASAS KANSAS AM AND ST LOUIS leao lea o P in and denver and colorado springs spring 3 p in tit dally daily in bock rock island route arri archo 0 kansas city 9 30 nest next morning find and st louls leu la nt at 6 p la 11 standard sleeping gnp cars observation cars choir chair cars and dining caia cais for nil all meals it IN N N t 11 IN made possible by the rocity noun tain limited via vis hook island route betted denier ip I 1 p rn and colorado springs 1 20 p m dally daily pullman sleepers freo chair e cars rs and anti dining cars for nil all meals midday luncheon 50 cents this signature lf ii in on an every box bor of th the gentil ris laxative bromo quinine tablets the remedy that cares a cold it in one day dav ANY PIR f TA whit some of our fall and winter goods are already here but the great bulk of them are yet to come in the meantime we have a great many odds and ends in various line which any od price will take away oil operators sheep mer prospectors and cattlemen will rind this store an excellent place to purchase sc their supplies in either small or large lots we can sell many of the retailers hereabouts and then make d reasonable profit we buy in such large lots for cash were in position to do so wasatch store compary Com UTAH university OF UTAH the tte Univ university arlov of utah includes tho school of arts nna and sciences tho the sut state school cf c mines and the state normal school school of arts and sciences state school of mines the school of art arts and science course the school ot of M mines ines often offers cours ri in in I 1 mining I 1 general science i 2 liberal arts state normal school preparatory school I 1 A preparatory school Is maintained which the normal school gives the in cener prep for courses 1 A forr orr or r year years norm normal I course 14 science clence liberal arts mining and electrical 2 advanced normal courel courties 4 Engine crint LAW ledi clur and business 3 in kindergarten I 1 mining raining the proximity of 0 grett mines reduction too works of various kind and power houses for th gen ot of elec electricity y I 1 0 1 1 for thorough and work in mining and und electrical engineering not benj enjoyed y 4 ar by tl any uy other school of mines la in tae the united states shop ann work wom in 1 wood jooa and ano metals saule students as ib in en eu course are 1 tw two yeara years work in and metals in well equip pod pea bhora and under tho the direction direct lou of 0 thorough ly c corn pf tent machinists training 11 and Doine brienne ure tire arenture ren Leat ture of or the urinal I to no tuition Is I 1 charged but a emall annual registration fee in 1 required ot of students 10 1 ember alth anil and ath arrangement have baro been made whereby irom from ou the city y can con board and at ut tho tb 0 grand hotel opposite the 0 4 1 LA R it depot snit lake city at 75 cent celfo a day until they ore are permanently located the university annual which elm full information concerning courses requirements for mill will be seft eat free on application to the university universe ly of utah salt lake city utah AN 00 ali 10 am A 7 THC ORDER OF THE THC ado D 0 YOU SEEK R RELIEF E L I 1 E F from the burden of But business iness correspondence the SMITH PREMIER typewriter aiu wa 11 give it A record more enduring than stone would you learn more about it writ tor illustrated catalogue to THE SMITH PREMIER typewriter COMPANY COMP ANYo ho ko 1637 st damer colo and 78 wast danild soil st salt lake cit C ackett s insurance e agency assets nearly one hundred million of dollars of liverpool over hartford of Il hertford Artford it tsoo anun alliance of new lorit 10 14 1401 01 1 ot of I 1 a boje 0 mb of ah ew I 1 lork ork JIM 1 I 1 all policies written ot ut price utah no sending awny away from home business anywhere in eastern utah write write or call for rater 5 W MANAGER |