Show I t W WWW 14 W national MIT bank of the republic SALT LAKE CITY U S ftp depository 0 FRANK GEORGE KNOX A LOWE president vice president capital pt paid in W W F ADAMS cashier surplus anil and ProfitS directors frank knox geo A loie J C lynch S IL allner henry phipps pittsburg 0 G S 11 olmos stephen clayes jamea james A murray of 0 butto butte 11 thomas kearns accounts ot of M rc hants firmer Fit and Sto cAmen solicited aed the senate saloon NICHOLS BROS proprietors FIN FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINE OF old whiskies 6 brandies alcohol and cigars clars special alvan to the gallon and five ballon trade on which we make special prices come in and cef prices which are guaranteed to be 4 bolo 4 tac 9 01 at kooney 5 flace place UTA wll wit b be found the abts be tn in town to drink and smoke fine old kentucky whiskies skies eastern and salt lake city beers bottled goods in fact every thine i ng desirable in the refreshment line plenty of lime while itie the train stops get wy for your trip dottl 4 44 1 4 pe I 1 THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT al Al proprietor finest bine of 0 good whiskies liquors beers and ciders in castle valley jug fug and bottle trade a specialty i sity pool table tables and all appointment appointments of a first clasi holje everybody made welcome magnolia hall CASTLE GATE UTAH j a lint of old whiskies wines and bottled goods that money will buy kept in stork stor k california Cali fornin wines especially family trade BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES f strangers and visitors to the great coal camp a invited to call V DE TH E 10 aran E rh F IL a AN 0 R N lub wil 0 ea A THE POPULAR LINE TO COLORADO SPRINGS PUEBLO CRIPPLE CREEK LEAD VILLE GLENWOOD SPRINGS ASPEN GRAND JUNCTION SALT LAKE CITY OGDEN BUTTE HELENA BAN SAN FRAM FRAIL CISCO LOS ANGELES PORT PORTLAND LANDe TACOMA SEATTLE ALL TUB THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS IN COLORADO UTAH AND NEW MEXICO THE TOURISTS FAVORITE ROUTE TO ALL MOUNT MOUNTAIN sa IN REPORTS the only line passing through salt lake lako city en route to the pacific coast OR tIR BETWEEN aig DF a 6 AND CRIPPLE CREEK SALT LAKE CITY LEADVILLE OGDEN SLEEPING GLENWOOD SPRINGS PORTLAND GRAND JUNCTION SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES CARS CHICAGO ST SL LOUIS and SAM SAN D ninino I 1 N I 1 N G carok C A 11 R S c on n ael a I 1 it f t T through A la carte E V T president RUSSELL P A ger r denver colo st louis louls mo J T IL HERBERT manager A S HUGHES oen gen denver colo denver dol cola S II 11 abst gen tr MO S IC OPEIL oen gen bait salt lake city uth utah denar colo W f aas |