Show national bank of the SALT LAKE CITY U 8 depository Y FRANK KNOX president Pres jent capital paid in ha i GEORGE A LOWE vice president y W WF F ADAMS cashier surplus and Profits directors frank knox geo A lowe J C lynch S R billner henry phipps pittsburg G S holmes St stephen epher hayes james A murray of butte hoi hon thomas her gearas ac of M farmer farmers sad and Sto 5 camen solicited 46 0 j thie the seriate senate saloon J 5 r NICHOLS BROS proprietor 6 X FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINE OP OF old whiskies brandies s alcohol and cigars special caal alien often ion ulven n 0 to o the ballon 11 and div five C gallon gallor trade on which we make makr special prices C come corne orne in n and act ef prices which arc are guaranteed ed to be right ii at roon rooney ear r s j place lace r W 1111 wil be found the best in in town 4 a drink and smoke 4 fine old kentucky whiskies I 1 eastern and salt lake cit beers bottled goods in fact everything de la the refreshment line I 1 plenty of lime while voile the train stops get for a your good trip bottle H 44 4 4 4 4 4 i 14 THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT M MILLBURN proprietor finest bine wine of 01 good whiskies liquors beers and cigars in casile valley jug and bottle trade a specialty pool tables and all appointment appointments of a first clas house everybody Every bod made welcome j et f mag magnolia ol 01 hall hal j 0 CASTLE GATE UTAH line of old whiskies wines and bottled goods S P that money monety will buy kr kept af pf in stock california wines 9 especially for family trade bill 13 A R D A T D POOL P 0 0 T ak B L J CS strangers and visitors to the great coal camp invited to call I 1 4 THOS P re MURPHY 1 14 t v successor sorto to eitzgerald ritz rit ferold gerald EL ML co wholesale and retail X H S liquors wines VV ines N g beer cigars and alcohol ail seven years old stonewall shele 91 1 per cent pure alcohol LJ j large acock tc select from arft UTAH TIT AH special leu to wail 11 order artier PRICE U A A l arx 1 I X i 0 S 00 THE gullen ff U I 1 I 1 E N IS PRICED SALT median HOTEL LAKES ALL AEL LIMBS 0 try it the next time thae you 0 go o 1 ON S C EWING proprietor headquarters FOR foa MINING MEN AND rates 2 a day and up 0 4 t M af att H t A FULL rull LINE or LEGAL L GAL BLANKS LANKS t j t carried in agoch SL a for sale at the advocate I 1 10 office at salt lalie city and provo prices at tt i |