Show T WERE COMPELLED COM TO UNLOAD mr lowenstein writes from new york that he has picked up some great bargains bargain 3 for cash casha a great line of dry goods dress goods notions mens and furnishings trimmed hats underwear etc these have already been and should be on display at our store within the next few days As the goods were purchased at a great bargain they are to be disposed of according accordingly iv the goods should be on display not later than the first to the fifth of september intending purchasers are asked to wait and see what we have to show them the wait will be good interest on your money LOWEN STEINS IS current time table in I thursday Thur liy april A april J 1002 i on ott u I 1 AST xo i f bior gran 1 I junction lom dom er ard ull 11 points r wat 1121 I 1 al 21 p in atlantic antle express Ex E pross no 2 and nil all point kant east 7 37 p pin ra tho limited no 4 for omu I 1 Jime junction tion denver and all point points cue 1 10 am m ino flyer FOR II OK THU wk at no evoi I vot salt lake like city ind nd r 7 SO am I 1 wo ifor pait salt lake city ogdon and macleo ronet points 5 tit p in arlio pacific fil 1 er r vo no r for PHI salt lako my birden wal artl point daoa d fosnot ewt top stop al at I urlce race T fari tavua S 3 wa in th 1 0 acen ic I 1 I 1 rn I 1 tell lilt INCH no 21 cotton to for and clear croffy UIS p ro no II laaveg clear creek fur for scofield an I 1 colton 7 00 R am rn na SIDI ForM mind and sunny sid I 1 it 20 a in ano 13 H roin sunn to helper 4 loam 0 p arr 1 routes rates etc apply to or address B D 11 agent arl arico 0 o utah the two tivo wry brick and stone stolle building nt castlo dale oca occupied by Appelin appelmann ann co thebert the beat adap teel building for general merchandising pit reposes in emery county for a par etc call on orad or nd damms 1 it W crockett agent prica cutali I 1 ilovits FOB III ill NT nince and clean centrally cocat located ed call oil on thomas P murphy successor to fitzgerald I cox cos saloon baloon al it R TIME 1 ANI AND SI 81 it I 1 ICE ILE TO KINS IC ins la 8 AND ST acae palblo in and denver and colorado springs 3 p in ill dully tally vin via alock island route arile un ho kansas city 9 jo next morning and st iou louis Is nt at fi 11 p in tit standard sleeping cars atlon cars chair cars and dining carr for nil till meals insure I 1 lour our all our companies issue blanket policies co coching cring entire contents of dwelling under tinder ono one amount ith no chargo for no bending neav from borno for in hii all policies nt price B R W i A this signature Is on an deverr bit ot of the tent genola itne laxative bromo quinine tablets the that butts a cold ja in quo DO clay day an aa lion W k it co A ue Is 1 14 mn of pure corfe tn set ur mana who knows how much mb roff coffee and kow how much atalo alval f and glue cabled laslaf thre is in anted coffee ila mon 4 effee ce ll 11 11 all II erfft never tk the 41 k kee kw II 11 fresh J pam r price frice ts ills no IN AIL object ah act the one supreme thought now is to make a clean sweep of all goods we cut out all profit and more to effect sure clearance youve never had the chance for such economical buying never had better assortment at this time of year to pick from father rather move stock about during the re rc of our store building prices are cut in two your dollar never had greater purchasing power than right now during this sale buy what you like every department every price is reduced come early before many lines are gone work on the addition to the store starts at once wasatch Wasat cb store company SUNNYSIDE UTAH the nevada express co DAILY FOUR HORSE CONCORD COACHES BETWEEN PRICE AND VERNAL AND POINTS miles lie S S fare R artrip trip E eba bag ig miles S S fare artrip R trip ebah E big 18 8 pric price 8 to soldier ic 14 vernal V ern al to H way S ic 36 6 to harper ic 28 11 to tofta ft D ic 44 4 11 to brocks ac 2 42 to D adga ac 2 61 ii to wells ac 2 62 ii to walls wells ac 2 81 1 1 TO D 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over 31 ibi abito to fai alg 1 ills ae 51 to 15 lbs over ab 51 4 to 35 abil iia Overl Mba lo per ab over I 1 IS ijo per ib it minimum fruit vegetables blutter ll utter lo 10 ll 11 alb ib I 1 special kate liate matter ac per ib in all cases minimum in nil till 7 mo university OF UTAH the ot of utah includes include i tho the schol scho of art arti i and Sc silences lences the bbate school of mine blines ond the state normal school school chool of arts and sciences state school of mines in the school of 0 art arts and Scle acts a offers courses the school of 0 mines minem offers courbis in I 1 beneral ie 11 science clence I 1 2 liberal arts 3 electrical state normal school preparatory school the normal school offers A preparatory school ii 14 maintained chich I 1 A four our year normal course rive s premeon prep on for the in beril general rat I t advanced normal cour w science 1 e liberal I 1 beral arta arts and k Hearl cal 3 courna in kindergarten 11 raInIng engineering l law medicine and 1 the ot proximity ot mat mines reduction work of various kind kindi s wd in power houses arr the gen engine engineering erinc electricity not for or irh and practical work in minin abd electrical enjoyed by any other me school of 1 in to the united shod shop a work in wood nguu and anu metals in coursed aro are iren given two ped and wider the direction of 0 thoro igaly competent years vi ork in wood and in well equla Train lut anti Donic itle science ure rea creatures tures of 0 theNo mn course depie septemo no tuition ra all charged and but a the mcall annual registration fee ix ill required 11 of bulent tu lent university coursed cour sei annual which alv 4 full information concerning concern int for admission etc wt will I 1 be sen tent free on application to the university of utah salt lake city utah 1 CROWLEYS 11 II t AND TAILOR SHOP 4 ITEL PHIt UTAH 4 steam and dry cleaning cl Cot thing liing cleaned dyed pressed and t t repaired ghe glye os us a trial order 4 however small and lot lencs lis show sho f quality cf of work moderate prices of price caste gete gate and 1 surround 11 imir towns drop us u a puiai 4 r card 1 we will cult rite give estly nato of and deliver 2111 shed |