Show EVERYBODY and everybody s fam family who have visited our store ift A I 1 knows of the fine variety of good things we have in in the line of eatables fine teas pure coffee fresh creamery butter canned goods table delicacies and our prices are away down you should see our beautiful line of china glassware and remember we have a choice line lin of dry goods boots shoes ladies and gents furnishings THE PRICE P COOP CO AO aft OP LEVI LEVIH N HARMON manager 4 ro urist gars p i I 1 to the east I 1 t from salt lake city three times a iseck cok via jl T the burlington route 4 4 burlington tourist sleepers aleo pers ary first class in but name and are groat great money savers T only 1 4 tor for double borth barth to st loula louis or Ohle chicago agu 1 to kansas city or Ot omuhr nulin t 4 ticket office 79 west I 1 R p F le 1 enral 4 secand south street streeta 4 av A ia l oba ln salt 1410 city 4 tl 3 44 4 4 4 v J 1 G n m rauw E EE ET ahk ERA LUM mEDER CO lea Le 9 tt 44 4 fr i ii 4 4 wa WHOLESALE AUD t tt RETAIL LUMBER YARD A 44 with a full line of sash door doors screen doors building paper Moul dings cne cris 4 A luff jugs blocks Illo clig and pine class 01 wire cloth 4 iron boofing hoofing Hoo fing nails wire combination jath fence vence A complete oom line or 4 harness wagons buggies spring wagons 44 4 T 1 A t iian ilan e 0 all or furm farm implements it in of anything la aurline c T T and eee u or write irwill be to your todo so S J C WEETER LUMBER CO J t 44 4 4 44 4 4 4 v 1 J 31 WHITMORE president 0 MILLER vico vice pree A mcgovney cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PRICE UTAH CAPITALI CA PaTAI DIRECTORS J T X whitmore Whit moro E Sant San achl wIll rcuben reuben G ler geo 0 Whitin whitmore Whit moro oro and L 0 hoffmann BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES exchange drawn oil on principal cities of tho the united states accounts ot of business firms stockmen and Ran ranchmen climen solicited accommodations consistent with conservative banking THOMAS C HANFORD lawyer lawya I 1 JUI II 11 WA I 1 PRICE UTAH at court DR E J WARTH physician and surgeon pire prie e utah and 1 residence reald enco one block north first national bonk bank building |