Show fire insurance W crockett oo 00 to cie 1 eland he H e treat t you right boat wat of work 8 short order restaurant beal attall tail hours rates sa oo 00 per eek eb Eve Ever everling farst olase clam you ar are e sure to get more than your worth at our great gift sale emery county mercantile company banim the tile 11 mod hn III ritia ar if tile cold labathe bromo quinine tablets cure a cold in one day no cure no 1111 pay see cleveland and hao have that watch impaired best of workmanship ar iship 1 INI CIP 11 v short order meals ajl als at ah all hours hated hates ss 5 00 per week neek everything farst clasa it will bo fault t you neg lect elect making something out of emery county mercantile compans com paua paus great gift sale we don t caie care if it 3 ou oil do to get the bt t of icat it our great gift sale somebody Is 18 sure to emory county mercantile company colli parly to turn goods into money ts Is the object of the gift sale ut tit the emery county mercantile company store visit the stole and the plan doctors mery where Ilar pers whiskey for elfei ts of hot weather eather and its a cafe guard against malaria of its purity sold by thomas P murphy roa KOYA L baking powder er j I 1 I 1 most healthful iti ful le arvener in the world goes farther NOYA L BAKING CO M 1414 vow our great gift sule sale begins next monthly Nion lity morning mornin li foi for one dollin dollar aou ou muy pet get ter ollars in meret air all dle emery county mercantile company sleepy hollow finest kentucky whiskey hightie in lit price highest in quality of judgment should drink hollow nichols bros beliates saloon there Is nothing better for family and medicinal use than old valentine whisky handled exclusively in tit price by nichols Ni cliola bros the senate saloon moderate in price but high in quality get a bottle for homo home use highly recommended by tor for iti it purity to lure cure a cohl 11 in one day ony aronio quinine tab betla all druggists drugg ista raf und tho tile money it it falts to cure E W groves sig nature Is on oil euch each got 2 one dollar maa inn get got ou se several eral dollars lu lit season tible merchandise at our great gift eule you may inay be the lucky one any way yon you cant lose it next Monday morning einera count mercantile compney comp noy slop we wish to an announce to the purchasing pub lie lic of eastern the buyers and consumers that our new store north of the ba bank baik ik block will be open in i few days and we shall then be ready to cater to the public durstock our stock of high grade merchandise merhan han dise consisting chiefly of clothing dry goods groceries and farni family ly supplies has been lele selected eted expressly to meet the requirements of a discriminating trade we will handle only reable liable first class goods we shall carry full lines and can always guarantee qualities there will be nothing but the best while our prices shall always be 1 lowest al at this store we v ex expect hect to be open next week r foe I 1 1 bujic 6 comp HY chip ands but sao chea 11 will 1441 41 it kaw W to 1110 tho it this t r per will iw be ale epil 01 to ill leairn that then at alt beds I 1 llight billit science has boll b tx oll tn to cairo in lit uli till kit ito i its e to mill n I 1 t tant hii 9 ie to 04 th rr it ito id wn yet it to the only aki ithe i u y I 1 ill cicat ratu nater ritt nit avarra bellig IL 1 it 0 bixl ill elev llull camarri Cai arrI 1 ur ante imal tho 1111 1 or r the tile eiten orten yi ten thi vety di etro hl ro til 1 0 anil its aliu ile ilc it by it up tip the tile alt L work tit owina in 1 in ita II tillah in li r li tu MI I 1 lie ile th ili tho 00 loll 1011 awit biml 0 er 1 fait tofu tuvu ixil 1 1 M hir flora we e ilni 1 frer 0 I 1 1 list sd 1 toot V IAl d chhiv 46 ill 1 ti V ahlf r arti 13 1 1 re hit the at urn KUKSIN 14 illk lit ft ISI AN AIN 1 I lur rk to st L louis guis kansas C alt lt und and points east one fure fare plus 2 lucind trip for information all to toC C 31 van ln lus 0 P abw 1 89 ii tret demer 0 AV i andri vs 0 II 11 A ae mie 0 lerude 0 II 11 sell ell 2 a mull main te hal a i ray genc ral goi denver KM mull liall I 1 ie to to 11 ll tu ou and fu other il ointment lotion pal ol 01 oil ci it alleged lit haith lilt I 1 Is i its n good at Buckl backlond Buc klond 1 bulu toll him illin em of mit nelous cute i of Ih iiii bolls coins FeI Felu tit bic ulam cut cuts colds inid skin pro rove e its beet best ellea peet st ut lit co 01 0 SWIM 11 0 1 in 11 1 t it it IN iv made 11 by tin kocka moun in limited ln in rok BOMA i denver I 1 ip I 1 ill and nd CO colorado lorado 1 eprim s 1 11 1 I 1 baliv Pul linini eldors elI ors div t hair car and dining g car ear for 11 incel 11 midday lity it 5 runta choit antor 0 dr I 1 1 athil hrotic rate mix per meek eek EvOlY tIll i N class ewry package given out in lit our on greit grett gift sale 1 will be a bargain burgi ili look into the tile plan emely county count com company 4 RT alff 41 I 1 I 1 4 Z 4 beginning brinnin Bein nin next monday and continuing every day when the streamer 11 floats oats from the flag pole on ton tod of building emery county Aerian tile company will run a great reat gift ift sale A the plan is to wrap up numerous packages none of which will be worth less than each buyer pays one dollar for a number i and may draw many I 1 t times im es the value in seasonable 4 merchandise merthan dise the gift sale will be from 4 9 to 11 II a m and 3 to 5 p m visit the store and we will go into details of the 4 plan which cannot be fully 4 4 9 gone one into in this limited J space 4 I 1 10 in every town and village may be had the a mica rw MR M ica axle A grease alk aft a ah aft that makes your b horses G U co glad WHY HY NOT A TRIP E EAST aa 1 13 T very low excursion rates to chicago st lon lom kansas city ornitha aind points east ti the itoko alloi hy abc dittli I 1 und lilt rite 1 1 11 1 one night to chief 10 0 o anil and bt st bo 10 A wo n leht it lo 10 new loew orf hoston and atlantic coiet points hint dining midday luncheon AD AO cents vw lull full information ornim a dire S 14 HAY uen gen I 1 amt ae t den ve r colo THE DEPOT restaurant ti MATT AT T WARNER manager 44 in connection with Fir class bai bat the mint klint saloon Op postle J 16 0 W depot 41 choice steaks chops aih vegetables game and everything in season seasor short oraf ordarra rs coolter to your tante tame open cht und and day your patronage Par ronae solicited the pioneer livery and feed stables it D ELLIOTT prop r south of R 6 W D capot pot price utah good rigs ggs ond careful 1 drivere with the lit country b 1 h be jolted about la to rough stage why when k allott will nona you out ont fur for the money or iea 1 tn in a private special to oil yen mining men und commercial Tru veleM the real thin thing g in a suit fur for and summer Siim nier vur wear anity iye ix had hatt of its IP we lire tire the people that ell ann cnn n tit fit you agents for two tc of ch im clego t most fash fashion lon irble tailors callaway doting yoting yonn the barbers THE OLSEN 0 LS EN clotet HOTEL thirty hiest guest robins newly bulls bull und furnished throughout V oil all anil and carry of freest i 00 per day r bt bs week or month for commer cli and the jereral travel ing public NAD OLSEN prop o 0 GUY BARRACK i ATTORNEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH a lii all th co irta of the tate otate o omee over hank ic flareau of informs In forma I 1 n room A D united states y minean o 0 N curved s made for patents ftc kant sixth 1 1 south out suit salt uke lithe clr city imbt ind tah W H FRYE attorney at lav law practice Praet ico in its nil all of the court mel of the state alao 1 the caurto flubs BANK 1 |