Show what are your friends sm sa ing 1119 nebout joti oti that dour our pray hair inal males es you look old P and yet you arc not forty I 1 postpone this tills looking old I 1 I 1 a ir VI vior V a I 1 20 dor use ayers hair vigor ami asid restore to your gray hair all ch ahr deep dark rich color of I 1 early life then be satisfied sati sHed aa tet nair 1 IK r res destorel torel it ti color to i h lenir t r ad 4 i ni i t ITY u i 7 r I 1 t att il X chaillos cha illas 1110 4 1 Y a m a idius MI j CO I 1 wa all dijt i jt for far I 1 if ft tak dahlk k rz li ZV Z V 5 17 A rj tilt tract itt quint n 1 rott COSS rill MONT Asa ac a certain storn chamberlains Suir stomach I 1 and liver tablet acom to be bil tho the ex net act thing required string strang benaugh for forth this robust yet mild enough nod and sato safe tor for children and without that terrible so go co common ninion to nest n ost purgatives purga tives 11 say II 11 S 8 webster co cc adira ontario canada sitio stile by all dett dealers lers ta in patent medicines the section house in the tho cast east end of tow town was broken into last satur day AvellI DIX md bout about a oud and fifty jd dollars ollars worth of plunder belonging to the greek section bunds made anay with including a MIU hi able watch a shotgun some cloth lag ing a alx aix shooter and the like tramps aro are cupl ased to have done the burgl burgling lug joab collier Is down to green oreen bin r tills week moving his ferry boat from the tile old ld alte site at tho the horseshoe bend up te to rocky point about four belo below jensee it la to mr colliers aim to irry f rry tho the sheet sheep this full and net next tig and to wor K to the tile end of ca tes a permanent route way troal front vernal to diggon vcr yer nal express Ex preas rth another to sell asphalt land to salt stilt lake city was received laet last monday night J 0 snow wrote ho lind four cinius of acres each near ofield sk ID a carbon count only one and anti one liala mile miles from the J orande grande railway these he trill sell to thi cuy city for 2000 Tho pupils of price school lind an imaginary i election laut la tuesday 11 altan IOU BAN UAL L A it ad COLU COLD you yell vanta ant a re remedy tillit will not only gho gle quick relief but effect a permanent 1 a raw it cure you wont want it remedy that bellai 11 es the lungs anti and keeps heeps easy you want vant a remedy will count bract any tendency toward pneumonia you want arci a remedy nedy that is pleasant and safe to take cough all of theae requirements and fur tho tile speedy and permanent cure of wid 1 colda colds stands without a peer for sale by all dealers in patent medicines 0 IV king fort formerly with the illo grinie grande gr inie western but of lato late holding a is position with the florence and cripple crook crack railroad ta ts now station stil tion agent ut at helper ralle vitle agent quillmer Gull Quil lher the latter returning to green allver station i william cox ed from carbon county to esix bears in the pont pent tent lar last december hai has applied for a pardon lie and anti cal hay ilay sand bagged warren jobed at helper la november last jons jones la Is new now serving a jail sen sentence fer for killing boo roo Fer ferguson glIson loul alonza of helper Is from a badly cut up tip right leer leg it horae horse he lie was riding going through a barbed wire fence fonce with him dr hopes to pull him through without any permanent injury goslin bros of salt lake city aro are thirty thousand head of sheep inthe of cisco utah quito a number of are moving their herda herds towards the desert dp do N you roli rol I L e ie w I 1 because we hae not said anything about this line of merchandise lie lately remember it is not because we have not been selling the best brands at very low prices of course our reg ular customers know about our very low prices on all the best grades of high class groceries and we will give prices on different lines for the benefit of those who are not regular customers of this store but who ve we think should be as it would be quite t a saving av ing to them in the course of a year L 0 P 0 T E hi leader of low prices vc vie are neer neier undersold Under sold efm M na klAI muthus IDS herb NV edwards of 0 des Al olues lu got a fall full on on an ky walk lost last winter wilter lila his wrist and bruising bru lalog III ills knes knets the next day clay ho he suye says thoy vera so sore itald stilt stiff I 1 ans afraid I 1 would hae to etuy stay in bed but I 1 rubbed them well with pain balm and after as n fow few applications all had for ulo palo by till all dealers lu in patent medicines barney sprey has 1 ghen gorgo george W mccall all a beautiful specimen of the grey fox caught la in n trip trap a few days ago rago the right front leg was broken up near the shoulder but wae was dressed and placed in splints by dr flek fisk during tuesday W lit the splints and landaas Land acs agOS geaw ed away by the an trual tho the doctor and william tho the nurse for his for ship are thinking of the t L kan member in plaster of parts considerable hooey Is 1 coming in from tho the vernal county aud and from emery county te to price prica for shipment eist and feed stables v S 1101 holdaway daway successors to 11 D elliott Elli olt south of iio rio grande western depot price utah good ris rig and baleful acquainted with the Finni shed special rates to prospectors mining 11 men and ana commercial tran Trav clery hay glain and bt ablin til ali connection THE walt walton house ouse SCOFIELD UTAH UTA au t in clean alln en and aind comfortable rooms special rates rate and und Atte attention ution ga given en to tot boarders by the week or month aw headquarters for commercial hica maa bates rates per day GD mrs mary loh oslon new lindof of ledgers lou roal lay booke boake oa cush ali books and general office sur supplies plies just received at the ado cato cate office to cure a cold in in one day air in two alp days tabe bromo qu ein 0 tablets t M S saven ota q kt 12 month months ehk signa tUTO w W BOX is i in 11 ihn Mi iiii m adf |