Show a old KI 0 alg was wits it a merry old anu soul bilt the tile reaton N as easily explained he lie used only that agh grade rade flour ae e sell its the finest flour because of the iare in se electing U heat and the and ani cleanliness in its man manu u future tore it plays ho no but is u equally fine for aroid bre id biscuits plas and cakes 0 L of E Ever t thin h gl good d in groceries huntington FLOUR IS STANDARD BECAUSE OF QUALITY tho the best product from tho the client to the under the bakeis shill tho the best for pleasing ale abing outing eating md and for health we anut son to pay if like it ind kulil bo glad to ha e 3 on 0 n tell us its when if ever eiter it folla t to 0 C coma me up to our ex i all the food value of the whole wheat rohl i utah LEVI H N HARMON 0 J HARMON present pre adent maurer Maa ager 44 4 THE 4 4 ill 4 t C i tl 4 1 t f in 4 4 4 TV 4 onse 4 4 4 SCOFIELD UTAH 4 4 T i 4 A N arf 0 f balne and anti thoroughly t orera tu ell il throughout only anji and 4 sami lo 10 lioums in rown t rates 2 per day 4 convey ance to and trow roni all 4 4 headquarters for Cam marcial man 4 strictly 1 class 4 rd 4 C L MAXWELL prop e 4 4 4 r WILLIAMS BROS PLACE SCOFIELD UTAH noting but bli tho le best whiskies cies wines ci cilnis 1 V nis v and ana mixed drinks the rho alst laft st pianola a on tap run bunching ching MRS club it buom WM OT ho in connection best conducted and finest resort in tho the gleat coal camp william C BRAFFET LAWYER SCOFIELD UTAH will W in IA all ahe murex of the state old esy papers for eolo sale at llla vils 0 flee a hundred when want L try tr Chamberla irla stomach and lter tablets thoy they nrc tire easy to take tind and produce rj pj griping pother vother tilt pleasant effect bald by ull all drillers in lit patent medicines of at ointment for catarrh that contain Ite reary as aeme mers nury tarv will surely the enge of or smell and completely derange system when it t f acol such suc articles should never be aped ur ex from repute bc phyl clans as the damage they will do to ten fold told to alio rood wood you can possibly pop sibly derive from then the HIM 8 latarte ca arli cure lure manufactured by V J 11 henel 4 A lo 10 4 toledo edoO 0 contain contains no ry and anti in 1 taken infernally internally actina directly u upon the bleta 1 an I 1 not the dpn aitt ui in bulene will a catarrh cure be lie sure you f get 5 Is it Is g taken internally and 1 enado dint in ado ohio bi b F JL J beney jac to co testimonials free sold lil b druggists price 1 pr por bottle asti manily pills are the beet best fifty years iho tho steward standard 11 1 1 made troll gale e f tartar arta derev ad fresn dr 1 3 aso frizz nakina powtan oo 00 CH gil CAGO 10 I 1 lit cott I 1 IN ON U 1 ILI llo lazalle La zatle tit ki A iam 1 t III drugg lats refund the tile inon yr A it 1 il it r ina tilts to t uuro etire B W grovia sig WINN iture la to on elicit box laboi X 44 04 AJ studies less j qu j its it our study to provide g 4 nhat you in tho way wily t of our room ro oil 11 produces pio duces the ints lilts that nio fitting for our customers its a neatter of torito and Y vo c watch ii int irit each ono one lequire quire lc and tho 14 best fur for her irr I rr A A MRS P 9 1 1 4 ra frk 4 1 hotel clarke clarkel price utah t best table in eastern utah g and clean and Comfor comfortable rooms commercial lal men are mak 5 J 4 P ing this house their head t t quarters since change of or A Y j management 1 x t proprietor I 1 4 I 1 1 RATE reasonable I 1 M MH l t fra amm jut just arrived arri 4 A CAR LOAD OF 4 cook stoves 1 steel ranges 4 heating stoves camp stoves every stove guaranteed to give satisfaction is easy payments and prices to suit A THE WAON AND MAHIN of W F OLSON local manager price utah ak r J |