Show the man I 1 im with uia a t e hoe or the man who never saw a horany ho eany man and every every manis man is now offered a chance to rake in a lot of good things in the way of bar bargain gaint at our store therell be af something doing of unusual interest at our store every day of the season dont miss the opportunity now offered you to fix yourself up in good shape for winter new line of dry goods in and more to follow come and see for yourself t PRICE COO everything good in groceries HUNTI HUNTIN fiTON FLOUR IS STANDARD 11 BECAUSE OF QUALITY llio ahe beat best product from the pro of lit lit to tho perfection under tho baheig skill tho the beet best for pleasing e eting and for IlC health we W camit to euy say if it ou oti liko it and would bo be glad to it faila to come up tit to sour ex all the food value of the whole wheat I 1 rullell 00 mail LEVI N HARMON 0 J HARMO HARMON president manager fire insurance 11 IV W crockett school supplied the tle advocate see our line of fountain foun tula pens advocate office ollice lit howard eward the reader readers of th this Is paper wl will I 1 I 1 bo be P pleased t to 0 learn that there in at least one dreaded disease e that h hit been able to cure in all its it anil anti that ie is catarrh kail hall a e catarrh CUM lathe a the only fostore fre cure known to the usa teal fraternity catarrh being i lional disease illee aee reu treat merit I 1 hall I 1 all 0 catarrh L ort IS Int ernail ac ting dai ll itly cur it upon ian the bli and mucous of or the system it tt roby reby tb th oun foundation dation of tho ilease Il wase an I 1 givanc the patient strength by bit up tho the tion and assisting nature til in doing iti its work the proprietors have ik 0 o muth faith in iv curative powers that they offer one hundred tend for hit list of u testimonials adar VJ FJ toledo 0 sold br asa 11 jiul ill e ulily tal ur palle are the beat bes t couch nani etly aads nature medicines that ald nature are nl tit nas roost most effectual chamberlains cough sects on this plan it allays tho through ough relieves the lungi aid aids expects expectoration ration opens the tiong ons and anti o in restoring storing rf the aji stem to n healthy condition eld by nil all dealers in patent medicines THEY ARE DIFFErt DIFFERENT when you want printing you go to a when you want daubing you go to a daub cry we run a it good and continually do good printing lato late type faces presses and anti papers and tho the knowledge of how to use them we are the facilities we use aavo ate vate co new line hill of ledgers journals day books crl catl books nod and general 1 supplies just received at the tho advocate 1 AIRS EARLL I 1 WORM AND t arall I 1 int national blank it ak up stain stairs il rm a i M E I 1 CUKE of cl cholera olem 11 itly una ogle small of a colic Cho choler leras and nil u Ite Item edt mr G W fowler of hoghtower kia 1 relates nu nil experience esper lence he lie had 0 1110 serving oa on ft a petit jur in a murder HIMO t at tit county 0 peat seat of Clebo clebourne urno county ala IT he says while thero I 1 ate bome treats meat ineat and some souse meat and it garv ino mo cholera in a ery cry form forni I 1 was never moreal cic in my life and anti sont sent to tho the drug eforo for foru it certain cholera mixture but thor druggist bent me a battle of chambor lulua lalus colic cholera and diar rhoen lle meily instead saying thai that thia this kino dav po much better h he would rather bend send it to me in the ax fl I 1 was wits in lit I 1 took ono one dose of it noil and waa as better in live minutes the dose curad tile entirely tw two fellow follow jurors were viero in the ania manner and one email small bothe cure curel I 1 three of us 11 for auto by nit ail dealers in patent medicines mounting board for pictures tollet papers crepe papers in various colors for decorations envelopes enN elopes for mailing photographs in fachan fact an entirely new line of billee and stationery supplies a and glaese glasses kept in tit stock liy by the tile advocate nto mall orders for statin not and r ad blank books I 1 of all kinda kinds solicited FULU OF BEAU ty N 0 fioros ni oros plenty of really artistic molit nimit in ill the new huts hats 0 ino o aro itro shO shoeing NNing n for fall V in ear thoy they anre combinations of stylo und and beauty and find aro suro sure to ninke tho IN nearer happy r idies liko our handling of their orders X they say vo in e havo abo nicest stock of hats in town gif MRS P MURPHY P UY I 1 M MM M M I 1 hotel clarke price utah wall best table in eastern utah and clean and comfortable I 1 rooms ta commercial men are mak ak ing this house louse their head quarters since change of management proprietor RATES reasonable A 4 8 4 C 1 4 just J aja gat arrived na W d 4 A CAR LOAD OF 16 steel ranges cook stoves 0 Hea heating tint stoves camp stoves every stove guaranteed to give satisfaction 1 0 11 is easy payments and prices 14 f I 1 to suit THI WAON AND 00 W R 0 OL U S 0 local manager price utah 6 khau |