Show the man with W 1 0 t h M isie 11 hod oe I 1 or the man who never saw a hoe horany any man and every manis now offered a chance to rake in a lot of good things in the way of bargains at our store therell be something doing of unusual interest at our store every day of the season dont miss the opportunity now offered y you ou to fix yourself up in good shape for winter new line of dry goods in and more to follow come and see for yourself co everything good in Groc groceries cries huntington FLOUR IS STANDARD BECAUSE OF QUALITY the best product from the growth of wheat to the perfection under tinder tho the bakeis sli skill ill the beet for pleasing eating and for health we ou to say if ou 0 liko ait it 11 and bould bo be glad to lia have 3 a oil tell tel I 1 us when if it e ever er it fa 11 t to 0 come m up tu to your expectations all the food value of the whole wheat roller mills coot huntington utah LEV LEVI N HARMON 0 J HARMON president manager I 1 THROUGH SERVICE TO T 51 aliw JA 1 RAILWAY 6 t THROUGH SCENIC I 1 0 OLO 0 E 0 RAD R A D 0 4 t FERTILE kansas and missouri t 4 4 pullman illman Pt slee sleeping 1 ng can cars observation 4 din loar cars ivl electric electric run ning chair care seata seats free 4 up to vate day coaches 4 for berths tickets folders etc 4 4 alimena f H C TOWNSEND gen cen I 1 passenger a and ticket agent st loul louis mo 4 for sale sal the arthur J lee residence in price north of hlo rio grande western n depot will pay 16 15 per por cent on the investment InT estment from steady renter will of hay and grain barn sepa bately about first class brick a quantity of building stone of two grades and broken bricks tho tile latter suitable for chicken houses hues flues etc frame sheds lot and fencing where tha the building of the emery count county mercantile company formerly stood mt aa ahe lutter latter pays 20 per cent on the investment it W CROCKETT agent ge n x W A fire insurance RW R W crockett school stipp lle the Ado cate see our line of fountain pens advocate old newspapers papers foi salo bala at this of fice 25 it hundred the Adro advocates cutes line of tablets box papers and stationery louery Is the tile most completo of tiny uy IQ in tho the cost east of pro 0 mail orders glen prompt attention 11 1111 award the reader readers of thia paper wilt I 1 Wo Wp lead leased to I 1 icam c a T t that there at leae stone tono t that h clence cleD Coha has been able to oure cure in all its lt it aee and that ie Is katurrh kail a cat catarin arit curo 1 Is the only poel tire cure known to tho the medical catarrh beinar a conetta t lonald amease diec aee ml u ire a titu dional treat i nent I 1 hall all a catarrh cure Is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system hereby thereby destro ing the foundation of the lleane lle ease aae and arl gluing the p patient aident strength trenK th by up the consi consil itu tu lion and nature in dodov if its work ilie proprietors hare have po much faith falth in its lt curative power powers that ther offer one gifun ired 11 dollars for tty any cuc cu c that it fall falls to cure curo tseng t for lilt list of testimonials address addra V F J A CO 0 toledo 0 11 0 0 ald by guirgis is 1 A 1 Is va family m lly pill aro the tte beat act tg TV w ta cwi wwi N 6 greatest Grea fesi tesi aid to 0 o cookery cooke ry with least labor and trouble it makes hot bot breads biscuit and cal cake calce ce of finest flavor light s sweet appetizing appe and assuredly digestible and wholesome PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO I 1 t FULL I 1 I 1 OF BEAUTY BE AUT X 1 I 71 is thoi os plenty of really artistic in tho the now hats me 0 o aio itie showing 0 for F fall all m sear ear they aro tire bombina tiong of stylo tind beauty andare and are suro to maico tho leipp lu ipp ladies liko our handling of their orders they say NN 0 lieve the nicest stock of hats in ta 11 J lyias THOS P MURPHY J va 11 hotel TV clarke price utah best table in eastern utah and clean and Comfor able ble rooms commercial men are making this house their headquarters since change of management U E CURTIS proprietor RATES reasonable 4 4 6 MM M M arria arrived A A CAR LOAD OF ra 4 steel rany ranges es cook stoves Hea heating ZI stoves camp stoves 0 j 4 every stove guaranteed to give satisfaction is easy payments and prices 4 to suit W THI WAON aid NE 0 W P A 1 local price utah 0 0 |