Show a tt U C 1 M EN insure insi ire highest market prices fur STOW your ctt att I 1 G AND r urk nee UPI L by triam ia to clay robinson company lives liva C CHICAGO H IC GC SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY KAN KANSAS S A S I 1 CITY SO ST JOSEPH DENVER I 1 ie et u I 1 know int you tots hive have nd and hen will kep you himrum will wei in formed on or tl it e markets T i arg colilli representative JAMES P ai K clerk ind recorder D W HOLD A AWAY Commis slover year term AMIES A HARRISON commissioner two year term JAMES DOWNS BOWNS sheri ff wa wllliam HILL attorney WILLIAM H FRYE assessor THOMAS T LAMPH treasurer J W loofbourow superintendent at of hall LEY 0 LEI leia WELL WEL surveyor WILLI WILLIAM ABt J TID pvc 1 its judicial ludi cial district bidet Di distrait judda WILLIAM D livingston district attorney Attorn oy F PE E WOODS THE PILGRIM FATHERS were strong ng and fearless because they had faith faith la Is a splendid thing to have but it wont replace the house if disaster overtakes you bet tor ter get a policy in one of our fire hi burance comp companies artles then you need have no tear fear tor for the tuti fut iro tiro R W Croc crokat kott the advocate building BuIl dIns price bitah ead a 0 W bem e for cold davs 0 0 the fall piece goods have 10 0 attracted their fuh share of favorable comment 0 some ladies have said that they were the nicest goods they have seen any place find a chloi that will suit you a and wed like to sell you a 9 arment off the piece you like best wasatch store co W AM sunnyside Sunny side utah 1 A BAL k HT 5 P theres a difference in meats its not only the way in which we prepare H them for the block anat glies such excellence to our stock X the selection of the cattle the killing Killi nr and cutting 3 M give to our meats the excellence they possess people say they are the best meats they find anywhere A trial will convince you athe THE PRICE MEAT MARKET S LARS FRANDSEN proprietor main blain street price frice utah 44 4 4 fitzgerald IF I 1 CO C 0 4 4 IN 4 4 44 old whiskies wines beers cigars and alcohol 4 4 SEVEN YEARS OLD STONEWALL WHISKEY 4 4 4 95 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL 44 41 4 I 1 argo stock to select prom from 4 attention to mull order PRICE UTAH A carpet may L lay enhance or lesson the beauty of a room those rich patterns pattern produced in many ff but delicately harmonized col orin brings n s those real works of a at nit t for the floor shon n in our a display of the best productions g of the year uro tire the won 7 der of all who ho see sec thorn them these patterns pattern come in e c ery cry material at prices that are easy ground grounders ors a THE greenewald I 1 FURNITURE COMPANY f ia 33 37 SOUTH S 1 catl S aak ima 1 k m A 4 |