Show piro insurance 31 11 W crollett Cro croal elett att ctt sick bick headache ra sult fro from madis a ordered condition of the stomach and Is cured by stomach and lher tablets for sale by all patent medle lne dealers feed your hair nourish it rive give it something to live on then it will stop falling and will arv long and heavy ayers hiir vigor vicor is the only hair bla vigor W vl 70 idor 2 hair food you can con buy for 60 years it has been doing just what we claim atwill it will do it will not disappoint you mr Wi Thair t tabs to be very hort short it ulterior it ayer q atair lr vikor a big 11 birno it agan to 10 fro and 1 now it is I 1 fourteen fourtou MO lnor 1 1 ans I 1 A splendid result to rue a ate b e ill 11 t phout any hair AIRA J U spring billings colo atoo 00 a bottle battle J V avato all for ftc aa 1 AL aia llyl A TO NOT too much cre care connot be used with small children during the hot cather of the summer months to guard against bowel troubles A As a it rule it ie Is only necessary to give the child a dose of caster oil to correct any disorder of the bowels do not u ue any substitute but give the fashioned old cantor oil and see that it la is freab fresh aa as rancid oil nauseates and has A tendency to gripe if it this dees does not check the bowels gite chamberlains colic colle cholera and diarrhoea remedy nod and then a dose doof of castor oil aud and the die dis may b cheed lier ed in ita its ency arad alt all dinger avoided L he ca a tor oil and anti this remsey should be p pro ro curad at once onca and kat rady ready tor ter in stant uee use aa us soon as the first indica tion of noy any bowel trouble appear appears this ie Is tho the moat most treatment known aad and may way be relied upon with implicit conil dence evea even in cas of ell cholera otera tutis ealo sale by all potent patent medicine dealford de Alord TO OUK OUR the bilious and anti dyspeptic arc are constant sufferers suf ferere and appeal to oil our sympathies there is 1 not ona one of them however who may not be brought baek to health and happiness by tho the use of chamberlains stomach and liver Lher tablets these tablets invigorate tho the stomach and liver liter and strengthen the digestion they alo regulate tho the bowels for sale stile by all patent medicine deniers ae a A home spun heart ot at town hall 11 next wednesday bigdi its good t i IEN W I 1 ral H GOOD TASTE patronize us because we keep the furnishings they admire and are glad to wear den men aa IF with without out taste but with good sense patronize 4 us because they can trust our judgment in selection of what becomes them they know it is safe to anything we recommend L lowenstein 11 T LEADER OF LOW PRICES we wc are never undersold Under sold PRICE TOWN HALL two nights only WEDNESDAY IV AND ft I 1 THURSDAY fiume ll 11 lus Kel kempton lipton comedy so 10 tho best repertoire Coin company pany in the tho west now plays new now Special specialties tiei latest te A and best movin moving 0 pictures belicen Be bota ticen ean every act no waits opening play wednesday aug 17 A HOME SPUN HEART 1 full of fun and ana r laughter aughter reserved seiti seats on sale at the advocate office rio grande west western ern ry CURRENT TIME CARD I 1 OK olt TIM til EAST ISA ST ho no S for grand junction denver and all points last 1 35 pro p m atlantic 11 no 2 for arvind junction denver and all point t k mit 1 I 7 top oam ra llie scenic limited no 4 f or grand denver and all point edat I 1 tr a m the rho Atla atlantic ritto flyer poil 11 TIM no ivor I l vor bait salt lake a eliy ay ogden and t points A 00 aoa a ni express no ifor salt litko ciry city udon and coant point points 6 the rho flyer no F fr vor salt loso lako my birlen and nd flo coast point doce doe not top at larlee l fleider 6 oos m the 1 N no I 1 IMI lett arci res col bolion lon for eld and clear creek 2 30 p no leotto clear creek for eid and coltun cotton 1 W a in ho no 36 for hound and a ana to no mi Sit From sunn sunni side to helper 4 ho P M for information concerning routes connections rates etc apply to or address B II 11 mcdonald McDo HALD agent price uth utah it arg the frisco sj system stem will issue 1 luring during tho t h 0 months tourist round trip tickets to tova rioux and mud locations the mountains lakes and seashore a at fit greatly rates with ample return limit call en on nea nearest resit a agent tit or addrena a er 1 traille department st louis lauts 1 0 the kempton hempton remedy he havo have played here before and 1 are great fu fa with pric peoli aug 1718 18 |