Show insure highest market larket Rf prices for AND h a IF hy aty them to clay V robinson BY company uvo live chock commission CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY KANSAS CITY SO 30 ST JOSEPH let us u lino whit you hav have and nd when you expect to hip ship and w will ill keep you well in in formed on the ll 11 markets ik 4 i o 0 eflin in un TO CATCH THE CYE you must bare have printing that will ac com just that purpose wo we are careful that eye catching quality la Is in all we do we want your order for any printing because what we print elves cives profit to the users and you will profit by it it advocate publishing co idease goo 00 S 01 0 old same 0 0 0 A E 01 A country minister ence once went to fill a neighboring 0 pulpit 0 after he lie had started he found he had brought 0 the same sermon he had preached the last timo time ho he is had filled that pulpit the text was cease to do evil learn leara to do to well 40 there time to go back so he preached the e same sermon over again after the sermon was over some of the elders came up and asked him it if that waa was the only one he lie knew no he but have allot all of ou ceased to do evil and learned to do well ra iho lie eldera elders allowed they quite then said the preacher 1 I shall preach on th that at text until you do we are telling aou a of a matter of considerable e importance to eur self the high quality of our goods our desire to please you in all mutters matters and the economy attractiveness and satisfaction et of our complete line of general merchandise most people already know 40 we shall from this text until they all do G wasatch store co sunnyside Sunny side utah 19 alse ON lee carpet characteristics 41 may enhance or lessen the TR beauty of a room those mose rich UV 1 I ay pit patterns terns produced in many but delicately harmonized colorings 1 I those real arks of art for the floor shown in our display of the b best st productions IV of the year are the wonder of all who see them A these patterns come in every 4 material at prices that aro are easy u grounders THE greenewald FURNITURE COMPANY NO 33 35 37 3rd SOUTH SALT LAKE 1 A T TT theres a difference differ enca in meals its IFS not only the way in which he prepare E them for the block that gives such excellence to our stock the selection of the he cattle the killing and cutting 8 ghe glye to our meats the en allence they possess people say they are the best meals they find fid anywhere an where A trial will convince you THE PRICE MEAT M MARKET ARKET 5 ra LAIS LARS FRANDSEN proprietor main alain street price utah 44 4 4 44 fitzgerald az C 0 14 old whiskies kies wines beers opus and alcohol SEVEN YEARS OLD STONEWALL WHISKEY 95 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL 1 aei axe de stock to select from mall attention to mall mail orders PRICE UTAH 4 iab iA 4 4 |