Show OWN wu EN SPRING ARRIVES 4 new line of gents furnishings is ish ings hinis A mens e ns a and n d B boys 0 Ys Clothing wa Dress goods notions 4 etc I 1 just in and it of which we invite an in inspection spec tion as to styles and a comparison of prices with other dealers 4 L lowenstein L 0 W E N S T E I 1 N 4 4 4 J 31 Wn mionE G vice pres A mcgovny cashier THE FIRST BANK kr CF PRICE UTAH CAPITAL 9 J 1 M whitmore E reuben G miller geo goo 0 whitmore and ij 0 hoffmann BANKING IN ALL ITS exchange drawn on principal cities ot of the tile united states accounts ac counts of business firma firms stockmen and ranchmen solicited accommodations coneta tent with conservative e banking bon king ta I 1 the mint saloon 4 WA mccarty proprietors 4 J fine whiskies IA wines and beers I 1 the R G GW W depot r plenty of time whilo while the train sto stops p s new pool table in connection OE t 4 44 t 4 CROWLEYS 4 4 t AND TAILOR SHOP 4 4 UTAH 4 4 steam and dry cleaning ig 4 cleaned dyed pressed and t glye us a trial order 4 4 4 however small and let us show 4 quality of work moderate prices 4 residents Keel denta of price castle and 4 A towns drop ue us a tal card we will ciffa irive 1 estimate of 4 work and deliver whoa finished 4 4 4 THE SCOFIELD HOUSE yrsa J F BROYLES GOO UTAH urah only oily bat rooms and free sample u thatch convenient for of trelas to in winter quarters Qu artera all d clear cree cre 1 8 ic and tn in the lenter Lente of the dullness dietrict Dietr lct t bable supplied i with the nest in the birket coc for tho the trl 1 me and men bien A D PERRON FERRON CE states deputy mineral surveyor sumlor s made for patents etc ma 10 13 A addrow I 1 s 0 E a a t arut 3 1 11 a k n c ll 11 y find arice t t J A I headlund ARCHITECT dooly P 0 jol 1140 BALT fab aga CITY UTAH jr fir al 1 nature bedecks herself with buds blossoms and flowers but try 4 her best he the artful skill shill of t ave milliner is able to mow follow her we find rind in in the spring millinery ali all that is beautiful in nature mere here are blossoms roses vi vio 0 lets poppies buttercups butter cups lilacs and held field flowers so natural as al to fil f cause you to attempt inhaling 5 4 their fragrance here arc are sprays of foliage so life uke oke as to seem I 1 that they would curl under the rays of the sun ar and by actual count we submit to you more than 00 different shapes in trim med 1 hats in all he new styles and effects not even in any salt lake millinery stoic can such 4 correct things thino ts be found and a 4 4 lot of satisfaction comes from the 4 economical eco nominal prices that always I 1 prevail at this store zang Colon colombus ibus saloon ELD UTAH old crow ton tom burke barka 6 0 F gutter cutter and NUB river whiskies in bottle and barrel cigars and alcohol ABC schlitz zang and fisher keg and bottled beers italic i liquors bitters french cor agals and wines f all kinds as located ted at the depot traveler travelers wll will fin an I 1 mi a ingot coria rilent blare to drop in while the train la is belair anade inaje up for clear ark or colten tourte Courte oue cull treatment coni I 1 surroundings alid card rd and drin drinking klug table tables for patrons pu tron to to the jug and bottle trade i a 1 nj ardo do the colu lal award to W FER KE NT U C MY J ag oum ined nedia ja w T t 1 a arle 1 W at kr kew ca ma ia 5 old fitzgerald j rice JAMM ROONEY NEY helper utah THOMAS C HANFORD lawyer 1 PRICE NICE UTAH OB at 1 I coart coarl housa W ta iu A daitor Doi tor Pili cist iwo bettis ago a as a a of a bad cold I 1 loat lost my kolep 11 writes M na L scarbrough 0 4 hebron ohio thon bogun began an cough evor 5 remedy known to zue ua 44 z practicing physic physician lan for five rara failed aud and I 1 grow lotse dally daily being urged d to try dr kings Dis discovery coNery for consumption cough coughs aud colds I 1 found quick relief und and for tho the laet last ten days have felt better than for two 3 a cars positively guaranteed for 14 throat and lung troubles loa los by price co op conference rates corthe tile annual conference church of jesus christ of ditter duy day haintl april ath to gab and ii it din dies relief So society citty april 3rd ari to ath tho the following rates ara are au all d to salt lake city and letiro la lit hlo grande western railway tu tucker i 7 M 1 3 1 88 5 atle IS 00 0 0 cri abton t 0 n 4 9 1 a 10 U n d 7 0 00 0 5 ou 7 si unwe gate 5 s ou 00 1 wlad lile S 9 00 0 helper a 6 oo 00 9 56 tickets will be on op sale 1 april 2nd to istle ln duale ushe return linnit april lath furt lier a amply ply to B it mcdonald Mo Donald agent price ewh utah it ates NAM the gre oreal hock nock wand route noute hwe ba erred ratha bb on the chalman of the brou rn Pu a menger avo clation maing inn kloff a effect lyo brozzi chicago to deava moi ade sprine sul pu ru eblo and return mi follow follows i awe of sale july list to I 1 oth austao let to september lat to I 1 oth at 23 and intermediate in proportion june let july attla 0 mtv o slat august 1 1 to 3 31 1 8 at t september alti to 0 o letb at st one fare f are blui pi wi 1 2 A proposition wr w i aavo submitted for or nat east b bound nt rate from deavor Drav sr color colors to and 1111 puerio ehlo stone fare pati 02 on sivile ie june jume ath nal ant esth and i siti and sad jane june jtb to september it 1 will be nean bif n hat bat me ati earl 14 ellina batem I 1 eams bound in ju jw rill will of aba school bachers immediately after liesen lo ien I or further c cill di oa a or abdrea fid drea E F amke tn pa enser menger fedt agent bait balt lake city utah good bicycle for ante sale enquire at office in java 9 natives do not glaze coffe coff e with a cheap and impure coating they have too high a regard for health as A well as for the naturally delicious B flavor of their popular berry I 1 the very american roasters who glaze their package coffees do not dare to touch or glaze their kl K l high all priced cophas hitaj and milu java why at Is never glaub lazed or lion aft IM coffee U 1 I adulte it 16 la Is OU JUST PURE cafe t ok lal feke i laar a aawar ua 4 tr bo Gha IVA 4 t A r i |