Show noticed of nil till kindi enfried iu stock itt dattie the Adro cito cato 1 w a V thi this Is on every box it 0 0 the laxative omo minnine Q tablets th jy emely tb ji i j cure cares a jn in on day IN THE MARBLE AND GRANITE BUSINESS chere are material and very different kinds of fenish the material la Is termed first bonss me daum aind infer r whilo the finish Is clas classed ano ano 1 fal fair r and poor in getting a monument or head stone biotic which la Is to last for ageg it ia is that the material bo of the very vry best quality and that the finish be A no 1 and up to date u tr is also necessary that thy the work vork be properly set in the cemetery knowing that our and success depends upon the quality of material we use tle our and also our we are very careful to aeo our first class material mate rialto to produce only A no I 1 finish and to be reasonable in prices we f fully ully guarantee every piece of york vork hat leaves our shop and will thor therefore eforo make good all debets ta that may appear after tho tile etino hue been sot set up A p thero ia Is nothing in our uno line we cannot furn toh nothing Is tio nothing thing too small thero uro are no mulls of marble or granite on tho the market that wo we cannot f furnish our designs are tire the latest and tho the moat most and we havo hao over ove r 1000 from which to select when monuments are they are carefully boxed and nd p put on cara with cement ond and full diorec tlona for setting any information freely ghon ghen if ou are tire going to get a monument or headstone please send a it car card for pho to graphs and price MARBLE AND GRANITE wondia provo utah insure I 1 our euphonie iu all our companies issue blanket policies covering cov pring entire of dwelling under one amount etli with no charge for gas olineor n gela tine no 0 ILAV away from homo omo for in fit trance all policies written at price R W 4 4 4 livery and feed stable opposite depot price utah having purebred purr bRed acl the of warner A mccarty anil and after getti gettiner nir new now nock nod and I 1 am to those thome who delre tint 1 clam arism wilb careful derivi for tiny point in utah saddle homes and warding ANDREW A WHITLOCK WHIT LOCK JR 4 4 4 46 44 THAT NEW SUIT vours cit and 1 feel na its though others tul mired y on find they will too it dont take such ftp awful lot v iv of money to drese dress well wh ahm nn aou know where to we nw aro howlier un an elegant lino of and sud v ve guarantee n tit too come rid eo Call Cal callacy lavay aay young youn the barbers 4 the way to man mans heart Is through his stomach at least someone who pretended to know has said so housewives who believe this should not overlook the fact that all of the tile best things to eat are som sold at this store the most complete line of choice family groceries to be found round anywhere no matter whether you are archiving 9 iving a ailed dinner or a pink tea we can furnish all the and your me meals als wil arll always be a success if you patronize us the women folks are reminded that our spring dress goods wraps underwear boys clothing mens furnishings etc have been arriving arrivi ng for weeks and now on display dis lloy ve we arc are outfitters for aan man woman bouth youth and maid we want our share of therace th and are we making such prices as will draw it here look through our lines and compare goods and prices with other stores all we ask THE PRICE COOP CO 00 OP LEVI N HARMON manager k T Z 7 44 1 4 4 WORTHY OF THEIR NAMES the sleeping cars on the chica chicago go are called marius martius maximus and metellus the cars are as luxurious as the marble of ancient rome in the days of the men whose names they bear il leave denver at 4 p nl m on thi thia 4 po ilen en did 1 train and you will arrive at 6 45 next morning at chicago 8 ao aipa am 11 next e at e en i air T bicket m nt at or connect a lines I 1 ticket second office 79 street west I 1 R F ta 1 FN in belt sall nen a denoral lale abent city P leeper sleeper s for chicago attached to the chicago deolal at dearer denver leaves 1 bal bait t lake city 3 15 p m dully daily 4 0 o 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 r J JC vj Weeter lumber co tj WHOLE AND RETAIL LUMBER YARD with a full line Unoo nf fash doors arn doirs do irs 1111 paper gnirs kelwood Kel wool 01 anil ant rine hitt luers ito rdward wire cloth iron hooting nalle hills flatbed wire combination lath fence A cow plate line or of harness wagons buggies spring wagons handle all of farm 1 implements mple mente we represent depre ent the co op 1 and isalt liike fake irin need aurline our line callan call acus or write atwill it will bo be to your interest Inte reet todo to do eo so J C WEETER LUMBER CO 4 41 HORSE wo we carry in stock at ofir price aton store which is I 1 band diode oo 00 tho the premises by workmen wor kulen wholly who live here a ull full and complete hoo line of saddles harness bridles pack outfits for sheep men prospectors and other in fact every everything which everything ally saddler or artess shop ia Is supposed posed to supply lp and invite nn tin inspection of 0 goods and a comparison of 0 prices fth with other birins repair wok of all quickly done and at charges Bs OND us a trial E W M V A NI T S I 1 I 1 j kay |