Show to benefit others the tea of the 1 revow writ write or of the U good 04 done by DR fiew rt A ARE a great many A well and women who bo viah others to know what hat bu has restored then to go belach and 4 mr 0 r davis pub limber of ot of tb the tot be newspapers la in loira iowa britts alt from bloomfield ia ia aus a is I 1 my desire to teabe others prompts m to writ write ahll we hare used dr unee f i a car MY far nearly two years filth with most E IM we W or A would at DOT now do with lib ort them my vita bad wn weaker and 4 docu C muar every summer tara for tle le put past fifteen 23 ream pr mile ilvars cure Is U factly atly what its it ram ft a ure re cure 1 tor for a week was k lutt crin palpitating lua clif h re u dar atad liver hilll are most excellent dr ts remedies Rem edles are sold by all 11 drue cut glass under a positive guarantee ona bottle or money on lart and nerves sent nt tire free to til all applicants PIL UILES MILES VL L 00 ellam hart lid ind THE or SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured ar linet he tork 11 k cheole S ra I 1 sol u so tint tit isaken afke 8 4 ir re 0 to our header the distinguished new york chemist TA slocum Sl demonstrating ids its daj corny ty of a rel lilla aud alo gwo ile ula curo cure cort for pion pulmonary tuber culosi I and all bronchial brou chidi throat lung an I 1 cht dis sw coughs catarrhal catan bal general debina a wea kueM laa lam of pah end cad all con of avra will benl 4 tuttle of bis his new to any afflicted realer rea lerot of lla writing for theu theta ilia I 1 new treatment I 1 has cured thousands by ile its timely uie me an I 1 ho he consider considers it a al millo professional duty to tc Bering humanity ha manity to donato donate it pal 0 is infallible cure o 0 stace daily develon dev clope new road cra cr and this great chemist expert for a haq ha prod noel 84 94 to a As a cin be L d by any moara moa ra rn gims caul ills fortion that inta troubled len and con are curable in any climate ie is pr proven ovealy beatta lt t lettera etters ct of antl tale filed iu in baij bij 1 american and euro rean laboratories labora torie in a from those cured la 14 all parta of the world medical expert elpe 14 rouchdi that bronchial chest oj long lang troubles lead to consumption ghib uninterrupted reidy and certain death family write to tot T A Slocum SI MC C 0 9 pine street new york poet mt office and express add addren rest nud and th tbt free tae will 1 be sent era er should take instant adran of hl generous propos lion tion a tell the 00 doctor that fi VIA ear saw his offer anth iq Adv oot tules cure digestion s cure headache T abbles cur cure torpid liver cure Jn indigestion digestion niad mabnes les curo cure constipation itzpan for ito maci sap try bryd de milel ratu iiii I 1 irr ry a it best tea and ad bun hams powder ALL USE al JA t I 1 ill barup tw use ta I 1 kod bv i t 7 50 experience it L 5 markt MARKS ao aa 1 I d 1 0 puy BU it 1 I waln 1 1 tr tah I 1 ut tib it Us U s V L f to 11 M 1 1 b 1 hit I 1 tone tb wh jda A 00 rwan ua 1 Is RN 11 mn lii w ft kiako OM 1 ikan ik tn MUNN aco CO 1 efm av mew now fork F it lo at WE 4 ARE AT A LOSS f to 0 know what to do for money we must have it at any cost co st and without regard to prices now just look our dry goods notions boots shoes hats caps and mens men s and boys furnishings Furni FOR A LIMITED WILL UE BE SUBJECT TO 1 ac TEN PR P E R GENT CENT OFF FOR A S H I 1 t OUR GROCERIES GROCZ ERIES HARDWARE HARDIN mt GLASSWARE GLASS and ind CROCKERY t WILU BEL TO FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH this is a I 1 are opportunity come quick and a n d embrace it P 46 tr yf d 1 i nf sr BW B PRICE utah november 18 1897 eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it 4 pleases one the other and 1 everybody s happy it ins his a circulation of soo in castle valley vally vall y and will write it in the contract its advertising rates were made to fit these hard times time s YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is the most effective way of reaching a given section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming ineth methods will ivill be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is possible to make it we have reduced the subscription rates to per year E EASTERN ASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE ericc take the SANTA FE aon U OTE for fol all points east 19 a the deivert ario Rio grande Orande railroad co SCENIC LINE WORLD the only line a having two lines of nil ay between GRANO JUN anon ELL ticker tickets axi 1 via tl cither either lane two dais ft faa ex ext rox rem ira mini na to t ULI WOOD 81 KINGS NOS LE CUR I 1 LC ruc ilu st DEN lit slid ail all 11 II guinta 1 cast at 1 IRV 17 train no S kares urlce at t 1 p pin in arrive it at beblo AM 64 a am m I 1 cabrido CA brado do si 41 rings alu 13 ILI I 1 primer 1 a m grilii no i 4 I 1 rice at t 1 1 17 a in tn arrivo 1 8 11 a ill r u 0 5 1 is p m t colorado 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of 1 3 it p aemi oed vigor tok t tato ot o T dw the wonder worster that maffa fill welk burong all SOO or V cc car I 1 rue pi ralp blell booklet and nj ale ate adalie hu ku rilde 1 ca chi or H NOW fork tort 11 it yoa you wish aih 0 of 0 the th tom milt s I 1 be a e aall se er vice thi this bureau caa advise TW tom bw ato tc enn it for tb cefi cl fee e t I i R bourcy tal t al duct 1 an r an tue ft r PATENTS u thas tan has ha tm th bet test posa ilAo if ab b taeng talau iff paints antt tn tt ad ab aiu a Krie u tb andew C ehko b k 1 ahw dt 1 11 wa p erk a ce a C h k Ew elat case ft Ill l altot wats and P rall atoma am I 1 k veer W W fut 1 ia bawl a UMI ta ite femmi of au got alor ao K 1 I UW this aweau can t od fal 1 1 steby 1 SES SSi send im ao a yak 1 I |