Show we H I 1 PALMER warl IOWA caved laved frh from th the nor of f no arv no drw pf by badr or hervilia her hyvl visia t 47 n 1 41 6 ta 7 doe dm dot bot mry always A t consumption mr bit W it 11 palmer 1 ot of ariti 1 was taken with a berus stricture 0 of U the bronchial isbee bicci which developed laloi lr loi into nervous pral trat tra loa tion I 1 wasso weak ifould natall up 1 I VA ot no sleep for or days dept excels when ader lader ur the influence 0 of opiates for four months I 1 out feted md and tb that I 1 might df dis and be at not one physic lau wd I 1 had m 0 I 1 consumption fort or t had a cough thas rr pro bt me nerv 9 DO so reit rest bat bus ft a food coca 1 1 u ams r C 01 old 14 physician hot th medicine mc dicio bad fluk advised me to an dr un 1111 aarti lne and I 1 thank boj tbt it lias bright cued ay my ly lengthened my life lit and saved to from ur the horror horrors ot of nervous vt dr M iles it are sold ty by all drug fists lit under a tire rt guarantee arell battle fit of money refund njadl nu adl Ad baoec wart d namis sent free to all applicants OR DEL 00 ind THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured ao an eminent ker now fork york chemist end id belsk 1 alt make M A fr fro bokr 9 to oar oer readers BB dr the distinguished new vew york che chemist inist T A slocum demonstrating h his discovery of a reliable and abro luto care cure for pulmonary Pal tuber taber culoso cn losin and all bronchial throat lung and anc obest dis aw coughs catarrhal catan hal general decline and loea loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting away will lend send FREE BOTTLE Sall different of bis his new discoveries to any afflicted afflit ted reader of the advocate writing fm or ibea them ills I 1 new treatment has mrea thone thou anJa sauls permanently liry by ite its timely use and be he considers it a simple professional duty to Mf tuf fering humanity to donate a trial tria of hie him infallible core care luence dally daily develops deTt dev lope clops new wonders won dera and this great cleall patiently experimenting for years bae has produced results u n beneficial to humanity as 95 can CAU t N claimed by any modera benina lin hil assertion that ieng troubled lea and con are curable in any climate ii is proven by 14 heartfelt letter letters of gratt tade tude aled in a hie his american and european laboratories in thousands thor sands from those cured in all pats of at the borla medical experts concede jal bronchial cheat and a leq troubles tron blee lead to C uninterrupted meana speedy and certain simply nato 14 T A Sl slocum M a A 1448 batt kew new yoa giving poet post at and nd elp add id drees reea ano an the fr free medicine tn dicine will be promptly tont cent 8 fjaer should tabu take instant 3 a of 14 generosa emus aa teu the doctor that you aw saw bis his affer la in the advocate wills boy P Y to IT dam d am 0 mf T SO YEARS 01 MARK e jerron nd rrt cUon wry fr bobr c U ta in A amt IY 1 yeta rufuf 14 tak it U uma a oo 00 clr Is tb scientific AMERICAN 1 of ok 4 OJ MUNN A CO 31 areaway urmia kir H fak WS V aft 0 o j I 1 C ay 31 I 1 9 i M va 7 pot WE ARE AT A LOSS 7 0 to know what to do for money we must have it at any cost and without regard to prices now just look our dry goods notions boots shoes hats caps and mens and boys furnishings i 4 10 1 FOR A LIMITED TIME Tim WILL UE BE SUBJECT TO A TEN PER CENT OFF FOR 0 ASH 10 1 I 1 0 tr t r S N OUR GROCERIES HARDWARE TJ GLASSWARE G L A I 1 1 0 IM I 1 I 1 t E U and n P d CROCKERY C R OC 1 ai E RAO bibia BE BM TO J A FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH A this is a rare opportunity come quick and embrace it i A t PRICE utah november 18 1897 eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy xa it has a circulation of in castle valley and will write it in the contract its adver rates were made to fit these hard times YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper paper is the most effective of way reaching a given section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming farmin in 9 methods will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers writ rs of known abilia ability 7 the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is possible to make it we iff e have reduced the subscription rates to per year EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE price take the FE ROUTE for ful all points east guiti tuiti tu iti the denvert RIo Grande railroad co SCENIC LINE WORLD the only line bating tiro two net at t railway between JUNCTION ticket tickets rood saw via either lioe has two fast t express train to cultic DENVER andis point I 1 ret east ariO arra MITS TIT 1 lim train no 9 3 wares price at t rolv at t beblo SAO JO amt tt in colorado epriam t 13 I 1 don 1120 ain trola 1 no 4 leare price s 9 12 32 ta a a arrive ga wood springs a i 1 a in 1 beblo 1 3 18 P in I 1 springs 0 ra pm p m denver pm P an n ac toas made at t pueblo color colon lo 10 and douver with all 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win howard bb arld tuttle OrAn seville GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE TIME TIMETABLE TABLE in effect november 3 1897 FOB FOR PRICE no 10 1 3 fio betl M 0 it lr LT lilo a an for provo bait 1 lak 11 ay ado Z and the th no hot lr ieli A p an for provo silt salt lake bordeo aad lb the doest GOING BAST NAST so 1 Cli kaga limited LT lv I 1 a for junction dearer am aa east L NA no A barl lr dr is U IT 17 I 1 U for grand draver and na the tb wua wa SAN PETE AND 1 Dl lAtCH no not 4 beares trostle Jus etlan daily at ioa tl tf a in for all au point la III ban son pat aa 81 4 D C Q DODGE general manager Ut orr 8 U tr traffic manor F PA A a P A T A amt 1 t tehmi tab spit sad 4 tw I 1 lift iq to quit cisily trover to war attle all ian at c III life ur cifor beto be l to dw the mra makel ftak af attias all draff tu foo jr ti cufari Cu fri told Dool tto oklet ties 4 sample free ra ir i aim r sterling reaby co 00 caka a 0 how T wl if r wish a of UM the raab po ilion 1 the ib sor r ekx two do burae a or a boef T 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