Show N DY CAT AM ALL 1 1 ru tw at w a BAUM do 40 au ia f fy ja ATTENTION aa vak nhat is an for if it Is not to draw the attention of the this Is 1 my private alln bat but I 1 want to knon know hit that I 1 an am not wo dated or conor cono util retail with say one la in the lead 1224 business rf 4 i I 1 DO MY OWN AND SS aad and goa its it dhru yog you want to FIL on lead the aeji STEAD or DESERT LAND ACTS or make FINAL PROOF call on the YOU DO NOT bays to leave houle to do ibis if a at castled de clett lais huntington ferrell emery or molea mole wants want to FILE or make FINAL PROOF oa on loil land I 1 will tiko take ailing or proof at any ot of ib tb abare named attig fint first live at t regular price prices ferron act al molen molea 1 1 and nd E ate M itra extra bartlen trusts woodi w t or Green drat cai caz ca i z iw price la in the tn come to awl ilo do their land bo bookness alai bad to price the am me day a or r I 1 will tk take a filing or final 1 proof at either olther place with only railroad fare extra parties interested in olm 4 SC SCHOOL HOOL OR OTHER STATE LANDS or gove aset land lands wll do well to consult me we for Inton rillon all an preliminary prelim pr lim loary work can earl be done by by enclosing stamp for or reply lint I 1 am associated aiMo dated wilb with SAMUEL A kag of provo in abo liw lw la in the seventh judicial district any person wanting advice or help in la law Anat mitter teril cannot do better than consult us oar our terms are reason reasonably abl WM HOWARD huntington utah 11 tm W i tt t mt art frt i restaurant AND I 1 LUNCH COUNTER I 1 have opened up uv a and lunch conater at the back of saloon and elicit the support of the people of price and ar rounding settlements lunches will be at any hm of the day and until U 9 p m equate meats will also 1 be erred served I 1 guar antte fair treatment and reasonable MRS H WORLD proprietress I 1 D sew 0 M A T A F alices H always supplied with the choicest fresh meats your trade is is respectfully solicited ted shop on main blain street MATHIS HOTEL rm newly furnished throughout clean and neat rooms and cuisine unexcelled under new mana management 9 ement oo RATES 1 50 AND PER DAY H C SMITH MANAGER PRICE utah role nea 5 act atly but promptly upon the kidneys liver stomach and intestines cleanse the system tem effectually dispel colds cold headaches and fevers cure habitual constipation tri making taking enemas annec unnecessary arc are acceptable acceptable to the stomach and truly beneficial I 1 in effects A sing eingle e idalen after the evening meal or just before retiring or better still at the moment when the first indication is noted of an approaching cold headache any symptom of Indi indigestion guillon or de depression of spirits will win remove Z the whole difficulty in an hour is without the patient beant bein con of any other than a slightly birmin warming effect filid bild that the ex 1 pecked illness failed to merw material ize or hu di t estoe H apara are ue prepared lj from roal a prescription widely used 2 by the mn best physicians ad and ere are presented in the form most ap a proved by modem science k zoo KIs 4 Dy deasi AsI tax issey iSS Sy 00 41 4 I 1 ur CS Sig ei tarm per at UK salve 11 th it at DU tux 11 JS gives 1 a far trw 1 alpa t balc an an idal 11 clis curg they coa con fain taryl t and arc ar aa an remedy t rw aws ww ONE g EASY TO TAKE TAM QUICK TO ACT is am or by GIVES IZI icca tun if the price so cents A Is at to the RELIEF chemical company nc 10 spruce rv SUM new aorl sample TW I 1 so acito cents hon uon J BRIANS book ALL wha arc interested in furthering the sale of HON we J BRYANS new bool should correspond immediately with the publishers the work will contain an account of or his campaign tour his biography written by bis wife his most important speeches the result of the campaign of zago 8 A review of the political mr bryan has anjou announced h his I 1 s intention of devoting one half of all royalties to fur the cause of bimetallism there arc are 9 already indications of an enormous sah Ad address driess W B CONKEY CO publishers dearborn CHICAGO st so SMITH AITH AND D TOT HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 1 GENERAL 13 RAL NIO ALL guaranteed ow PRICE UTAH utan sew news a nit balm o 0 mae por YM tw ik le juves 4 of stiver fat of Is unit klimof uthai uzhai stan L deft LEADS IS lip ecial its Is dertle coln terud ter fd als la Is ifs is emits ajaj in 11 I tents wiss in t tho rho great Sil silver verDail daily TU na N 1 euy uy ua 4 issay wt at sl m anit iss tar oai a laseur 1 I 1 tl ab for hampto 1 aery r of f y beads the PRIN 11 CO ti taTer THE SCIENCE OF irrigation master it by reading irrigation farming A book of pages pa and illustrations bound in cloth price saby 2 by mail prepaid pre paid we print the best agrical tural journal on earth try it and keep posted address HELD FIELD AN AND FARM DENVER COL KEEP MONEY AT H HOKIE 0 ril EW E W by insuring in the HOME FIRE OF UTAH CAPITAL 26 HEBER GRANT CO gen abts salt lake bare cathartic cat bartic the most won bertul hedw of 1 W abet WM d te tb ur IM 0 fla 1116 nd d po rely eo IZ boey soya wed and lic coldin S ur oki nuro entire or 3 ehll d care hJ dob levar er bab va too and aw bay bar ed 4 uy UV bol dx y aussy to ewe W straff 1144 il j |